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单词 Formidable
(1) No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition. 
(2) In debate he was a formidable opponent.
(3) Competition from established businesses can be formidable.
(4) The task was a formidable one.
(5) She has a formidable intellect.
(6) They had to overcome formidable obstacles.
(7) We have a formidable task ahead of us.
(8) The two players together make a formidable combination.
(9) He met with a woman with a formidable appearance.
(10) She has a formidable list of qualifications.
(11) The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.
(12) Somehow the small but formidable woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son.
(13) The head of the research section was a formidable old professor.
(14) The task looks formidable.
(15) There are formidable obstacles on the road to peace.
(16) He was a four-square and formidable hero.
(17) There's no formidable obstacles in the world.
(18) He fronted a formidable band of fighters.
(19) The new range of computers have formidable processing power.
(20) He remained a formidable opponent.
(21) He had a formidable stage presence.
(22) Monsieur Valentin was a formidable political operator.
(23) The elderly are a formidable force in any election.
(24) The customer is faced with a formidable array of products.
(25) Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music.
(26) She was one of the most formidable intellects of her time.
(27) An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag. 
(28) A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
(29) She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.
(30) He worked in the property business for a number of years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-dealer.
(1) In debate he was a formidable opponent.
(2) Competition from established businesses can be formidable.
(3) The task was a formidable one.
(4) She has a formidable intellect.
(5) They had to overcome formidable obstacles.
(6) We have a formidable task ahead of us.
(7) The two players together make a formidable combination.
(8) She has a formidable list of qualifications.
(9) The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.
(10) Somehow the small but formidable woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son.
(11) She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.
(12) The head of the research section was a formidable old professor.
(13) The task looks formidable.
(31) My tennis is really improving - I've got a formidable two-handed backhand.
(32) He was one of the most formidable intellects of his time.
(33) He combined a formidable intellect with a talent for speaking.
(34) They faced formidable difficulties in their attempt to reach the mountain summit.
(35) Men found her formidable.
(36) Russia still has a formidable nuclear arsenal.
(37) Thereafter it evolved rapidly into a formidable force.
(38) Not surprisingly, this approach met with formidable operational difficulties.
(39) It's a deal considering the formidable size.
(40) Manchester United will prove a formidable opponent this season.
(41) It was a formidable and extremely expensive task.
(42) There he was a formidable force.
(43) Other status groups erect less formidable barriers to entry.
(44) A formidable opponent, I suspect.
(45) They were organised and formidable teams before its formation.
(46) She was above all a most formidable female.
(47) This arboreal lizard is a formidable predator.
(48) There are of course formidable difficulties to be overcome.
(49) Chess posed a formidable challenge for computer scientists.
(50) In the House, the task is more formidable.
(51) MacArthur's guard was a formidable force.
(52) He looked taller, more formidable, more patrician.
(53) Carter turns out to be formidable, commanding and a real stage actress.
(54) To begin with, these forces have created the most formidable barrier to animal movement on earth.http://
(55) Wings bigger and blacker and more formidable than any he had yet seen.
(56) They watched with grave concern the formidable ascent of U2.
(57) It was well fitted out, with a formidable medicine chest.
(58) The real challenge will be to attract an audience and advertisers against formidable rivals.
(59) The list of prescribed topics may look formidable, but not all need to be covered in depth.
(60) Builth Castle Formidable earthworks remains of a substantial motte and bailey.
(61) Only two years established, barely thirty-three years old, and already he had a reputation as formidable as his father's.
(62) But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
(63) And the most formidable threats to reproductive destiny that a human individual faces come from other human individuals.
(64) His campaign apparatus looks more formidable than his numbers in various polls seem to show.
(65) All this proved a formidable challenge to our sweeper, a delightful Rajasthani lady named Murti.
(66) Edna Gilmartin looked more youthful and less formidable than I seemed to remember her from the ticket line at the Cort Theater.
(67) Durable Free State prop Piet Bester has proved a technically formidable opponent.
(68) Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
(69) Like her husband, she has formidable political skills and impressive recuperative powers.
(70) Together they represented a formidable force, but the big question was whether they could work together.
(71) For example, the modelling of the corporate sector, particularly allowing for imperfect competition, is likely to pose formidable problems.
