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单词 Misunderstanding
1 He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding.
2 Put aside all Facing the misunderstanding to keep cool.
3 Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding.
4 We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.
5 I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.
6 I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
7 I don't want any misunderstanding between us.
8 If love is misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfect.
9 I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly.
10 There must have been some misunderstanding. I didn't order all these books.
11 The quarrel between them rose from a misunderstanding.
12 Perhaps I was indirectly responsible for the misunderstanding.
13 There seems to be a misunderstanding between us.
14 Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.
15 I don't want any misunderstanding.
16 The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year estrangement between them.
17 We had a slight misunderstanding over the time.
18 There must be some misunderstanding!
19 The criticism derives from a misunderstanding of our aims.
20 I hope and pray that this is a misunderstanding.
21 I'm glad we've cleared that misunderstanding up.
22 The trouble ensued from this misunderstanding.
23 These criticisms are based on misunderstanding.
24 I must weigh my words to avoid any misunderstanding.
25 We had a little misunderstanding over the bill.
26 Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding.
27 His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems.
28 Terry had a little misunderstanding with the police last night.
29 There was considerable misunderstanding about the aim of the project.
30 The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose.
1 Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding.
2 We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.
3 I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.
4 I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
5 I don't want any misunderstanding between us.
6 I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly.
7 There must have been some misunderstanding. I didn't order all these books.
8 There seems to be a misunderstanding between us.
9 The trouble ensued from this misunderstanding.
10 These criticisms are based on misunderstanding.
31 There is still a fundamental misunderstanding about the real purpose of this work.
32 There must be some misunderstanding—I thought I ordered the smaller model.
33 There must have been some misunderstanding between the minister and his secretary.
34 That's clearly an misunderstanding.
35 I'll be glad to get this misunderstanding sorted out .
36 Somehow a misunderstanding arose.
37 His ridiculous comments showed a complete misunderstanding of the situation.
38 The oversimplification results in the possibility of misunderstanding by the reader.
39 This misunderstanding is yet another example of bad communication .
40 The problem arose from a misunderstanding on the part of the French.
41 All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies.
42 There must be some misunderstanding. I never asked for these chairs to be delivered.
43 There has been some misunderstanding about the position.
44 There should be no misunderstanding about that.
45 I blinked at the old wooden floor with misunderstanding.
46 Humans are emotional beings who excel at misunderstanding computers.
47 That misunderstanding led to holy wars.
48 Dave Devine, the author of the article, regrets this misunderstanding.
49 Unfortunately, the headhunter forgot to inform the candidate, so the meeting between the candidate and the client collapsed in misunderstanding.
50 Thus we have suspicion, confusion and misunderstanding, for the mental meaning underlying words varies, as do our habituated beliefs.
51 This can cause misunderstanding and conflict when in later life they talk to one another.
52 They are there to help you and will want to clear away any misunderstanding.
53 It appears that there has been some misunderstanding with regard to the sand pit cover. 3.
54 The misunderstanding was nobody's fault and was a classic example of bad communication.
55 Misunderstanding and confusion are rife sometimes causing unnecessary damage or expense, personal injury or even death.
56 The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche 
57 The first is that there still exists a widespread misunderstanding about the nature and purpose of evaluation.
58 The second misunderstanding concerns the ideas which must be present in an animal's mind if kin selection is to operate.
59 This difference of opinion was not caused by cultural misunderstanding but by social conflict.
60 The misunderstanding causes disaster when the mounted tom-cat discovers that the kitten is too small for mating.
61 What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network.
62 Reluctance and misunderstanding must in their case be dissolved as far as possible by rational persuasion.
63 The tone of my previous paragraphs is open to a misunderstanding which I must dispel.
64 But first, a brief general comment about space and time in order to forestall a possible misunderstanding.
65 This can lead to considerable misunderstanding between members of different societies as the following example provided by Otto Klineberg shows.
66 There is a misunderstanding abroad that I also suffer from this unpleasant ailment.
67 To avoid misunderstanding, even disappointment, it needs some careful qualification.
68 And in misunderstanding itself, it will, in any time of difficulty, implacably prescribe for itself the wrong remedies.
