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单词 Channels
1. All channels of communication need to be kept open.
2. Formal communication channels are usually vertical.
3. I changed channels when the news came on.
4. The news came through private channels.
5. Where's the whatsit that you change channels with?
6. Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.
7. Complaints should be made through the proper/usual channels.
8. The company has worldwide distribution channels.
9. Your complaint must be made through the proper channels.
10. An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.
11. The sliding doors fit into these plastic channels.
12. Journalists always have indirect channels for getting information.
13. Irrigation channels supply the crops with water.
14. The navigable channels have all been charted.
15. We were broadcasting on all the major channels.
16. Here, the river divides into three channels.
17. He channels his aggression into sport.
18. The estate has fountains and water channels.
19. The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.
20. The ad appeared on all major channels.
21. Those are channels through which the emotions might pour.
22. The river had carved channels in the limestone rock.
23. You need a decoder to get these channels.
24. Dave just sat there, zapping through all the channels.
25. Complaints must be made through the proper channels.
26. Complaints must go through the proper channels.
27. He has secret channels of information.
28. Such complaints must go through the proper channels.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. We can receive up to 500 cable channels.
30. He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.
1. All channels of communication need to be kept open.
2. Formal communication channels are usually vertical.
3. I changed channels when the news came on.
4. Where's the whatsit that you change channels with?
5. He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.
6. The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.
31. He changed channels to watch the basketball game.
32. The molten metal channels into the troughs.
33. There are three channels ploughed out by a river.
34. When we bought the television, we decided to go for the full monty - a large screen, 38 channels and a video.
35. If you want a visa, you will have to go through the proper channels.
36. Moscow and the Baltic republics are re-opening channels of communication.
37. The United States and other countries are working through diplomatic channels to find a solution.
38. The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.
39. There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land.
40. The new software will be sold through existing distribution channels .
41. Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social mobility.
42. It is important that we open channels of communication with the police.
43. The government hopes to settle the dispute through diplomatic channels.
44. The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.
45. She first tried to get a doctor's certificate through official channels.
46. Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing.
47. The past two years have seen the proliferation of TV channels.
48. We must open the channels of communication between the two countries.
49. You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.
50. There will be a major incentive among TV channels to keep standards up.
51. Steps are being taken to implement a ceasefire through diplomatic channels.
52. The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
53. Men like to zap the TV channels, something that can drive certain women berserk.
54. We have many distribution channels for our software, including electronic distribution.
55. A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.
56. The remote control allows you to switch easily between TV channels.
57. On these TV channels, quiz shows and repeats are becoming the order of the day.
58. They have four satellite channels.
59. Official communication channels may be side-stepped.
60. A lot of people switch channels during the commercials.
61. Scan the microwave channels to find tracer signals. 6.
62. The communication channels to senior management are more direct.
63. It sells entirely through indirect channels.
64. Water tumbled headlong down narrow channels into the valley.
65. If no-one defends you, change channels.
66. We need better distribution channels for our products.
67. Cable channels began broadcasting the 30-minute infomercial in April.
68. The show also runs on other cable channels.
69. Any replies will arrive through the normal channels.
70. So I got into it through those channels ....
71. And deep channels of silence isolate certain islands entirely.
72. He immediately switched channels to some one else.
73. Should it work enthusiastically toward changing the distribution channels?
74. There are at least two types of postsynaptic channels that open up when glutamate binds to their receptor molecules.
75. An attempt to reunite both channels of thought has been made by Adam and Gibbs who have outlined a molecular kinetic theory.
76. For David Smith, the way to use new digital channels was an easy call.
77. The channels are known variously as the grapevine, gossip and rumour.
78. Clearly we still have a long way to go to understand just how InsP 3 acts to open individual channels.
79. It is all designed to stop you from using the remote-control button to switch channels.
80. Consultation with the public was less well-developed and took place largely through the traditional channels of voluntary organisations and patient surveys.
81. At this point the river is divided into three main channels and there are numerous bridges crossing these waterways throughout the city.
82. The Future Any Strategic Plan must involve improvement and expansion of channels of communication.
83. Second, he navigated his way through complicated channels and delicate shoals without any jarring note.
84. Almost 95 percent of cable subscribers have access to 30-54 channels, while 35 percent of subscribers receive 54 or more channels.
