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单词 top-down
释义  ˌtop-ˈdown adjective [only before noun] British English  1  a top-down way of organizing a business is one in which the most important people make decisions and tell the people below them what they should do 自上而下的,专制的 The company has a top-down management system. 该公司实行自上而下的管理体制。 a top-down approach to decision-making 自上而下的决策方式2. DETAIL#a top-down way of understanding or explaining something starts with a general idea and adds details later 〔理解或解释的方式〕先总体后具体的Examples from the Corpustop-down• Consider the extent to which the approach can be said to be atomistic or holistic, bottom-up or top-down.• Such models receive information from both top-down and bottom-up sources, and feedback exists between all levels.• This alternative design may be based on management needs, a sort of top-down approach.• So far this has been the approach we have made to our top-down dreaming.• It is not only top-down planning that has gone; much of the faith in a strong central state has disappeared.From Longman Business Dictionarytop-downˌtop-ˈdown adjective [only before a noun] a top-down plan etc is one in which you start with a general idea of what you want and then add the details laterCentralised systems of education are organised on a system of top-down management.ˌtop-ˈdown adjectiveChineseSyllable  a is Corpus of top-down way Business business organizing a




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