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单词 underfoot
释义  un·der·foot /ˌʌndəˈfʊt $ -ər-/ adverb  1  UNDER/BELOWunder your feet where you are walking 在脚下wet/firm/soft etc underfoot The wet wood is very slippery underfoot. 脚下的湿木头很滑。2  trample somebody/something underfoot a) SQUASHto crush someone or something on the ground by stepping heavily on them 把某人/某物踩在脚下 b) DESTROYto completely destroy someone or something 彻底毁灭某人/某物Examples from the Corpusunderfoot• How can I get anything done with all these kids underfoot?• The pine needles were soft underfoot.• Arriving at the foot of the ladder, Grant's feet crunched in a sprinkling of fresh soil underfoot.• Between the viaduct and the seafront you crush the brittle flowers underfoot.• The bedding, which resembled black seaweed, oozed underfoot.• The problem is not, as you might think, that the butterflies are being trampled underfoot.• The sky was clear, the stars were beautiful and the snow creaked underfoot.• They swirled about us, rumbling overhead and underfoot, then drifted past.• The ground underfoot was harder, almost dry.wet/firm/soft etc underfoot• The pine needles were soft underfoot.• The soil was dry and firm underfoot.• This was open desert, and there was not a dune in sight and it was firm underfoot.un·der·foot adverbChineseSyllable  under are where Corpus you your walking feet




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