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单词 Biographic
1. Descriptive ones are sub - divided into biographic pictures of King Cesar and those of the story plots.
2. It is proposed that Sartre's principles of writing biographic works are still illuminating to us today.
3. There is then some biographic information about the article including the title, URL, and summary.
4. Zweig's education and the influences imposed on him have formed his own thoughts on biographic literature, which can be seen in the forewords, prefaces and other texts.
5. The passports contain biometric information such as a digital photo, as well as biographic information.
5. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
6. The remarkable ironical art in the novel is the result of the reference from the historicial and biographic literature present by ChunQiu.
7. We have an intensive visa screening process incorporating personal interviews with multiple biographic and biometric checks, all supported by a sophisticated global information technology network.
8. The author paid a special attention to this field when compiling History of 20th Century Biographic Literature.
9. Chapter Four will explain the causes of Hawthorne's conflicting Puritanism in The House in the social, religious and biographic aspects.
10. All these indicate that in 21st century there will be a new progress and breakthrough in the biographic literature.




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