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单词 Eradicate
1. We can eradicate this disease from the world.
2. These insects are very difficult to eradicate.
3. They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
4. We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.
5. Their goal was to eradicate malaria.
6. Their goal was to eradicate smallpox.
7. Greater financial stringency is needed to eradicate inflation from the economy.
8. He spoke about what is necessary to eradicate AIDS.
9. The aim is to eradicate the disease for good.
10. Eradicate anxiety, he wrote, and Goldberg, in the margin, anxiety.
11. This is not nearly enough to eradicate poverty and can not be a total substitute for federal aid.
12. It will eradicate the power of the extremist minority in political parties.
13. Some Health Authorities pursue policies which limit or eradicate the use of part-time staff.
14. The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
15. Bismuth has also become popular in recent years as a treatment in peptic ulcer to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.
16. Under Anne, High Churchmen became preoccupied with trying to eradicate the practice of occasional conformity.
17. It is what management and business schools try to eradicate through education and training.
18. Throughout this period, an increasing emphasis was placed on tight monetary policy in an attempt to eradicate inflation.
19. Changes in the 1950s and early 1960s brought rationalised boundaries to create tighter geographical regions and eradicate penetrating lines and competition.
20. I would like to add to this that we could totally eradicate the hard core of the crisis by the year 2000.
21. Low cunning with moats Adult weevils are difficult to eradicate.
22. The advice often given is to dip heavily-populated rocks in boiling water to eradicate the pest.
23. In those optimistic times, the commission thought that if they just kept at it they could eventually eradicate the gypsy moth.
24. It therefore seems justified to recommend amoxicillin/omeprazole as the treatment of choice to eradicate H pylori in H pylori related gastroduodenal diseases.
25. Officials see a role for sophisticated eco-technology to help eradicate pollution sweeping across the region.
26. In the early 1980s the military began destroying entire villages in an attempt to eradicate civilian support for Leftist guerillas.
27. The editorial also took the position that isolation would not eradicate the disease.
28. The pact was ostensibly motivated by a desire to eradicate political dynasties and corruption in favour of political renovation and democratic change.
29. Such ignorance is unacceptable in a democratic society,[http:///eradicate.html] and whatever can be done to eradicate it should be done.
30. Malcolm Dean on the all-out bid to kill off elephantiasis History in the breaking How do you eradicate a disease?
1. We can eradicate this disease from the world.
2. These insects are very difficult to eradicate.
3. They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.
4. The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
31. This is a brown crustacean, half the size of the end of a pencil, that is extremely difficult to eradicate.
32. He trained them to store supplies, to weave a secret communications web and to eradicate spies and informers.
33. This aid would also have to be continued in the longer term in order to totally eradicate certain diseases.
34. The effectiveness of a procedure can, however, also be defined as its ability to eradicate tumour locally.
35. Do you genuinely and sincerely investigate customer complaints and try to eradicate the causes?
36. Their aim is to eradicate child poverty in the country within 10 years.
37. This does not eradicate the distinctiveness of each religion's approach.
38. So popular were the proscribed celebrations that it proved quite impossible to eradicate them completely.
39. Market forces will not eradicate poverty at a global level any more than they were able to at a national level.
40. The answer is to drop back to conscious competence every now and again to check things out and eradicate the bad habits.
41. Despite the rapid growth of recent years, poverty is proving stubbornly hard to eradicate.
42. It a disease which threatens to eradicate them all.
43. The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating.
44. This dose of medicine will eradicate your erysipelas.
45. It is said that scabies is hard to eradicate.
46. Once an area is infected with bluetongue, the disease is even harder to eradicate than foot - and - mouth.
47. The situation of commercial bribery which boasts the features of prevalence, diversity, complexity and covertness is getting worse in China. It is still a long way ahead to effectively eradicate this.
48. Targeting peroxiredoxin I/II by Adenanthin, a naturally occurring diterpenoid, to induce differentiation and eradicate leukemia-initiating cells of acute promyelocytic leukemia.
49. In the future, if spots of pigment appear, it will require another regimen of spreading the monobenzone cream on the affected areas for weeks or months to eradicate the new pigment.
50. Do you really think that security companies want to eradicate hackers?
51. Under normal circumstances the immune system will eradicate an infectious agent using antibodies and T cells as its main weapons.
