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单词 time warp
释义  Related topics: Chronologyˈtime warp noun [countable]  1  be (caught/locked/stuck) in a time warp PERIOD OF TIMEto have not changed even though everyone or everything else has 停留在过去 The house seemed to be stuck in a 19th-century time warp. 这栋房子似乎还停留在19世纪。2. TMCPERIOD OF TIMEan imaginary situation in which the past or future becomes the present 〔幻想中的〕时间错位Examples from the Corpustime warp• Hanoi itself appeared to be caught in a time warp.• I was stuck in a time warp in every sense, one that encompassed my part of Cliff Top as well.• The union movement in this country suffers from fossilized leadership trapped in a time warp.• Here is a time warp if ever there was one.• Or had he recently passed through a time warp and thought he was back in the 70s?• On a rocky unmade track through the olive groves, we might have strayed through a time warp into a Biblical landscape.• For him there was a time warp in which things from different eras overlapped.• Step inside, however, and you enter a technological time warp.ˈtime warp nounChineseSyllable  have to even Corpus though or not everything changed everyone




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