85. Be aware of how your employees respond to various existing channels of communication and pick what works best for your situation.
86. The perfusate fluid was collected by the outflow channels from the isolated segments.
87. New channels of communication have opened up between the two governments.
88. Sometimes receptors are ion channels,[/channels.html] and the docking trips the channel open.
89. I wrote to the editors of all the major newspapers and television channels asking them to cover the anniversary.
90. Computer agents will be able to organize passive viewing to our taste, acting as assemblers for virtual channels.
91. When the transition is complete, stations will be required to surrender their analog channels to the federal government.
92. For instance, look at the success of on-line chat services and home shopping channels.
93. That's too much: I use the remote control to change channels.
94. Some channels through which money flows into the system will be closed.
95. Ion channels are found in the membranes of practically all cells, but they are particularly important for neurons.
96. Here, some five hundred years ago, the river encountered an obstacle that caused it to split into two channels.
97. Many disadvantaged people will find an outlet for their abilities through whatever channels remain open.
98. The government routinely channels food and medicine through the Red Cross and other groups.
99. Satellite customers who are wired for cable sometimes keep the service to get local channels.
100. Those digital channels revert to the federal government in 2002 for an auction that will contribute mightily to the balanced-budget plan.
101. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
102. By the end of the century, most people will be able to tune in to hundreds of channels or more.
103. The biggest barrier to entry into the video shopping arena has been the lack of available channels offering variety to customers.
104. Only now had it occurred to him that it was moving along quite different channels.
105. The living room was so small that I didn't need a remote to change channels without leaving my seat.
106. It will receive royalties from its semiconductor partners, who will use their existing distribution channels to market the chips.
107. It has also created difficulties in furthering their cause effectively-be it in the courts or through bureaucratic channels.
108. Some of the tunnels must have run for miles,() winding in and out of the channels of water that threaded everywhere.
109. Employers have the clearest and most direct channels of communication to enormous numbers of people.
110. The prospect of a future which provides hundreds of television channels gives Madison Avenue nightmares.
111. For example, to use particular channels of communication such as briefing meetings, video programmes, management information notes and so on.
112. For example, plasticity seems to depend on identifiable ion channels and catalytic molecules that activate or inhibit these channels.
113. The bill also lays down provision for detailed news coverage by both Channels 3 and 5.
114. Its offerings are now also sold via Sage's existing international distribution channels.
115. Future schoolboys may look at tape of the shopping channels.
116. The people of the Middle Ages inherited sea-walls and drainage channels which had survived from the Roman occupation.
117. At this time, cable shopping channels are not truly interactive because they use phone lines to take orders.
118. The Tory party used cash and back channels and foreign donations to influence elections and change laws.
119. Around 330,000 people are already subscribing around £21 per month to receive up to 35 channels per day,[http:///channels.html] according to figures released yesterday.
120. It was a peculiar sort of fog which lay on the sea in dense banks striped with narrow, clear channels.
121. But cable representatives say the subscribers will also get more: two new channels.
122. Only one in four cable channels managed to gain market share in prime time last year.
123. Marketing management must continually reappraise its channels of distribution in an attempt to effect cost savings.
124. In addition to maintaining its current programming, Sinclair said it plans to sell subscription channels such as those available on cable.
125. They will be the gateway for information services, commercial transactions, and 500-digitally compressed channels.
126. If anyone claims to offer something else, we switch channels, the ultimate vote against.
127. The unprecedented content ratings for television began to appear on the networks and some cable channels Jan. 1.
128. We can cut costs by bulk purchasing and take advantage of national retail distribution channels.
129., which has taken two years to set up, will provide 40 channels of music.
130. And he was fed the information from myriad channels, to be dispensed with the holy water on Sundays.
131. At this point, as often happened, his thoughts wandered off into irrelevant philosophical channels.
132. The shoddy performance of the networks and cable news channels is indefensible.
133. The sound feed on the Internet will be the commentary supplied on television channels such as the Discovery Channel.
134. There are plans to merge the two most successful TV channels.
135. Both channels are also offering on-line Web sites to increase viewer involvement.
136. Bees, thus, actively approach horizontal stripes and avoid vertical ones, suggesting that there are two or more independent channels.
