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单词 throwaway
释义  Related topics: Householdthrow·a·way /ˈθrəʊəweɪ $ ˈθroʊ-/ adjective [only before noun]  1  throwaway remark/line/comment etc WORD, PHRASE, OR SENTENCEsomething that someone says or writes quickly, without thinking carefully about it 随口说出的话语;随意写下的内容 It was only a throwaway comment. 那只是随口一说。 He claims people overreacted to a few throwaway lines in the article. 他说人们对文章里的一些无心之言反应过激。2  DHCHEAPthrowaway products have been produced cheaply so that you can throw them away after you have used them 用后即扔的,一次性使用的 SYN disposable a throwaway cigarette lighter 一次性打火机3. throwaway society SSused to show disapproval when talking about modern societies in which products are not made to last a long time 一次性物品充斥的社会〔含贬义〕Examples from the Corpusthrowaway• This is not merely a throwaway suggestion in the last chapter, however.• Out of that situation came his humorous movements and asides, always in a distinctive, unctuous, throwaway voice.From Longman Business Dictionarythrowawaythrow‧a‧way /ˈθrəʊəweɪˈθroʊ-/ adjective [only before a noun]1throwaway products have been produced cheaply so that you can throw them away after you have used themSYN DISPOSABLEa throwaway lighter2throwaway society disapproving used to talk about modern society in which products are not made to last a long timethrow·a·way adjectiveChineseSyllable  someone without says that carefully something thinking or Business Corpus quickly, writes




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