(72) The Dwarfs were hard pressed at first, but eventually saw the Orcs off with the help of their formidable cannons.
(73) This constraint would be formidable enough without the second challenge of having assumed office presented with a fait accompli.
(74) The problems of sifting out the valuable and proven ingredients of native medicines are formidable.
(75) The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative.
(76) The almost automatic acceptance of those same initiatives by the legislature as a whole is assured by the formidable mechanisms of party.
(77) He supposed he'd have to consult that formidable biddy at the desk.
(78) Ships are noisy places Ocean-going tankers and oil platforms are formidable places in terms of stray radio transmission.
(79) Aidan O'Brien has a formidable crop of three-year-olds but nowhere to run them as matters stand.
(80) Rehnquist was also a great scholar and a formidable intellect; no one insisted on this more forcefully than his political enemies.
(81) Once I got there, of course, I found myself faced with formidable new hurdles.
(82) The team faces some formidable opponents in the next week.
(83) Collectively they are evidence of a coherent, deeply felt, formidable body of opinion within the present Conservative parliamentary party.
(84) In pursuing this object, they had the formidable weapons of their superior knowledge and direct executive control.
(85) Rehnquist was a great scholar who possessed a formidable intellect.
(86) How to tantalize our lower-middle-class students was a formidable task.
(87) The statutory requirements for the introduction of any new drug are particularly formidable.
(88) Instead they funded the rapid development of Britain into a major industrial economy and formidable international power.
(89) It turns out that despite the accolades of later historians, Davy had formidable competition for the creation of a lamp.
(90) Thereafter she toured the world with formidable endurance under often gruelling conditions of travel, climate, and work.
(91) It also saw Joyce and Rourke emerging as a formidable rhythm section.
(92) Damp is a formidable enemy and too much warmth as great a one, especially where leather bindings are concerned.
(93) They face the formidable task of working out a peace plan.
(94) Any attack on Beaumaris would have been presented with formidable problems.
(95) Mr Palumbo assembled a formidable team of architects and planners.
(96) At their most fully developed business information systems provide a formidable challenge to the creativity of archivists and historians alike.
(97) He had a formidable gift for debate when he was allowed to debate in a spontaneous way.
(98) And he will probably try to rally the formidable and disgruntled forces of the opposition to destabilise and unseat Mr Sharif.
(99) Selim had formidable obstacles to overcome, however, in modernising the archaic structure of the Ottoman empire.
(100) Full documentation for successful courses was requested by 28 February and most colleges managed to meet this formidable deadline!
(101) He was a man of great political sagacity and formidable resolution.
(102) With her piercing sharp dark eyes, she presented a formidable impression.
(103) But modern publishers knew they needed a very formidable, sure-selling author to make the installment plan succeed.
(104) To scoff at or curse the little men was to court disaster, for they made formidable enemies.
(105) Arthur's great fortress lies further north at Cadbury, a huge hill which still bears the remnants of a formidable fortress.
(106) Completing the trio of golden girls is Millicent Martin - it's a formidable combination.
(107) The political difficulties included the moral dictatorship of Pandit Nehru and his family, which posed formidable succession problems.
(108) The Pennines presented the most formidable obstacles of all to the canals, but even they were successfully overcome.
(109) North West side Brigade stand in the way of North Down's success - and they look to be formidable opposition.
(110) But if it came to a pitched battle, the phalanx of heavily armed, well-mounted knights was a very formidable weapon.
(111) Has he signed up one of the most formidable Arabs to ride for his expanding pro team?
(112) There is a formidable list of those in religious orphanages and reform schools whose tears were not respected.
(113) Denbighshire have matched Flintshire's show of strength by naming their most formidable line-up in pursuit of the coveted last-four ticket.
(114) He generally fielded at point and his underhand bowling was formidable.
(115) So Abelard's theory seems to present me with a challenge as formidable as climbing Mount Everest.
(116) In a curious way he seemed more formidable than before.
(117) But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly.
(118) The formidable pile of stores on the pier was quickly demolished by a waiting crowd of willing helpers.
(119) Canny trading played a big part in making the Orioles so formidable.
(120) Harvard has assembled a formidable team of black academics under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates,[Sentencedict] a dazzling self-publicist.
(121) Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.