137. A manufacturer using short channels is more likely to have high gross margins, but equally higher channel expenses.
138. Some courts have a specialist probation officer who promptly channels those suspected of having mental health problems into the local service.
139. One of the craters is especially promising because it lies near what seem to be dried-out river channels, Barlow said.
140. These channels act as on-ramps to the Internet or other on-line information services.
141. This strategy was possible because they have sold mainframes mostly to computer vendors in the country concerned rather than through direct sales channels.
142. New and more stringent financial constraints and other commercial pressures on management required appropriate organizational channels through which to take effect.
143. Illegal pirate stations, operating on locally-free channels and low-power transmitters already fill part of this gap.
144. The manufacturer using longer channels will have relatively lower gross margins, coupled with lower channel expenses.
145. Try warming up when you must write particularly difficult projects-it will open the word-use channels.
146. The mayor plans to televise council meetings on cable channels.
147. These channels let in a flood of even more positive ions, which obliterates the electrical charge at that spot.
148. Rory was holding the television remote control and was flicking rapidly through the channels.
148. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
149. Through these channels the contemplative ideals developed in monastic communities found a wider audience.
150. We will reform recent legislation affecting the independent channels to entrench the interests of quality broadcasting and to guarantee political independence.
151. Downward channels are rather more diverse, each having its own special attractions.
152. There is growing evidence, therefore, that inositol phosphates may have direct effects on calcium channels within the plasma membrane.
153. Like Pro Logic, it has three discrete front channels and a separate channel for low frequencies from the subwoofer.
154. Alternatively we can rent a small boat and row along the channels through the reeds and into the lakes.
155. In the drawing, the gap between the two action channels symbolises that part which has to be supplied by human intervention.
156. Overnight, in a flash-flood, it will dramatically move its banks, depositing shoals and cutting new channels.
157. Unlike Pro Logic, it has two discrete rear channels for the best special-effects reproduction yet.
158. Some of this decline is attributed to competition from cable news channels and from local news broadcasts.
159. At least on commercial channels they have ad breaks for this sort of thing.
160. Heavy tears were brimming from his eyes, washing clear channels through the dirt and grime.
161. We walked along ancient stone irrigation channels down the richly cultivated terraces of San Blas Bay.
162. The session started early and finished late, and was broadcast live on all cable news channels.
163. Water was conducted into the meadow via artificially constructed channels and elaborate sluice gates and allowed to flow across the grass.
164. They're all well aware of it in the public services, only they call it going through channels.
165. None of these channels was visible on images taken immediately before the earthquake.
166. Whereas channels of distribution are marketing institutions, physical distribution is a set of activities.
167. For the ordinary user there are two main channels to buy a computer through - either direct or from a dealer.
168. The opening of these channels either directly inhibits a neuron from firing or reduces the amount of neurotransmitter released into the synapse.
169. A customer uses her remote control to shop different channels with the touch of a button.
170. In the story, the main character had turned on his television to one of its two channels.
171. There is an elite number of cable channels that reach the 70 million subscriber mark.
172. But planners changed their mind as they realized the channels would have to be bigger and bigger.
173. A system of channels carries water down from the mountains to irrigate the soil.
174. While new channels of communication explode, the number of gatekeepers shrinks at an alarming rate.
175. Initially Lotus will supply the software through its own channels, recently bolstered in a search for more sophisticated resellers.
176. I say four, but to be precise, channels two and three are in fact combined.
177. When the dun evening comes the kids go down to the irrigation channels for some bilharzia bathing.
178. It was close to noon when he moved into a series of channels that twisted capriciously through the wilderness.
178. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
179. The original distribution channels through Merisel and Dicken Data and service via Xerox remain in place.
180. In some cells, there are suggestions that these inositol phosphates may directly activate specific channels in the plasma membrane.
181. Blue searched through all the normal channels and came up empty.
182. With Bertelsmann involved, it is not surprising that book clubs as well as electronics and book stores are being targeted as distribution channels.
183. Satellite TV should at last break the stranglehold of the big national TV channels.
184. The inland areas became lower than the silty areas near the coast and lower than the river channels.
185. We felt we had ample opportunities to express our differences through discreet channels.
186. Maybe he has four of them, silently playing different channels.
187. They assumed that the developments downstream would each build channels, one feeding into the next.
188. It is expected to contribute its manufacturing expertise and worldwide distribution channels as well as its design know-how in areas such as screens.
