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单词 Join
1. If you can't beat em, join em. 
2. She beckoned him to come and join them.
3. She left her husband to join a women's commune.
4. These rivers join at that town.
5. The two estates join at this point.
6. Do you want to join me?
7. He qualified to join the club.
8. How does this model boat join together?
9. Why not join our free mailing list?
10. He has applied to join the army.
11. Draw up a chair, and join the conversation.
12. You have to join the party at grass-roots level.
13. I had to join a queue for the toilets.
14. Please join us to light off firecrackers.
15. Are you planning to join the union ?
16. Drag up a chair and join the conversation.
17. Will you join us for coffee?
18. I'll join you in a minute.
19. She ran away to join the circus.
20. Join the M1 at Junction 11.
21. Join the dots up to complete the drawing.
22. The two rivers mingle their waters when they join.
23. Join the two sections of pipe together.
24. Are you eligible to join this club?
25. We must first join the two wires up.
26. He refuses to join any community.
27. Join one section of pipe to the next.
28. How do you join these broken pieces together?
29. How do these two pieces join?
30. When did you join the Labour party?
1. She beckoned him to come and join them.
2. She left her husband to join a women's commune.
3. These rivers join at that town.
4. Do you want to join me?
5. He qualified to join the club.
6. Why not join our free mailing list?
7. He has applied to join the army.
8. You have to join the party at grass-roots level.
9. I had to join a queue for the toilets.
10. Are you planning to join the union ?
11. Will you join us for coffee?
12. I'll join you in a minute.
13. She ran away to join the circus.
14. Join the two sections of pipe together.
15. Are you eligible to join this club?
16. Join one section of pipe to the next.
17. How do these two pieces join?
18. When did you join the Labour party?
19. Tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.
20. He is about to join the big league of Formula 1 in time for the start of the new season at the South African Grand Prix.
21. Both boys and girls can apply to join the choir.
22. All able-bodied young men were forced to join the army.
23. By this time people were flocking to join the cult.
24. We hope that more women will decide to join the course.
25. Join now and you will automatically receive 50% off your first purchase.
26. Women soldiers will join their male counterparts at the army base.
27. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
28. He got permission from his commanding officer to join me.
29. Won't you join us?
30. The girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party.
31. I invited her to join us, but she declined.
32. She ran away from her husband to join a women's commune.
33. Tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.
34. You should never join an electric wire to a water pipe.
35. He is about to join the big league of Formula 1 in time for the start of the new season at the South African Grand Prix.
36. Will you all join in singing the refrain, please ?
37. Both boys and girls can apply to join the choir.
38. All able-bodied young men were forced to join the army.
39. By this time people were flocking to join the cult.
40. We hope that more women will decide to join the course.
41. Join now and you will automatically receive 50% off your first purchase.
42. Women soldiers will join their male counterparts at the army base.
43. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
44. My parents join me in wishing you a happy future.
45. He got permission from his commanding officer to join me.
46. The girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party.
47. Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent marriage.
48. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.
49. We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?
50. I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.
51. How do the legs of this toy animal join on?
52. He is supposed to join the army at this age.
53. The whole family can join in the fun at Water World.
54. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.
55. He wants to join the army when he leaves school,[http:///join.html] but I hope he'll grow out of the idea.
56. Many states bordering on the EU are eager to join.
57. My aunt asked me to join in with her on her holidays abroad.
58. The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28.
59. Put an 'X' in the box if you would like to join our mailing list.
60. We will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!
31. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.
32. We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?
33. I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus.
34. He is supposed to join the army at this age.
35. The whole family can join in the fun at Water World.
36. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.
37. He wants to join the army when he leaves school, but I hope he'll grow out of the idea.
38. The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28.
39. Put an 'X' in the box if you would like to join our mailing list.
40. For reasons of his own , he refused to join the club.
41. Parallel lines are lines that never join.
42. He flatly refused to join us.
43. Use some paste to join the broken ends.
44. Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.
