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单词 tribalism
释义  Related topics: Anthropology, Governmenttrib·al·is·m /ˈtraɪbəl-ɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  1. SAbehaviour and attitudes that are based on strong loyalty to your tribe 部落意识[习性]2. SAPGthe state of being organized into tribes 部落制度Examples from the Corpustribalism• Members of such communities would be anonymous, making defence difficult: tribalism can be very effective on a network.• Hence also the exaggerated tribalism, the bullheaded racism of an Alf Garnett, the dogged male chauvinism of an Andy Capp.• The tribalism of the town's Ga majority was given heavy emphasis.trib·al·is·m nounChineseSyllable  and attitudes strong on behaviour Corpus based are that




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