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单词 Next door
(1) A Russian couple have just moved in next door.
(2) The baby next door often bawls.
(3) They occupy the house next door.
(4) The couple next door are always arguing.
(5) Her office is just next door.
(6) He went next door to get his ball back.
(7) It's next door to impossible.
(8) The manager's office is just next door.
(9) A new family has/have moved in next door.
(10) The dogs next door are a real nuisance.
(11) He lives next door to me.
(12) The room next door is noisy.
(13) I went next door to the bathroom.
(14) Do you know the family next door?
(15) We are next door neighbours.
(16) We live next door to the pub.
(17) The cat is from the house next door.
(18) Who lives next door to you?
(19) Next door, 200 girls are limbering up for their ballet exams.
(20) Perhaps she's next door.
(21) I'll show you to your room. Ours is next door.
(22) We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
(23) The child next door carried a lantern.
(24) There was a party going on next door.
(25) There were some strange goings-on next door last night.
(26) She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.
(27) Who's trampled on my flowers? I bet it was those two little wretches who live next door.
(28) I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.
(29) We are nothing to do with the firm which has the offices next door.
(30) I wonder what became of the people who lived next door?
(1) A Russian couple have just moved in next door.
(2) Her office is just next door.
(3) He went next door to get his ball back.
(4) It's next door to impossible.
(5) The manager's office is just next door.
(6) A new family has/have moved in next door.
(7) The dogs next door are a real nuisance.
(8) The room next door is noisy.
(9) I went next door to the bathroom.
(10) Do you know the family next door?
(11) We are next door neighbours.
(12) We live next door to the pub.
(13) The cat is from the house next door.
(14) Who lives next door to you?
(15) Next door, 200 girls are limbering up for their ballet exams.
(16) She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.
(17) Who's trampled on my flowers? I bet it was those two little wretches who live next door.
(18) I had a letter from the people who used to live next door.
(19) Perhaps she's next door.
(20) We are nothing to do with the firm which has the offices next door.
(21) I'll show you to your room. Ours is next door.
(22) We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
(23) The child next door carried a lantern.
(24) He had a bit of a scrap with the boy next door.
(25) Those people next door have been hammering on the walls again.
(26) The recorder next door is a great trial to us.
(31) Sounds of revelry came from next door.
(32) A mysterious young woman is living next door.
(33) The kids next door were raising hell last night.
(34) His house is next door.
(35) They live next door to the library.
(36) I live next door to the farm.
(37) I think there's something funny going on next door.
(38) The revelries next door kept me awake all night.
(39) The flat next door was empty.
(40) The Volvo belongs to next door.
(41) Did you hear the carryings-on next door last night?
(42) There was an unholy row going on next door.
(43) me in the shop used to live next door.
(44) There was a blazing row going off next door.
(45) She was next door at the time.
(46) He contrasted his son with the boy next door.
(47) The music was coming from next door.
(48) We could hear sounds of revelry from next door.
(49) Kate's really gone on that boy next door.
(50) Suddenly, there was a great commotion next door.
(51) The neighbors thought the family next door had moved.
(52) There's building work going on next door.
(53) I heard singing next door.
(54) He often pals around with the kid next door.
(55) The old boy next door has died.
(56) I could hear somebody hammering next door.
(57) She wandered back into the next door room.
(58) We soon became friendly with the couple next door.
(59) The old girl next door has died.
(60) There must be a party going on next door.
(61) He married the girl next door.
(62) What you said is next door to a lie.
(63) I grew a little afraid of the guy next door.
(64) Our next door neighbour is a real nosy parker. He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
(65) Our next door neighbour is a real noesy parker.He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
(66) I couldn't sleep because of all the noise next door.
(67) Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station?
(68) I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.
(69) Next door to us there's a couple from the USA.
(70) The noise from next door is getting a bit much.
(71) I could hear muffled voices next door but couldn't make out any words.
(72) I'm afraid it's next door to impossible that we'll be there on time.
(73) To think we lived next door to him and never knew what he was doing!
