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单词 toddler
释义  Related topics: Childrentod·dler /ˈtɒdlə $ ˈtɑːdlər/ ●○○ noun [countable]   SSCa very young child who is just learning to walk 学步的儿童,刚学走路的小孩► see thesaurus at babyExamples from the Corpustoddler• As a toddler, he was attacked and injured by the family's pet dog.• A toddler was squatting in the middle of the carpet, thumb in mouth.• Above 50% of infants and toddlers were able to discontinue the laxative after three to four months.• Then, in marked contrast, there are the several photos of smiling, pink-cheeked toddlers raggedly clipped from magazines.• But neither could you escape the fact that it seemed specifically designed for bumping off toddlers.• Today middle-class parents read books on toddler development, attend parent workshops, and learn how to talk so children will listen.• Instead, the toddler may simply look around and get irritable, and appear more and more scattered.• Bulger court case starts Two ten-year-old boys have pleaded not guilty to the abduction and murder of the toddler, James Bulger.• Your toddler will be fascinated by the spongy texture of the filled bag and the movement of the floating toys.tod·dler nounChineseSyllable  learning very Corpus young child just is who walk to a




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