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单词 trowel
释义  Related topics: Gardening, Toolstrow·el /ˈtraʊəl/ noun [countable]  1. DLGTZa garden tool like a very small spade 小泥铲,小铲子〔一种园艺工具〕 →4  See picture of 见图 GARDENING →5 see picture at 见图 garden2. TZa small tool with a flat blade, used for spreading cement on bricks etc 〔泥瓦匠使用的〕泥刀,镘刀,抹子3  lay it on with a trowel British English informal to say things that make something seem much better, worse etc than it really is 过分吹捧,言过其实;过分贬低 SYN exaggerate ‘I really don’t feel too good, ’ I croaked, laying it on with a trowel. “我真的觉得不太舒服。”我哑着嗓子夸张地说。Origin trowel (1300-1400) Old French truelle, from Late Latin truella, from Latin trua “large deep spoon”trow·el nounChineseSyllable  




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