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单词 malcontent
释义  mal·con·tent /ˈmælkəntent $ ˌmælkənˈtent/ noun [countable]  formalPROBLEM someone who is likely to cause trouble because they are not happy with the way things are organized – used to show disapproval 不满者,反叛者〔含贬义〕Examples from the Corpusmalcontent• Spies, criminals, and malcontents.• Don't assume that we are all Luddite malcontents afraid of change.• He attributes the statue controversy to a handful of malcontents.• political malcontents• No more will I look down my nose at whining, spineless malcontents.• Mordovia is the cesspit into which are flushed the malcontents and malefactors of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.• Silence gave the malcontents the chance they wanted.• That seemed unlikely to win over the malcontents, but it may have been just enough to get the president home.mal·con·tent nounChineseSyllable  they is someone likely to because Corpus who trouble cause




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