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单词 CPA
释义  Related topics: Occupations, FinanceCPA /ˌsiː piː ˈeɪ/ noun [countable] American English  BOBF (Certified Public Accountant) an accountant who has passed all his or her examinations 注册会计师Examples from the CorpusCPA• Anyone working as a CPA must have a certificate and a license issued by a State board of accountancy.• Carla is a CPA and serves as a part-time financial adviser to Technosystems.• It noted discrepancies in screening procedures and the treatment of asylum-seekers among CPA countries and proposed concrete improvements.• Hence Elandskloof was transferred to the CPA at an early stage.From Longman Business DictionaryCPACPA abbreviation for CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT; CRITICAL PATH ANALYSISCPA nounChinese  has Business accountant or Corpus an examinations passed her his all who




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