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单词 tidy
释义  ldoce_309_eti·dy1 /ˈtaɪdi/ ●●● S3 adjective (comparative tidier, superlative tidiest) especially British English  1  TIDYa room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place 〔房间、房子、书桌等〕整洁的,整齐的 SYN neat OPP untidy, messy a tidy desk 整洁的书桌 I try to keep the garden tidy. 我尽量保持花园整洁。 Ellen’s room is always neat and tidy. 埃伦的房间总是非常整洁。 →5  See picture of a tidy room 整洁的房间, a cluttered room 杂乱的房间 →4  See picture of 见图 tidy2  TIDYsomeone who is tidy keeps their house, clothes etc neat and clean 〔人〕整洁的,爱整齐的 Chris is a naturally tidy person. 克里斯天生是个爱整洁的人。3  a tidy sum/profit informalPROFIT a large amount of money 一大笔钱/利润 We sold the house for a tidy sum and moved south. 我们把房子卖了一大笔钱,然后移居到南方。4. a tidy mind British English if someone has a tidy mind, the way they think is very organized and clear 清晰的头脑 —tidily adverb —tidiness noun [uncountable] THESAURUStidy British English a place, room etc that is tidy looks nice because everything has been arranged and put in the right place 整洁的a tidy desk 整洁的桌子I want to leave the place clean and tidy before we go. 我想在我们走之前把这里收拾干净。neat use this about things that are carefully arranged in a way that is nice to look at 〔物品〕整齐的a neat pile of towels 整整齐齐的一叠毛巾The room was neat and tidy. 这个房间很整洁。immaculate /ɪˈmækjələt/ a place or thing that is immaculate is perfectly clean and neat – use this to emphasize how clean something looks 非常整洁的Our house was always immaculate. 我们家一直都是一尘不染。well-kept a well-kept building or garden is very well cared for and looks neat and clean 被悉心照料的a large house on well-kept grounds 庭院得到精心打理的大房子orderly arranged or organized in a sensible or neat way 整齐的The room was orderly and uncluttered. 这房间收拾得很整洁,没有杂物。Examples from the Corpustidy• Andrew's apartment is always so tidy.• The large mahogany writing desk was immaculately tidy.• I think the least you could do is keep your own bedroom tidy.• My job was to mow the grass and keep the garden looking generally tidy.• We spent the morning getting the whole house clean and tidy.• She was neat and tidy and always helpful.• Everything tidy and shipshape and orderly.• I want to leave the place nice and tidy before we go.• Verisign has already built a tidy business selling two types of digital signatures: personal and site certificates.• Everything was tidy, clean and obviously proudly cared for.• She was a jewel, tidy, competent, and thoughtful, but she should not be spoiled with familiarity.• With Janzen shooting a 70, that means Costner and his 16 handicap helped the team a tidy five shots.• He bumbled around for a bit, trying to coil up the string and push the wood into tidy heaps.neat and tidy• Automatic end needle selection is another bonus which insures that knitted edges are always neat and tidy.• Leaving the site neat and tidy.• These people are perfectionists, ambitious, hard-working and extremely neat and tidy.• She was neat and tidy and always helpful.• Their desks were equally neat and tidy, and singularly bare of paperwork.• Jacob's strictures served as a reminder that neat and tidy land use arrangements may have been over-emphasized.• But he's neat and tidy there's no denying it.tidy2 ●●○ (also tidy up) verb (tidied, tidying, tidies) [intransitive, transitive]  1 TIDYto make a place look tidy 使整洁,整理,收拾 Tidy your room! 把你的房间收拾一下! It’s time we tidied up the office. 我们该收拾收拾办公室了。tidy up after somebody I’m tired of tidying up after you boys (=tidying somewhere that someone else has made untidy). 我跟在你们这些男孩后面收拾已经烦透了。2 tidy something ↔ away phrasal verb British EnglishTIDY to put something back in the place where it should be, especially in a cupboard, drawer etc 把…收拾起来 Let’s tidy these toys away. 我们把这些玩具收拾起来吧。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustidy• They chatted to her over tea and biscuits, tidied her house and did the odd spot of shopping.• I completed tidying the loft, sneezing a few times as the golden space filled with motes of shining dust.• William looked around at the stacks of cartons and bundles and felt that he had been wasting his time tidying the stock.• He washed up and tidied up, and put the baize cover back on the table.• She self-consciously fiddled with her hair, tidied up her clothes.• Two afternoons later, just as she was tidying up, Jonas came into the study.• I was tidying up my desk when the phone rang.• Thou shalt tidy up thine own mess, wherever it comes from.tidy3 noun (plural tidies) [countable] British English  1.desk/car/sink tidy DHa container for putting small objects in, used to keep your desk, car etc tidy 桌面收纳盒/汽车杂物袋/洗涤槽杂物容器Origin tidy1 (1700-1800) tidy “at an appropriate time” ((13-18 centuries)), from tideti·dy1 adjective →THESAURUS1tidy2 verbtidy3 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus is neatly is a desk etc room, tidy that house, arranged




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