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单词 faithful
释义 Word family  noun faith faithfulness ≠ unfaithfulness faithful faithlessness adjective faithful ≠ unfaithful faithless adverb faithfully ≠ unfaithfully  faith·ful1 /ˈfeɪθfəl/ ●●○ adjective  1  [usually before noun]FAITHFUL remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them 〔对某人、信念、政党等〕忠诚的,忠实的 a faithful friend 忠诚的朋友 years of faithful service to the company 为公司多年忠诚的服务 our faithful family dog, Bogey 我家的忠犬博吉 a faithful member of the church 教会的忠实信徒faithful to He remained faithful to his principles to the last. 他至死忠于自己的原则。2  [usually before noun]TRUE representing an event or an image in a way that is exactly true or that looks exactly the same 如实的,准确可靠的;忠于原事[物]的 SYN exact a faithful account of what had happened 对所发生之事的如实报道 a faithful reproduction of the original picture 忠于原画的复制品3  SEX/GENDERif you are faithful to your wife, boyfriend etc, you do not have a sexual relationship with anyone else 〔爱情上〕忠贞的faithful to Do you think Bob’s always been faithful to you? 你觉得鲍勃一直对你忠诚吗?4  [only before noun] able to be trusted or depended on 可信任的;可信赖的 SYN reliable my faithful old Toyota 我那可靠的旧丰田车 —faithfulness noun [uncountable]n THESAURUSfaithful continuing to support a person, party, belief etc for a long timehis long and faithful service to the partyhis faithful servantHe remained faithful to his fatherland right to the end. She was one of the party’s most faithful and hard-working members.loyal supporting a particular person, party, set of beliefs, etc – used especially about someone you can can trust and depend on to support youa loyal friendloyal party membersThe women have remained loyal to the goals of the Communist Party.I am not blindly loyal. If I see something that I think is a mistake which could be handled better, I will say so. devoted strongly supporting someone or something because you admire them, love them, or enjoy what they dothe author’s devoted fansher devoted husbandstaunch [only before noun] a staunch supporter, defender, or ally is very loyal, in spite of problems or difficultiesHe is a staunch supporter of the president.a staunch defender of civil libertiesthe US’s staunchest allysteadfast [usually before noun] a steadfast friend or supporter is very loyal. Also used about someone’s support or serviceLewis was a generous and steadfast friend.the steadfast support of America's allies The Queen has set a shining example of steadfast service to her country.true faithful and loyal to someone, or to your beliefs, principles etc, even if there are problemsIn times like these you find out who your true friends are.He remained true to his socialist principles.She promised that she would always be true to him.patriotic feeling a lot of love and respect for your countryAmericans are very patriotic.His speech was full of patriotic rhetoric.Examples from the Corpusfaithful• I did my best to give a faithful account of what happened.• The one companion to whom he was unswervingly faithful and attentive was his typewriter.• If most women had their way, men would be as faithful as albatrosses.• His model cars are faithful copies of the originals.• His faithful dog Hachiko waited for him.• The band still has a large number of faithful followers.• Mary's always been a trustworthy and faithful friend.• I've always been faithful, I've never cheated on you, not once!• This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.• Furthermore, most of these people are among the most faithful newspaper and magazine readers.• a faithful reconstruction of a Anglo-Saxon village• It's a faithful reproduction of the original picture.• He feels his faithful services are not valued, and he longs for death.• The majority of Mark's supporters remained faithful throughout the crisis.• The characters are one-dimensional, and none of the action is faithful to any psychological motivation.• The survey found that 39% of British women are faithful to one partner over a lifetime.• Many older people still remain faithful to the party.faithful friend• Orestes here and his faithful friend?• In this happenstance, faithful friend Lobo, these white ladies would pay anything for milk.• He remained a faithful friend ofthe West until his overthrow in May 1997.• And like a faithful friend, she had carried out these instructions to the letter; with one unforeseen eventuality.faithful2 noun  1  the faithful [plural] a) SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANthe people who are very loyal to a leader, political party etc and continue to support them 〔领袖、政党等的〕忠实支持者 Hess still has the support of the party faithful. 赫斯仍有忠实党员的支持。 b) RRBELIEVEthe people who believe in a religion 〔宗教〕教徒,信众 church bells calling the faithful to evening prayer 召唤信徒晚祷的教堂钟声2  [countable]SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN a loyal follower, supporter, or member 忠实的追随者[支持者,成员] A handful of old faithfuls came to the meeting. 一些多年的忠实追随者来参加会议了。Examples from the Corpusfaithful• There were only a handful of old faithfuls at the meeting.• What has got into these old faithfuls?• Three points became one, but at least the faithful have something to cheer about and the revival might just be under way.• Some of the faithful have a theory.old faithfuls• What has got into these old faithfuls?faith·ful1 adjective →n THESAURUS1faithful2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a person, belief, particular remaining Corpus to loyal




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