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单词 test tube
释义  Related topics: Hard science, Technologyldoce_332_aˈtest tube noun [countable]   HTa small glass container that is shaped like a tube and is used in chemistry 试管 →5  See picture of TEST TUBE 试管 →4  See picture of 见图 test tube → laboratoryExamples from the Corpustest tube• Unknown to the teacher he had taken with him a test tube of the acid to test its reaction with lavatory paper.• In an invasive procedure, a doctor could extract one of her eggs and try to fertilize it in a test tube.• The father was a test tube baby.• In test tube and animal studies ABT-738 is the most potent anti-HIV drug to date.• Humans are inside the test tube to prevent the experiment from crashing, to divert the trials from overt crisis.• The rest of us humans are outside, but inside the test tube of planet Earth.ˈtest tube nounChineseSyllable  a a Corpus container like shaped small glass that is




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