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单词 tsarism
释义  Related topics: Governmenttsar·ism, tzarism, czarism /ˈzɑːrɪzəm, ˈtsɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  PGa system of government controlled by a tsar, especially the system in Russia before 1917 1917〔尤指1917年以前俄国的〕沙皇制度,沙皇统治 —tsarist noun [countable] —tsarist adjectiveExamples from the Corpustsarism• The first revolution on the agenda, therefore, was the bourgeois-democratic overthrow of tsarism and abolition of feudal remnants.• This fuelled dissatisfaction with the repressive structures of tsarism.• The landed nobility provided tsarism with a perilously narrow social base.tsar·ism nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of controlled government a a system by




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