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单词 trade secret
释义  Related topics: Tradeˌtrade ˈsecret noun [countable]  1  BBTSECRETa piece of secret information about a particular business, that is only known by the people who work there 商业秘密,行业秘密 The Coca-Cola formula is a well-kept trade secret. 可口可乐的配方是一个严格保密的商业机密。2  informalSECRET a piece of information about how to do or make something, that you do not want other people to know 秘方 Could you give me the recipe for that ‘coq au vin’ or is it a trade secret? 你能把那道“红酒烩鸡”的食谱给我吗?还是这是个秘方?Examples from the Corpustrade secret• "What's the recipe?" "Sorry, that's a trade secret."• There are strict laws against revealing trade secrets.ˌtrade ˈsecret nounChineseSyllable  about a of Corpus secret information a piece




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