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单词 eyeball
释义  eye·ball1 /ˈaɪbɔːl $ -bɒːl/ noun [countable]  1. x-refthe round ball that forms the whole of your eye, including the part inside your head 眼球 →5 see picture at 见图 eye12. eyeball to eyeball LOOK ATif two people are eyeball to eyeball, they are directly facing each other, especially in an angry or threatening way 怒目相视,瞪眼对视3  up to the/your eyeballs in something informal if someone is up to their eyeballs in something, they have more than they can deal with 深陷于某事 She’s up to her eyeballs in debt. 她债台高筑。4. drugged/doped up to the eyeballs if someone is drugged up to the eyeballs, they have taken a lot of drugs so that their behaviour is severely affected 服用了大量毒品〔因而行为受到严重影响〕Examples from the Corpuseyeball• Are you so anxious to know what it feels like to have both eyeballs gouged out, one at a time?• I could see his diseased eyeballs glowing in the gloom.• Get the sport in front of as many eyeballs as possible.• It appeared he also liked to skin the bodies of his victims and had a capability to swallow eyeballs.• It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.• I recall... the shocking distension and protrusion of the eyeballs of dead men and dead horses.• Strangulation was all very well, but it played merry hell with the eyeballs.• Swear on the whites of your eyeballs.eyeball2 verb [transitive]  informalLOOK AT to look directly and closely at something or someone 盯住;打量 They eyeballed each other suspiciously. 他们怀疑地互相打量。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuseyeball• Challenge him, eyeball him, intimidate him.• It took him six terms to get an elite suite, and other members already are eyeballing it.• But weights and measures inspectors are never satisfied to simply eyeball things.• They eyeballed us suspiciously before speaking.eye·ball1 nouneyeball2 verbChineseSyllable  forms of whole the that your the Corpus ball round




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