(74) He had a bit of a scrap with the boy next door.
(75) My garden communicates with the one next door by means of a gate.
(75) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(76) Those people next door have been hammering on the walls again.
(77) He used to get cheap thrills out of frightening the girl next door.
(78) The banging sounded as if it was coming from next door.
(79) He has his eye on the bigger apartment next door.
(80) They live next door to the fish and chip shop.
(81) I hate the old lady next door she's a real flea-bag.
(82) Since they set up a builder's yard next door, our house has depreciated in value.
(83) The wires trailed through other parts of the HQ into a next door building.
(84) My daughter used to play with the kids next door.
(85) She lives next door.
(86) The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.
(87) Old Mother Adams next door has lost her cat again.
(88) The ball bounced off the wall and went flying into the garden next door.
(89) Old Mother Adams next door couldn't pierce her daughter's thoughts.
(90) It came again,() a strangled cry from the room next door.
(91) It's a great convenience living next door to a post office.
(92) There's a narrow alley which divides our house from the one next door.
(93) As a teenager, I was consumed by passion for the boy next door.
(94) Those pesky kids from next door have let down my car tyres again!
(95) She's made friends with the little girl who lives next door.
(96) We heard the sound of popping champagne corks next door.
(97) I could hear him hammering in the house next door.
(98) The baby next door kept me awake. It cried all night.
(99) She lost her virginity at the age of sixteen to the boy next door.
(100) The old crank next door can't stand the sound of our lawnmower.
(101) I tried to close my ears to the sounds coming from next door.
(102) A rather odd family came to live next door to us.
(103) Our next door neighbour knocked on the door to say that our car had been stolen.
(104) If you're asked to resign from your job, it's next door to being fired.
(105) The recorder next door is a great trial to us.
(106) The little blighters next door have trampled all over my flowers again.
(107) Mr Grey lived next door to us when we were in London.
(108) Knocking down and killing someone when driving after drinking alcohol is next door to a murder.
(109) She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.
(110) There was a real rumpus going on in the house next door last night.
(111) Sam Nunn, a friend,(http:///next door.html) is building next door.
(112) She wants to open a coffee shop next door.
(113) My next door neighbor's dog barks day and night.
(114) An elderly couple live next door.
(115) The newsroom was minuscule, not much more than a cubbyhole, next door to Monty's cluttered little office.
(116) I once lived next door to a giant of a man with feet like Yeti slippers.
(117) The Yorkes lived next door to the Shergolds and might have gleaned some scraps of information that he could wheedle out of Harriet.
(118) In the sitting room next door a log fire burned.
(119) Mr Sargent was in the next door garden, sitting in a deck chair and reading the newspaper.
(120) Adam packed his few belongings, then went next door and did the same for Billie.
(121) The children soon made friends with the kids next door.
(122) The kid next door has stopped making 5 a. m. forays to our house to see if anyone is up yet.
(123) His only friend was six-year-old Louis, who lived next door.
(124) That couple next door are always shouting and bawling at each other.
(125) She heard the prebendary's cat from next door weeping in feline fright.
(126) Obediently he went out and moved it round the back of the empty house next door.
(127) A kid starts a bulldozer from a site next door, crushes seven police cars.
(128) Is he the guy who used to live next door to you?
(129) Troy looked through a hole in the fence at the garden next door.
(130) Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour.
(131) Hodgesaargh the falconer was getting ready in the tiny room next door when he felt the change in the air.
(132) Next door was an electrical shop, its window totally bare except for a single television.
(133) The adjutant directed him to the hospital next door, giving him written instructions on how to find the ward.
(134) Guests at the hotel can also enjoy dancing evenings, plus free entry to sports centre next door.
(135) The elegant Royal Theatre next door is one of the most splendid of its kind in the country.
(135) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(136) One of the young cadres had an aunt in Saigon, next door to our house.
(137) There was a card game next door whose progress he could hear through the partition wall.
(138) The gates led right on to a busy road, there were some derelict public loos next door and a boating lake opposite.