(122) He looked somehow smarter and more formidable now, than at the funeral.
(123) She was there every single night, a formidable figure in her long, black skirt, cardigan and black straw hat.
(124) He is a formidable reader and a talented conversationalist with a gift for listening.
(125) He did, in fact, look every bit as formidable in his sleep as he did when awake.
(126) When legislation touches freedom of thought and freedom of speech, such a tendency is a formidable enemy of the free spirit.
(127) Mr. Greenway I congratulate my right hon. Friend on his formidable and invaluable contribution to the outcome of the Maastricht negotiations.
(128) This is a formidable new agenda to be imposed - and implemented within a very short time-scale - on top of the existing programme.
(129) A coalition of the young and old might, from even the most tentative beginnings, grow into a formidable force.
(130) As his voice carries through the vast auditorium, the piped music cowers against such formidable odds.
(131) White beard, formidable mustache, and bushy white eyebrows did nothing to make him look grandfatherly.
(132) Sheltering the village with is impressive yet formidable presence is the north face of the Eiger.
(133) To be sure, formidable obstacles lie ahead for advocates of a merger.
(134) The character who can maintain such an idea is a formidable opponent to established order.
(135) This elegant insect is a formidable greenfly guzzler and its larvae are particularly good at exterminating these ubiquitous pests.
(136) Don't you worry, some of the women I've met have proved to be the most formidable of foes.
(137) A formidable lady, she had founded the Atchison Institute, a private school for young ladies and gentlemen in Atchison.
(138) The combination could make him an even more formidable figure in years to come.
(139) The task is formidable and impossible to achieve without international cooperation.
(140) Lockyer has already shown himself to be formidable in the legislative arena.
(141) However, the interdependence of hardware and software poses formidable technical difficulties to running programs so transferred.
(142) The new managers obviously had their work cut out for them: learning how to be a manager was a formidable task.
(143) A sizable menu presents the diner with many formidable dilemmas.
(144) A formidable figure she was too, in her belted smock and green breeches./formidable.html
(145) We can not refuse, because we are in awe of the formidable women running the PTA.
(146) He combined outstanding intellectual ability with a vigorous, highly disciplined, and formidable personality.
(147) Strangely, there is both the outlaw and the patriot in this formidable cricketer.
(148) Something else, wilder, uninhibited, even more formidable than her mind, was completely in charge.
(149) On the road, the girls sleep ten hours a night, eat many and formidable meals and take long afternoon naps.
(150) Glasser still stands in awe of this formidable, feckless man.
(151) However her outspoken opinions mask an iron determination matched by a formidable charm and sharp turn of phrase.
(152) When it came to assembling facts and details, the system was a formidable obstacle.
(153) Harvard has a formidable team of black academics, working under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates.
(154) Thus, the obstacle facing the world in the Olympic baseball competition is a formidable one.
(155) Turning to leave he saw a jiffy-bag of formidable bulk addressed to himself in Sixsmith's tremulous hand.
(156) The stairs were a formidable obstacle to son Michael, also, since we lived in a bungalow.
(157) Getting started in aerial photography is sometimes a formidable hurdle.
(158) Alone with Damian Flint Rachel found him even more formidable than he had at first appeared.
(159) But his presence was every bit as formidable in its modest way as that of the patrician Heifetz.
(160) A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. Nelson Mandela 
(161) With Loverboys, Castillo turns her formidable gifts to short fiction.
(162) As with care within the household, the provision of care from outside can be a formidable task.
(163) If Nissan, Toyota and the others fail to tap this source they will still be formidable firms all around the world.
(164) The resource implications of a meaningful software acquisition programme are formidable.
(165) The obstacles to a comeback for the reformers are formidable.
(166) Not one hospital, school or daycare centre closed-a formidable testament to an extraordinary feat of economic juggling.
(167) He admired Kaas' lack of fear, saw it as a formidable weapon in such a cool-thinking operative.
(168) A distillation of the riches of the existing law would be a most formidable task.
(169) These techniques now provide the analyst with a formidable armoury with which to attack the many scientific problems associated with art research.
(170) Working out an effective strategy to control it rather than let it control us is a formidable challenge.
(171) He remains a formidable political operator and is usually at his best on the hustings.
