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单词 Heretic
1. Cranmer was put to death as a heretic.
2. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.
3. Ali censures the heretic with a playful stare.
4. He also did business with another heretic, Sir John Cheyne of Beckford, but no suspicion ever fell upon himself.
5. Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.
6. Does the heretic suddenly fear the flames of academic oblivion?
7. He was regarded as heretic by the common people.
8. The heretic met with severe persecution .
8. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
9. He has been called a fascist, a heretic and shenjingbing , a lunatic.
10. Origen was later considered to be a heretic for some of the teachings that he came up with--for example he taught that even Satan could be converted in the end.
11. That's a Netherlander privateer. You're a heretic Dutchman. You're pirates. God have mercy on you!
12. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us.
13. The so - called heretic was sent to the gallows.
14. Through describing the heretic which its forming reasons and developing process are presented to the readers.
15. Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.
16. By makers of Kult : Heretic Kingdoms ( 74 % at Gamerankings ).
17. The appellation of heretic has always been applied to the less numerous party.
18. For every heretic it burned at the stake, thousands of others rose up.
19. Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father.
20. In 1657 Crofton tried to bar him from the pulpit, as a heretic and troublemaker.
21. If the believer rejects it, he becomes to that extent a heretic.
22. Eck:German Roman Catholic theologian who opposed the reforms of Martin Luther and procured from Rome the papal bull that declared Luther a heretic (1520).
23. The identity of King Tut's father has long been a mystery. One candidate is the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten, who abandoned the gods of the state to worship a single deity.
24. But a lot of Christians in Rome,the Bishop of Rome, a lot of other people,considered Marcion a heretic for this.
25. There are no moral ambiguities here; all decisions are obvious any but a damned heretic.
26. Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism , a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.
27. Since Southern-Northern Dynasties, the Diabolism has become synonymous for some heretic Taoists. Hand in hand with the development of Taoism, it still exists in the minds of a lot of people.
28. The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.
29. All Bin Laden's rhetoric is but pretext for his malicious anti - humanity and anti - civilization heretic religion.




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