52. The state and federal governments doled out millions of dollars to various agencies to eradicate them.
53. To create his form of utopian socialism, society must eradicate this way of thinking and behaving over time through education.
54. Carbogen plus low- concentration oxygen radiotherapy eradicate the enhanced damage of irradiation on bone marrow by carbogen, and indicate of radio-protective effects some degree.
54. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
55. Corruption is widely seen as endemic and "extremely difficult to eradicate", Hellman, the senior governance advisor, to the Bank's Indonesia resident mission says.
56. It cost Florida orange growers more than $6 million between 1915 and 1933 to eradicate citrus canker in the southeastern United States.
57. Conclusions The effect of 2 weeks omeprazole triple therapy is much better than tagamet triple therapy in DU. But HP eradicate rate is samilar in the two groups.
58. In order to justify ourselves through the test of governing, reforming and opening-up and practising market economy, we must punish corruption harshly and eradicate the corruptive phenomenon.
59. Scientists are working to find a serum to eradicate the disease.
60. We feel that non-traditional, possibly innovative approaches will be required to eradicate these stem-like cancer cells and ultimately cure ovarian cancer.
61. Antibiotics alone could not eradicate the infection of the cephalohematoma, and surgical incision and drainage resulted in obvious clinical improvement.
62. The hand operation is a simple, easy to learn, to lessen and eradicate the symptoms.
63. Science is a kind of sharp weapon to destroy feudalistic superstition and eradicate evil religions.
64. MRSA has proved to be an intractable problem in hospitals, despite repeated government initiatives – concentrating on improved staff hygiene and deep-cleaning programmes – to eradicate it.
65. To control and eradicate the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora is important and necessary for biodiversity conservation management.
66. Even if successful, they are unlikely to eradicate the Mafia.
67. Current treatment aims to eradicate it when it first appears.
68. It'set out to eradicate heresy, and ended by perpetuating it.
69. They have identified a protein in the saliva of a common South American tick, Amblyomma cajennense, that apparently reduces and can even eradicate cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells alone.
70. This premise refers to their"conceptual" differences and inconvertibility, which are what various kinds of cultural colonization want to eradicate and what the spirit...
71. This premise refers to their"conceptual" differences and inconvertibility, which are what various kinds of cultural colonization want to eradicate and what the spirit of po...
72. Despite efforts to eradicate it, corruption persists, though it doesn't accelerate.
73. The South African Government has initiated a successful Working For Water program to eradicate the problem.
74. They help eradicate disease, expand food production and increase longevity.
75. Strengthen and improving party conduct to build a linchpin is to eradicate corruption.
76. The bad phenomenon is engrained , and will be hard to eradicate.
77. To eradicate bovine hypodermosis disease Fenthion spot-on as a new medicine absorbed percutaneously was tested and exploited.
78. Valves are relatively avascular, so high dose antibiotic therapy is needed to eradicate the infection.
79. In the latest effort to eradicate child sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict has told bishops around the world to report promptly all priests suspected of paedophilia to local police.
80. Shortly after vice-president lyndon b . johnson succded john f. kennedy as president, he moved forthrightly to help eradicate a persistent evil American life :racial discrimination.
81. In the south-east Asia region, the aim is to eradicate yaws by 2012.
82. This helps eradicate the practice of eating from the same big pot.
83. Davis will not tag along as these intrepid crusaders set out to eradicate the common and glossy buckthorn, two ornamental shrubs imported in the 19th century from Europe.
84. Amitabha vows that "All sentient beings that intone my Buddha epithet will eradicate their crimes of eight billion eons and acquire merits of eight billion eons."
84. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
85. It is to eradicate poverty and ensure a better life for all.
86. We must eradicate the unhealthy tendency of cheating in exams.
87. And whenever Mao denounced one of his former comrades, the Red Guard made it their mission to eradicate the offender.
88. Now the capital's leaders have promised to eradicate the city's 60, 000 beggars: a mission that experts fear will victimise the most vulnerable.
89. An example of negative eugenics would be the attempt to eradicate a harmful recessive gene.
90. Vaccinal prevention was the most safe and effective measurement to control and eradicate tropical theileriosis.
91. Together , these technologies rapidly detect and eradicate food - borne pathogens.
92. A younger counter staff helps to eradicate the formidable image.




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