(172) He had, until then, been very unwilling to encroach on the authority of his formidable Secretary of State.
(173) The island looms larger until we sight its famous landmark, the Abbey - grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.
(174) To gain and maintain his hold over the Company Sulivan had to become a formidable politician and he inevitably made many enemies.
(175) Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak[Sentence dictionary], and esteem to all. George Washington 
(176) Beyond mere rhetoric, Church leaders have skillfully capitalized on their formidable influence in Catholic countries.
(177) She had no vision of money as an independent power, or a formidable opponent.
(178) As a huge block of population and economic strength, the Community will be formidable.
(179) Making money and turning out literate graduates are themselves formidable tasks, made none the easier when burdened with idealistic moral baggage.
(180) If Clarke had intended to pursue his enquiries further, he obviously thought better of it under that formidable gaze.
(181) Henry Livings faced formidable problems in tackling this new translation of the original Barber.
(182) It is a formidable problem of optimisation but it is, at least, a potential solution.
(183) Each member of the troupe had to sign the formidable contract.
(184) Somehow this small but formidable woman made her way through the throng to reach her son.
(185) Here was a formidable and measureless step.
(186) The teacher is a formidable disciplinarian.
(187) And a long-drawn procession of formidable names it was!
(188) The assistants raised a formidable hurrah.
(189) What also used to be modest meat and dairy enterprises have grown into formidable agri-businesses dominating Paraguayan livestock farming.
(190) If he can learn from the organization's past mistakes, he could make al Qaeda even more formidable than it was under bin Ladin.
(191) Mr Hoffa and his team are formidable, and the Hoffa name still has a lot of sway in the labour world.
(192) This woman was too young to be on the formidable level of wifehood.
(193) Golda Meir, Israel Once called "the only man in the Cabinet," Golda Meir was a formidable figure in Israeli politics.
(194) Back in the 1970s, when the Death of Equities was declared and top-quality U.S. stocks sold for similar valuations, the competition was formidable in the form of double-digit bond yields.
(195) There are expansive coastland and complicated nature and social condition, so the task of constructing coastal defense forest is formidable.
(196) The setoff game external formidable function, lets play the family sufficiently to be able enjoys the true pleasure which in "Misty rain Variant Reason" tours to the knight-errant net.
(197) The stomatopathy is the frequent formidable disorder in clinic in HIV/AIDS patients.
(198) German tuner Reiter Engineering specializes in taking Lamborghini models and making them formidable racing machines.
(199) He writes in English and has a formidable knowledge of English literature. Moreover, he once lives in British colony in the West Indies, so his creativity is the gleanings of different culture.
(200) By combining a common bottle of Wine and Varham's Aqua Vitae, you can create an elixir to bring back your energy, and make you a more formidable opponent!
(201) The details and negotiations for such an arrangement would be formidable but doable.
(202) Against this formidable dynamic, America has erected two lines of defense: name-calling, and hectoring about diet and exercise.
(203) The task of writing such is not as formidable as it seems if it is thought out in advance as a definite procedure with systematic perpetration.
(204) Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of " do's " and " don'ts ".
(204) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(205) Warlock is a formidable, but the early game is very annoying, bad practiced.
(206) Norwegian fossil hunters recovered the rear half of the formidable reptile's skull in south-west Spitsbergen in what has been described as one of the most significant Jurassic discoveries ever made.
(207) Encased in plate armour, these men are formidable when they choose to fight on foot.
(208) Our opposition have a formidable home record so it is imperative that we take at least a two goal lead from this match.
(209) Formalism was become catch the archenemy that fulfil, became influence reform, development, stable formidable enemy.
(210) But for various reasons, the education development priority has formed the formidable contrast in the developed country, the developing country and the least developed country.
(211) With their spears, maces and tough armour, these are formidable shock troops.
(212) In December, Vietnam signed an arms deal with Russia that included six Kilo-class submarines, which would give Vietnam the most formidable submarine fleet in Southeast Asia.
(213) Samples of his calligraphy, fashioned by Buchinger holding a pen in between his unarticulated fin-like excrescences, are saved in the collections of the world's most formidable institutions.
(214) Serve as information " centrally " , sohu, sina, Tecent, Netease expedited formidable reportorial battle array, present all-time and substantial Olympic Games information for the netizen.