69 Those who objected to his use of stages probably did so out of a misunderstanding.
70 There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I didn't order steak.
71 The remarks about top-up by local offices was also based on a misunderstanding.
72 Meanwhile the producers hope the film will correct what they call a public misunderstanding about squatting and the law.
73 No misunderstanding causes more anxiety and brings such bondage to sensitive people in doubt.
74 Actually the quarrel was largely due to Apollinaire's careless use of terms and to a rather wilful misunderstanding on the part of Boccioni.
75 The regulations state specifically that such investigations shall be held in private,() and this sometimes leads to misunderstanding.
76 In such letters he sounded very much himself-direct, sincere, kind, and eager to dispel any possible misunderstanding.
77 It is always wise to write down important points so that there is no risk of misunderstanding.
78 Robinson said Wednesday that he had a misunderstanding with Brown over what constituted an encampment.
79 But when Christians use imagery like this they betray their misunderstanding of apocalyptic symbolism.
80 A straight-laced Wall Street banker gets mixed up in one ludicrous misunderstanding after another in George Gallo's screwball comedy.
81 Jaguar had a a hectic session, with one market maker briefly quoting 1,200p after seemingly misunderstanding a transatlantic message.
82 Then, quite suddenly, without warning, or the slightest possibility of misunderstanding, came the sensation of fear.
83 I shall deal with the second recommendation first, because it is based upon a complete misunderstanding.
84 Nevertheless, it will eliminate the risk of misunderstanding if you and your employer discuss retirement specifically.
85 This is an assumption or misunderstanding that can only have arisen from the curious vagaries of the student grants system in Britain.
86 She forgot the excitement down below, she forgot the misunderstanding that had kept them silent down the gulch.
87 He, after all, was the one so determined to do away with sham and misunderstanding.
88 The following day, Moira telephoned the Daily Telegraph with profuse apologies for the misunderstanding.
89 To misuse or break the rules of winking is to produce misunderstanding, puzzlement, complaint, or some other social reaction.
90 All this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding about the social life of cats.
91 This can lead to misunderstanding, mutual frustration, anger, quarrelling and perhaps aggression.
92 The prevailing view of such work group resistance has often been that it stems from workers' misunderstanding of management's intentions.
93 So this account seems to be based on a misunderstanding of what Labov's work has been about.
94 There has been a misunderstanding of the Government's plans from the point of view of social security benefits.
95 People often find it necessary not to say and act honestly in order to gain what they desire, or to avoid misunderstanding or conflicts. Dr T.P.Chia 
96 The cats are mistaking our messages and we, in the past, have reciprocated by misunderstanding theirs.
97 Thus Hazlitt piles up instances of how humour results from surprise, incongruity, absurdity and misunderstanding.
98 This was a classic example of big government advocates misunderstanding a problem and designing a government solution guaranteed to make it worse.
99 I was attending elsewhere to an immigration problem which was based on a misunderstanding between the Home Office and the Foreign Office.
100 Concerns that were aired by many transit executives last month were just a big bureaucratic misunderstanding, says Rep.
101 Nothing went smoothly,even when it appeared that the most minute details had been described with no further room for misunderstanding.
102 You seem to have cleared this whole misunderstanding up quite satisfactorily.
103 Books conceived in ignorance or misunderstanding are evaluated by reviewers who usually know even less.
103 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
104 Culture-specific rules and procedures of turn-taking provide ample breeding ground for misunderstanding.
105 In human intercourse the tragedy begins, not when there is misunderstanding about words, but when silence is not understood. Henry David Thoreau 
106 There must have been a misunderstanding between Theopholis and the old lady.
107 It was an interesting move pregnant with unforeseen circumstances, not least the concern and misunderstanding to which it gave rise locally.
108 For users not expert in statistics, a great deal of the output will be meaningless or open to misunderstanding.
109 We must clear away the misunderstanding.
110 Misunderstanding three : interest-free installments for free.
111 Many a quarrel as come about through a misunderstanding.
112 This is liable to cause misunderstanding.
113 Your disavowal is informed by a misunderstanding.
114 Lagerstroemia lifted after the misunderstanding with the Swallow.
115 The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.
116 Perhaps there's a underlining misunderstanding in all of this.
117 The misunderstanding between us has been cleared up.
118 This assertion rests on a misunderstanding.
119 The quarrel originate in misunderstanding.
120 Their estrangement originated in a misunderstanding.
121 " Thank you,'she said sweetly, deliberately misunderstanding his jibe.