45. Bill wanted to let Bob join the team, but I said that was no dice because Bob was too young.
46. All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.
47. Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
48. Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
49. Join those two ends of wire and you'll make a circuit.
50. If you wish to join the club, you should apply to the secretary in the first instance.
51. He wished to join the army, but was rejected as medically unfit.
61. For reasons of his own , he refused to join the club.
62. Let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy birthday.Today specially belongs to you.Take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.
63. Would any of you gents care to join us in a little game of chance?
64. I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
65. Everybody likes to join in this activity.
66. There is fierce competition to join the Special Branch.
67. Membership is free, so join today!
68. Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
69. I motioned him to join us.
70. You still have time to join in the fun.
71. He was too proud to join in our fun.
72. I'll finish up here and join you later.
73. You'll have to join the housing queue.
74. Don't bother about us we'll join you later.
75. It costs £15 to join the club .
76. Maybe you should join the services.
77. Would you care to join us for dinner?
78. Will you join us for a drink,[] Evie?
79. The two houses join each other.
80. Nothing shall induce me to join their club.
81. We'll join up with the other groups later.
82. The ship sailed to join the fleet at Barbados.
83. Let us join hands in friendship.
84. You are too young to join the army.
85. You'll have to join the queue .
86. He lied about his age to join the army.
87. Parallel lines are lines that never join.
88. He was never tempted to join the military.
89. She decided to join a golf club.
90. They can steal away at night and join us.
91. Join the two pieces together using strong glue.
92. Ask him to join us for lunch.
93. I hope you'll join in the Christmas celebrations.
94. She decided to join the armed forces.
95. Join Radio 5 for all the top football action.
96. Will you join us for lunch?
97. Come and join in the merrymaking.
98. Where do the two roads join?
99. Then they headed north to join forces with us.
100. Join a social club to make new friends.
101. How can we join this island and that one?
102. he refused to join the club.
103. Do you mind if I join you?
104. We sent a wire asking him to join us.
105. He flatly refused to join us.
106. Which two rivers join at Lyon?
107. Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.
108. Where do the two roads join up?
109. When did he join the cult?
110. The molecules join together to form long strings.
111. Where does the path join the road?
112. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.
113. When did you join the air force?
114. Would you join us in a walk?
115. Let us join forces to fight them.
116. Perhaps you would join me for a nightcap?
117. He signalled to us to join him.
118. The police and the people join to combat crime.
119. Anyone who wants to can join.
120. It's a great club. Why don't you join?
121. There's a waiting list to join the golf club.
122. You've got a parking-ticket? Well join the club!
123. He also asked to join the army.
124. Join the two pieces of wood with strong glue.
125. He stood hesitating over whether to join the fight.
126. In this point I join with you.
127. How do these two parts join together?
128. He didn't note he would join us.
129. Tom refused to join the army, believing that he had no moral right to kill.
130. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.
131. The train will stop at the next station to join two more carriages on.
132. I felt it was important for women to join and take a leading role.
133. She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.
134. In 1914 he lied about his age so that he could join the war effort.
135. I was somewhat mortified to be told that I was too old to join.
136. You don't want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.
137. I wish he would join in with the other children.
138. Now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games.
139. At 50, he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed.
140. She's flying out to join him in Nairobi next week.
141. The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.
142. We plan to join up with the other team at the top of the mountain.
143. Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.
144. I've thought the plan over and decided not to join it after all.
145. If our two companies were to join forces we could undercut all our competitors.
146. He was unable to join the army because of ill health .
147. Why don't you ask your sister if she would like to join us for supper?
148. He graduated with a good degree, only to join the ranks of the unemployed.
149. The design company is planning to join up with a shoe manufacturer and create a new range of footwear.
150. More young people are needed to join the police force.
151. Join the points A and B together on the diagram with a straight line.
152. The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.
153. His daughter was always badgering him to let her join the club.
154. Will you join me shortly for a drink in the bar?
155. He plays the classic anti-hero who drops out of society to join a world of impoverished artists and writers.
156. He told us in all seriousness that he was going to join a circus.
157. The agreement will ease the way for other countries to join the EU.
158. I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking today's speaker.
159. I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.
160. Organisers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.
161. Don't be such a drip! Come and join in the fun.
162. I thought you might like to join me for dinner.
163. Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats.