189. Without having to think twice, I called up the cable company and added an extra tier of channels.
190. The broadcasters say they need both analog and digital channels for 15 years to ensure a smooth transition to the digital age.
191. Ley lines - channels of energy or guide routes for prehistoric travellers - are said to converge at the Tor.
192. Spoons and shrimp have been effective baits in deeper channels of the river.
193. A society of families both constrains male aggressions and channels them toward the protection and support of family and society.
194. Cabinet sub-committees, bureaucratic sub-committees, commissions, boards and quangos provide the channels for processing corporatist interest intermediation.
195. She ignores the fact that there are two other channels.
196. Some analysts believe Westinghouse decided to make a deal because it realized the difficulty of starting new channels from scratch.
197. They are ideal for reaching into restricted or less accessible areas such as the corners of rooms(), equipment pockets and channels.
198. Sticky pools and channels of drink were seeping out through the gaps in the floorboards on to the sand beneath the kiosk.
199. Many mages build their dwellings along these channels and many places of power occur where the lines intersect.
200. Channelbuyers take over in 2006, when all current analog channels fade to black.
201. The demands made by terminals on channels and lines are very unlikely to exceed their capacity.
202. Here on the tongue, ion channels play a critical role in our sense of taste.
203. Fifty percent of Sun's business comes from indirect channels and this will remain so in future, said Thompson.
204. What are the most common channels of distribution, and what role is played by the various intermediaries in them?
205. I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure.
206. He or she must gain approval from others, outside formal authority channels, to implement a staff project.
207. All available communication channels should be used to promote these techniques.
208. Currently, the average household has access to dozens of channels.
208. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
209. The goal is to offer its customers hundreds of new cable channels and video services.
210. Have new television channels, satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only?
211. If anything, informal channels of communication are even more important.
212. He switched channels with the remote, clasped his hands behind his head.
213. Again, we should note the interdependence and mutual necessity of the main and minor channels of mystical power.
214. And the particular proteins now under scrutiny are the ion channels we met earlier.
215. Each standing stone collects the raw power and channels it to its inward neighbour.
216. In the hummocky terrain of the valley floor the hollows, channels and gentle slopes are occupied by peat.
217. This evening the usual channels, through my right hon. Friend, are the authors of the automatic timetable.
218. Also, they use four different channels simultaneously in normal operation.
219. Football news programmes on Sky and some music video channels use the same techniques.
220. Many of the coaxial links in the ground today can carry only a handful of different channels at the same time.
221. CLARiiON will not use Data General's own sales force to market the products, only indirect channels.
222. Shortly thereafter we enter a stretch of shallow pools and channels cut into the rock by a millennium of erosion.
223. It also has narrow channels; through which only molecules having dimensions within certain limits can pass.
224. But these were hardly distinguishable from drainage channels, having none of the features that we associate with canals.
225. The gradual increase and specialization of radio channels disintegrated the audience.
226. In the living interface section we discussed how tone recognition opens emotional channels.
227. It is also in these channels that the lave fishermen will stand.
228. If it has been a long hot summer, I become too weak to make rational decisions, to change channels.
229. The programmes were implemented by governments through existing political channels, thus allowing dominant groups to take advantage of the situation.
230. But supporters who didn't apply through the proper channels could find themselves missing out on Billy Bingham's swansong match.
231. The event assuredly was communicated throughout the nursing system by informal channels.
232. Twelve channels of the reactor were refuelled before the outage began and then the fuel route was taken out of service immediately.
233. The development greatly improves our own internal focus and accountability for both distribution channels.
234. The firm is promising to develop new distribution channels, predicting that resellers will private label their own systems with Integrix components.
235. Cable shopping channels have installed high-speed, large-capacity computerized systems to process millions of viewers' telephone credit card orders.
236. Formal organisations have an explicit hierarchy in a well- defined structure; job specifications and communication channels are also well-defined.
237. Or an infinity of channels coming from tiny speakers woven into the table cloth?
238. The wind scored shivering channels through the ling and bilberries, the growth of fine,[http:///channels.html] dry grass.