(215) Hussein's mastery of this challenge stamped him as a formidable personality.
(216) The terrorist sieges all round the industrial park, initiates a round firepower formidable fly upon, hits special police officers no place to hide to be on the verge of death.
(217) Development is a dimensions western the area with baronial , very formidable task develops a project.
(218) " Perot as kingmaker , " he says tactfully, " is a more formidable proposition than as candate. "
(219) Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli(ETEC) strains remain a formidable cause of diarrheal disease.
(220) He spent his two years in Newgate prison editing his newspaper - and stoking up the anger that would make him a formidable conservative radical, or reactionary revolutionary.
(221) They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective match.
(222) As a Dorin, Koon naturally possessed highly developed extrasensory organs that supplement his already formidable Jedi attributes.
(223) The environment right infringement liability insurance formidable disperser and passes the burden the risk function, deeply is polluted the enterprise and the pollution accident victim's favor.
(224) The Guo Burong happily laughs: Don't have to count on I tell you, this is Luda constructs the most formidable man-made solar experiment.
(225) Sporting a 20 round magazine, it is a formidable rifle in the hands of an experienced firer.
(226) When he drew upon the Force to do battle, however, he overcame his otherwise brutish, clumsy nature to become a formidable opponent.
(227) "Perot as kingmaker," he says tactfully, "is a more formidable proposition than Perot as candidate."
(228) So while the TouchPad isn't a slam-dunk for the company, WebOS might still end up being a formidable competitor to Apple's iOS and Google's Android.
(229) Immediately Roger, who a minute before had seemed dignified - more than that, formidable - took on sheepish smile.
(230) A technical edge and customers'trust amounts to a formidable barrier to entry.
(231) Repass 21 centuries head effort of 20 years, basic implementation is industrialized, it is the historical task with our country formidable modernization.
(232) At each stage of development the trematode encounters formidable hazards.
(233) Palate: Full bodied with dense layers of tight, saturated Cabernet fruit. A formidable concentration of berried fruits, blackcurrant and anise combine to create a rich and expansive mid-palate.
(234) The best defensive spell available to a Sorceress is manifest in this formidable armor.
(235) What could the amphibious creature have been, who,[http:///formidable.html] by this terrible blow had destroyed the formidable dugong?
(236) Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination.
(237) He has given Englishspeaking readers access to a formidable roster of Latin American authors, including Cortdzar, Garcia Mdrquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Amado and Octavio Paz.
(238) He took on the formidable task of reforming the whole system.
(239) IIRC, the most formidable European infantry of the 15th century were the close-packed Swiss pikemen.
(240) BBN has developed the ARTS array vehicle concept specifically to address the formidable problems of low-frequency active sonar sources.
(241) Equally formidable is Microsoft, cutting its impressive swath through the software world.
(242) And so Slaven Bilic's players, formidable when beating England home and away in the Euro 2008 campaign, were cut down to size, this time definitively.
(243) The Turkish army must play to its strengths, namely its formidable mounted archers and janissary units.
(244) Household troops of the Tsar, these are formidable ,[/formidable.html] well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry.
(245) He was a formidable polymath, doing important work in mathematics, physics, logic, the study of formal and natural languages, and many other disciplines.
(246) In the eyes of despotic governments, who are always interested in having liberty calumniate itself, the Revolution of July committed the fault of being formidable and of remaining gentle.
(247) In order to let play the family to be able enjoy relaxedly to promote Wugong's pleasure, "Misty rain Variant Reason" the built-in function formidable has practiced the level system automatically.
(248) Fittingly for his formidable reputation, he was also known as Arthur Pendragon.
(249) On top of a formidable price tag, a lack of industrial standardization and inadequate infrastructure network are also cited as major obstacles for plug-in vehicles.
(250) Fernando Torres scored in the 33rd minute and the Spaniards never backed down against such a formidable opponent.
(251) But the reality of these formidable challenges should not dishearten us.
(252) We both thought the best resource was flight, when pursued by so formidable an antagonist.
(253) Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination ( Mario Puzo ) ...
(254) The Japanese file formidable opponents and they got off to a flying start in the match.
(255) Overhauling all of Sony, however, was a far more formidable task.
(256) Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses.




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