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单词 treacherous
释义  treach·e·rous /ˈtretʃərəs/ adjective  1  UNFAITHFULsomeone who is treacherous cannot be trusted because they are not loyal and secretly intend to harm you 背信弃义的,不忠的;阴险的 a sly and treacherous woman 一个阴险狡诈的女人 a treacherous plot to overthrow the leader 一个推翻领导人的阴谋2  DANGEROUSground, roads, weather conditions etc that are treacherous are particularly dangerous because you cannot see the dangers very easily 〔地面、道路、天气情况等〕暗藏危险的 treacherous mountain roads 危险重重的山路 Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing treacherous. 大风和松动的岩石使登山充满险阻。► see thesaurus at dangerous —treacherously adverbExamples from the Corpustreacherous• I was uncomfortable around boys, and undressing with them seemed not only bizarre but treacherous.• I have tried to explain that in Claudia's case memory is particularly treacherous, but Letterman likes the idea of ambiguity.• They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths.• Strong winds and heavy rain are making driving conditions treacherous in some areas.• The land he rode was marshy, forcing him to weave an intricate course past the more treacherous patches.• Her stepmother was a treacherous, selfish woman.• The speed of light is a treacherous thing.• There are treacherous underwater currents along this stretch of coast.• They are steep and treacherous with outcropping rock.• He knew he had been betrayed by a scheming and treacherous woman.treach·e·rous adjectiveChineseSyllable  trusted someone be is treacherous who Corpus cannot




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