164. It's a fool's errand trying to get Lena to join in anything.
165. The United States says they are not prepared to join in normalizing ties with their former enemy.
166. Democratization has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union.
167. You should take a long,[http:///join.html] hard look at your reasons for wanting to join the army.
168. To join these two pieces of metal, it will be necessary to heat them.
169. He decided to become a clown to join the wacky world of the circus.
170. The toddlers often join in the rough and tumble of the older children's games.
171. I'm sorry to say I have to hold the ball back for half an hour, Princess Diana will join us.
172. There is pressure on the biggest union to join the boycott.
173. The number of people who join the army is so low that it is beginning to threaten national security.
174. New voices are needed to join the chorus for the annual festival in October.
175. She'd stitched the two pieces together really carefully so that you couldn't see the join.
176. The sailor would join his ship a few days later.
177. You're most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed.
178. Please join with me in thanking our guest speaker tonight.
179. They're calling on all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army.
180. He will join the team on the rally next week.
181. At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.
182. Henry is cozying up to John so he can join the club.
183. Before you join the company, you will have to have a medical examination.
184. We're deeply honored that you should agree to join us.
185. His presence is indicative of his wish to join us.
186. I'd like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness.
187. All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.
188. If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.
189. The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands.
190. He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
191. The M62 joins up with the M1/The M62 and the M1 join up south of Leeds.
192. He was blackballed when he tried to join the Country Club.
193. She gave up her job to join her husband's campaign.
194. As soon as I get through with my work I'll join you.
195. We hope that they will join us in opening a new chapter of peace and cooperation.
196. Please will you all join with me in singing the national anthem.
197. The club has established a new rule allowing women to join.
198. Did you join up or were you forced into the army?
199. I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.
200. Retiring early from his job freed him to join several local clubs.
201. Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.
202. It was time for us to join the coach party.
203. It's a very select club - I've been trying unsuccessfully to join it for years.
204. His wife and children moved to join him in their new home.
205. The River Murray and the River Darling join east of Adelaide.
206. Will you join with me in buying a present for them?
207. We had to pay a stiff membership fee to join the health club.
208. The first stage of the operation is to join up the bones.
209. He was asked many times to join the party[ ], but he always kept his distance.
210. Several Internet sites are inviting people to join in the fun for free.
211. I decided to join in with him to take the risk.
212. So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!
213. Daughters were expected to join their well-bred friends on the marriage market.
214. If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 20 and an annual membership fee of 10.
215. We're deeply honoured that you should agree to join us.
216. I'm sure you will all wish to join me in thanking our speaker tonight.
217. If you want tickets you'll have to join the queue.
218. He was asked to join as a minister without portfolio .
219. Join those two ends of wire and you'll make a circuit.
220. He said he was off to the beach and would we care to join him.
221. Bob hurried to join him, and they rode home together.
222. She put on her grandest air and waltzed into the living room to join the others.
223. Don't be such a drip-come and join in the fun!
224. You join a barrister for two six-month spells of practical experience.
225. Roll up, roll up, come and join The Greatest Show on Earth.
226. She was now old enough to be allowed to join the adults.
227. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.
228. You're welcome to join us for supper, such as it is we're only having soup and bread.
229. People who are either under age or over age may not join the army.
230. Finding her in low spirits, they had persuaded her to join them for lunch.
231. They are encouraging all workers to join the union rather than just taking a free ride on those who do join.
232. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join.
233. In 1990 Poland signified its desire to join the Council.
234. He was to flee his native village to join the rebel army.
235. If you wish to join the club, you should apply to the secretary in the first instance.
236. Thousands of people are expected to join the sponsored walk.
237. They cannot join forces to vote her out of office.




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