122 A trivial misunderstanding caused a breach between them.
123 The feminist preoccupation with not being seen as a sex object was another point that led to misunderstanding.
124 Do I want to ask only have true feeling? Is everything misunderstanding or sedulous arrangement?
125 Socrate problem, consists of " Is Pharma knowledge" and "Can Pharma be taught", people have many mistranslation, misreading, misunderstanding on it for ages.
126 Xiao Liangkou have insurance awareness, but there is some misunderstanding re - light adult children.
127 It is confirmed that the theory of the overall folds of the platform cover and the Youjiang basinal synthem of South China caused by the Indosinian movement is a great misunderstanding.
128 A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.
129 Mr. Stillbrook , Gowing, Cummings, and I have a little misunderstanding.
130 Full of misunderstanding, tricking, and teasing in the novel, Emma by the famous British writer Jane Austen in early 19th century is often conceived of as a comedy of self-deceit and self-discovery.
131 Please read the Exchange Program description to avoid any misunderstanding!
132 It is the misunderstanding and misdoing of the philosophy to make the medical philosophy become unnecessary with the medicine.
133 It would certainly be a grave misunderstanding if everyone felt entitled to well-being as an " unalienable right".
134 There may be misunderstanding and rumors even slanders about heterosexual friendship.
135 However(sentence dictionary), So Called"David Ricardo′s Equal Value Theorem"Is A Misunderstanding of the Theory of David Ricardo′s Primium Bonds.
136 Recent studies at home and abroad give people misunderstanding in biological effect of microwave.
137 To obviate misunderstanding, state Directions in the most lucid way possible.
138 Misunderstanding me , Pu hurried to explain, " You don't believe me?
139 Sometimes an arguer will deliberately, sneakily equivocate, often on words like "freedom," "justice," "rights," and so forth; other times, the equivocation is a mistake or misunderstanding.
140 Otherwise, it will probably make misunderstanding, and make the version prolixity.
141 That is where the term "Indian giver"came from. a simple cultural misunderstanding.
142 Zhi Qing refuses to clarify matters, causing a deeper misunderstanding between the couple.
143 There is a general misunderstanding that Wang Guowei sat twice for the Provincial Examination (a type of provincial official test regularly held in the Ming and Qing Dynasties).
144 In this case, planning poker serves as a cross-check, preventing a gross misunderstanding about the scope of the user story.
145 It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party.
146 This misunderstanding should be regarded as the fundamental legal reason led to the complexity and insolubility of the compensation problem.
147 Another misunderstanding is to consider Mongolian long-tune as monolithic, but not pay attention to its internal diversity in the branch system.
148 Noise, perceived control, perceived freshness and misunderstanding all discussed as possible causes for the apparent disjunction.
149 In actual life, think " beautiful feminine ability has good passion, and pie-eyed female cannot have good passion " the person is not scarce, actual this is a kind of misunderstanding.
150 Also graphical design and prototype simulation are emphasized to overcome the designing error due to requirement misunderstanding.
151 Please read the Exchange Program description very carefully to avoid any misunderstanding!
152 It is an admirable method to avoid misunderstanding and mistranslation of the source text, which often provides insight into the source culture.
153 Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
154 Another big misunderstanding of previous decades was to confuse nomadism with migration or travel.
155 If the attack really was the result of a spur-of-the-moment misunderstanding or overreaction, this is by no means good news for the risk profile of the Korean peninsula.
156 I such assiduously learn English with as for drive classmate misunderstanding.
157 This misunderstanding is harmful to the development of historiography and hinders its exertion of social function.
158 An Italian foreign ministry spokesman said there had been a misunderstanding about the "sherpa" phone calls.
159 The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence was confronted with seriously historic misunderstanding and lack of systematical research in reality.
