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单词 carter
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Bicycles, carts, horsescart·er /ˈkɑːtə $ ˈkɑːrtər/ noun [countable]  BOTTBsomeone whose job was to drive a cart in the past 〔旧时的〕马车夫,赶车人Examples from the Corpuscarter• Sanson had to employ assistants and carters, a blacksmith, a cook and servants.• New social groups, clerks, carters, traders, teachers and notaries, challenged their authority.• His father, a builder and carrier, was one of the first carters to stable his horses in favour of steam traction lorries.• Carriage of wood, coal and iron also created work for carters and watermen.• Jimmy carters relationship with and feelings towards the Shah were, it must be said ambiguous.• John Speddy; and Isaac Irving are found amongst the carters.cart·er nounChineseSyllable   Corpus someone a the in whose job past was to drive cart




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