239. At low output all three channels put out some very convincing sounds.
240. Channel C represents one of the shorter indirect channels, where the retailer is omitted.
241. To switch channels, you might walk into another building on fly up into the clouds.
242. The sodium is only able to pass into the membrane through sodium ion channels distributed along the axon.
243. Small channels are built to divert some of the traffic to the new route.
244. The oligarchic character of parties, unions and other supposed channels of communication between citizens and government leaders is asserted.
245. Most basic cable channels have one or more fashion programs.
246. So here I am extolling the worth of twenty minutes' silent meditation as a means of renewing and refreshing your channels.
247. Finally, a thorough understanding of the characteristics and potential of all the channels available is essential for good communication.
248. This and more already happens on satellite and cable channels, which are under the more lenient gaze of the Cable Authority.
249. There are now 21 talk shows on daytime television; two cable channels run them around the clock.
250. Chris Wallace switched channels, for exactly how much we have not been told.
251. There would be home furnishings, electronics, and audio and video and fitness channels.
252. The fiercest competition of all, therefore, is between the rival television channels.
253. That would help to ensure that political and social tensions were guided through established channels and not forced on to the streets.
254. He returned and sat on his cold, leather sofa flicking channels.
255. Each service may consist of one or more channels, video on-demand, or two-way interactive service.
256. You know how long these things can take through normal channels ....
257. The framework for investor protection is shown in Figure 12.3, and outlines the channels of authority. 12.3 OVER-REGULATION?
258. As a result, prior to the cellular authorization, only some fifty-four channels were allocated for mobile telephone service nationwide.
259. Some channels are obviously dedicated to specific topics, for example, but most are merely informal chat limes.
260. Almost blind in the shallow muddy water, it is swimming by instinct, following the deepest sand channels.
261. Maddalena Island from Palau, and see some of its innumerable bays, channels, coves and promontories.
262. Begin monitoring the channels on which tracer signals were found. 8.
263. Because fiber optic cable has a greater bandwidth capacity than coaxial cable, it can send more channels to subscribers' homes.
264. None of the figures for any of the four main channels shows a significant increase in the number of people offended.
265. Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.
266. There will be two direct channels - a fast-answer telephone service for sophisticated customers and a postal service for the less sophisticated.
267. This included new forms of magnetic tapes, each of which could hold hundreds of intercepted microwave communications channels.
268. Authority is top down, and utilizes formal communication channels, usually vertical, and well-defined policies and procedures.
269. Total disaster had been averted, channels of communication had been established, and there were foundations on which to build.
270. Since the Congress of Vienna, a general diplomatic system had provided the accepted channels of international relations.
271. In so doing, this overrides the channel selector, bringing both channels into play at once.
272. On the football terrace, however, the other groups mentioned serve as side channels to the main career framework.
273. In deeper channels, black and highly carbonaceous muds eventually form to create anaerobic conditions.
274. But the channels may alter the water drainage pattern in the dry area and help to rejuvenate it, he said.
275. These channels are described in more detail in specialist publications which also offer helpful suggestions on how and when to use them.
276. A growing body of evidence shows that alcohol molecules directly affect the ability of ion channels to open or close.
277. We shall look at these in turn, commencing with channels of distribution.
278. The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
279. But other artists have come to light through less likely channels, such as the pages of colour supplements.
280. That pulse generator for switching telly channels we developed for computerising remote control of shell velocity measurements on Pendine Sands.
281. Mazda began trimming its sales channels in 1992, when it sold additional equity in the Autorama network to Ford.
282. The request was first submitted a number of months ago, but all attempts through the usual channels have failed.
283. The result was a group of cells with extra ion channels capable of producing stronger electrical signals.
284. Channels and salt marsh, reed beds and pools, shingle and fore shore.
285. The bill includes proposals for a new television channel, three new national commercial radio channels and numerous local services.
286. We now have a seemingly endless choice of TV channels.
287. The Midi Mate allows you to send up to three patch changes on three different channels and offers three different operational modes.
288. The national broadcasting organisations have been threatened by deregulation which has encouraged the growth of private satellite and cable channels.
289. Instead, she channels the commitment he saw in her into publishing.
290. The Baby pushes out 30 watts through a single ten-inch dual-cone speaker, and features two channels.
291. We had five or six local channels back then and that was really enough.
292. Through unofficial channels I agreed with Okudzhava that he should be accompanied by his wife.




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