(139) Next door the Northern Bank was severely damaged with window frames jutting out of the cracked masonry.
(140) One youth told of emerging from a drunken stupor to find himself in bed with the boy next door.
(141) They will not reveal any plans to demolish the house next door and erect a block of flats in its place.
(142) The music came from next door and when he left the bathroom and turned into the sitting room he felt dizzy.
(143) Ike and New Hope were building an even bigger church next door to the old new one.
(144) We lived next door to each other when we were kids(), and we've been best friends ever since.
(145) An only child, Lott quickly adopted Dee Lemaitrie, the girl next door, as his sister.
(146) Donald was sitting in a deck chair in his garden next door, when part of the chimney fell on him.
(147) We were given a room with a wash basin and which had a shower next door.
(148) He could distinctly hear voices which seemed to be coming from the parcels office next door.
(149) There are street sounds: cars, people calling, little flurries of activity, occasional voices next door.
(150) Willie followed him next door into a chemist's shop and then into a grocery shop.
(151) Pushing temptation aside, he left the casino and walked into the crowded bar next door.
(152) Each empty room made the next door yet more threatening.
(153) Benjy sat on his sagging back steps with six-year-old Louis Klubock, who lived next door.
(154) The two new Mr and Mrs Kim-Soons set up house next door.
(155) There is a funfair next door and the big wheels can be clearly seen from the dressing-room window.
(156) Judging from where he stood, the peephole must lie just above the painting next door.
(157) Murray, he alleged, then had gone to the bothy next door where he had injected three men with heroin.
(158) If some one dealt drugs out of the apartment next door, residents could complain-but the system rarely responded.
(159) At the w end on the N wall is a balcony with a grille which led into the palace next door.
(160) He looks like a fashion model, a clubland vamp or the boy next door.
(161) It was their next door neighbour, the woman with the red hair.
(162) Not that it was a completely wasted trip, what with the hardware store right next door.
(163) I heard a clock chime softly in the next door room.
(164) The shoe shop next door is bought out by a firm of metal welders.
(165) Through the grease on the window you see only the house next door.
(165) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(166) Next door was an old brick garage, which I converted into a cottage for my Nan.
(167) Next door to that I could buy carrot cake ice-cream.
(168) In Leicestershire only 22 percent of taxpayers overall were classed as wage earners, compared with 37 percent in Rutland next door.
(169) The Coach House originally provided stabling for a wealthy rector who lived next door.
(170) She played with her Challiss cousins, who lived next door.
(171) We were next door to Gimpel Fils which was, at that time, probably the most important gallery in London.
(172) The walls are so thin we can hear the man next door clumping about all day.
(173) Next door to the Bowmer, Chateaulin offers a Euro-style menu, including scrumptious marinated goat cheese on toast fingers.
(174) Lost Jaguar and butterflies Next door, Steve Fischer waded through his front yard.
(175) It could even come from heavy equipment working next door.
(176) I ... I was next door getting some more of those candied mice.
(177) She looks utterly fabulous and bizarrely ageless,() a perfect cross between a living Sindy doll and the girl next door.
(178) We live next door to a busy street and there is always a constant level of noise in the background.
(179) No one wants a person likely to molest a child living next door.
(180) Next door, the computer room had its two experts busy with their question-and-answer games.
(181) Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe - from the boy next door to the rich and famous.
(182) Next door, contractors Jeannine and Jack Perriseau are re-building another apartment complex that also was destroyed by the quake.
(183) She jumped out of bed and, pulling on her shirt, darted next door into the head.
(184) But there's no sky, no stars, just the opaque blank wall next door.
(185) I turn the volume low, to stop picking up snatches of conversation from next door.
(186) A groan issued from the bedroom next door as Christine brought Jake his coffee.
(187) A faint smell of cabbage wafts from the flat next door.
(188) He also has a dark and problematical double, the weird,(http:///next door.html) intelligent boy next door.
(189) He heard the Johnson boy next door, playing in his sand box, making race car noises.
(190) Now moving to a building, shell be next door to her customer - service staff.




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