160 Under the force, the painter and conductor of each alternative to save and pilots in the bathroom, mustachioed mid-team leader in several funny misunderstanding, they finally connected to the head.
161 According to Xiao Beiying, an associate professor at Huaqiao University, pu-wen-er fans tend to behave frivolously and the phenomenon might lead to the misunderstanding of Internet culture.
162 At Tanjung Pinang island, a lady consulted Medium Bao about her frequent sickness and insomnia after an unfortunate misunderstanding with her neighbor.
163 On the other hand, we must beware of a very common misunderstanding of Darwinism.
163 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
164 As for my first misunderstanding to the "gaudy" is only a lucky chance and coincidence. Because so called "gaudy" is also inspired from using of folk-custom colors.
165 The overhead cost of all the translation, plus the risk of misunderstanding, is just too high.
166 This will then help to eliminate misunderstanding, and appropriately solve trade disputes between countries.
167 Why shoehorn one specified part into the other; the mere presence of popular misunderstanding of the distinction seems a poor reason to me.
168 The argument about " conceding " numerical inequality was due either to a misunderstanding or to demagoguery.
169 The opaqueness of China's military buildup "increases the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation, " the Pentagon warned last month in its annual report to the U.S. Congress.
170 Obviously is similar, actually has innumerably hostilely with the misunderstanding, has the language really is good?
171 But some people take those quotes as gospel, and that can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding.
172 If you and your buddy aren't on the same wavelength, the flood of ambiguous nonverbal cues can lead to misunderstanding and befuddlement.
173 Once moreover she thought the inborn unattractiveness is the proud capital, Can look down upon the appearance average perhaps the ugly child, This has created the misunderstanding to the child.
174 Because of misunderstanding of some historical materials, many people think that Simaqian was a disbeliever of fortune, even a man who denied fate.
175 The third part, in the normative and limitations of formally legal reasoning of the discussions, and the people for a long time for a traditional logic in the form of misunderstanding.
176 No claim for additional payment shall be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor in the Bill of Quantities.
177 Master Jervie and I got into a dreadful muddle of misunderstanding.
178 Would you please tell me that all of this is my misapprehension ( misunderstanding )?
179 He worried more and more that he was misunderstanding simple English greetings and table talk conventions.
180 This paper discloses the problems of "antonymous defining", analyses the text and the point of view of GUO Pu in his annotation, and concludes that it is a misunderstanding of GUO Pu's view.
181 To disserve and oppose the judicial independence and the lead of the Party is prejudice and misunderstanding.
182 A counter offer must be written very explicicitly and very carefully in order to avoid misunderstanding.
183 Wouldn't a mere indication from my cousin clear up the misunderstanding? ".
184 There and then were sown the seeds of future misunderstanding.
185 It is quite common that some misunderstanding in significant digits or improper data processing are observed in the papers on powder metallurgy.
186 People always make some misunderstanding for the sampling rate and dynamic range of shallow seismograph.
187 The small boy's misunderstanding of the difference in measuring temperature on a Fahrenheit and a Celsius scale causes him to believe that he is dying of a high fever.
188 The paper holds that out of the social practice of mankind anthropocentrism should be stuck to but confined to a certain extent only and that misunderstanding of anthropocentrism be opposed to.
189 So while the Japanese infantryman preparing to meet his Soviet counterpart could be in high spirits, his misunderstanding and misconceptions about the Red Army were about to exact a terrible price.
190 Earlier, Father Joannes Kang Kil-woong of Gwangju archdiocese said: "Our life always has unwelcome guests like poverty, disease, accident, misunderstanding and blame."
191 In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
192 Cates concludes: "Deliberate attempts to characterize the evidence as demonstrating the 'ineffectiveness of condoms' constitute a misunderstanding of what the report states.
193 As we answer questions apologetics removes misunderstanding of the gospel.
194 Therefore, when the misunderstanding occurred when it is necessary to write a love letter of explanation.
195 Intuition is what enables a woman size up a situation in a flash of misunderstanding.
196 Usually we have a misunderstanding, capital preservation funds as equity income.
197 I had to ensure there could be no misunderstanding, so the Shah could make informed decisions.




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