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单词 X-ray
释义  Related topics: HospitalX-ray1 /ˈeks reɪ/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. MHa beam of radiation(1) that can go through solid objects and is used for photographing the inside of the body X射线,X光 →4  See picture of 见图 X-ray2  MHa photograph of part of someone’s body, taken using X-rays to see if anything is wrong X 光片 The X-ray showed that her leg was not broken. X光片显示她的腿没有骨折。3  MHa medical examination made using X-rays X光检查 → radiography I had to go to hospital for an X-ray. 我不得不去医院做X光检查。 a chest X-ray 胸部X光检查Examples from the CorpusX-ray• Kemp was taken to the hospital for X-rays of his arm.• However, X-ray analysis has shown that all these forms of carbon consist of small graphite-like crystals.• We'll have to take some X-rays to make sure there are no broken bones.• All Jason needs now is another set of braces as well as special X-rays to track his progress.• They may include blood tests, X-rays or scans.• And unlike X-rays and other sorts of scanning there is no surgery or radiation.• When X-rays were taken there sure enough was a needle.Related topics: HospitalX-ray2 verb [transitive]  MHto photograph the inside of someone’s body using X-rays 用X光拍照,给…照X光 The problem was only discovered when her lungs were X-rayed. 她的肺部照了X光后才发现有问题。→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusX-ray• All bags are X-rayed before being put on the planes.• Jack went to his doctor, who X-rayed the toe.Origin X-ray1 (1800-1900) Translation of German X-strahl, X representing “unknown”X-ray1 nounX-ray2 verbChinese  can beam radiation(1) go through a that of solid Corpus




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