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单词 eyebrow
释义  Related topics: Humaneye·brow /ˈaɪbraʊ/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  HBHthe line of hair above your eye 眉(毛) thick bushy eyebrows 浓密的眉毛 →5 see picture at 见图 eye12  raise your eyebrows SURPRISEDto move your eyebrows upwards in order to show surprise or disapproval 扬起眉毛〔表示惊讶或反对〕 ‘Really?’ she said, raising her eyebrows. “真的吗?”她扬起双眉说道。 This decision caused a few raised eyebrows (=surprised some people). 这个决定令一些人感到惊讶。3  be up to your eyebrows in something spokenBUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO to have more of something than you can deal with 埋头于某事;忙于某事 I’m absolutely up to my eyebrows in work. 我的工作实在是忙得不可开交。Examples from the Corpuseyebrow• Merrill's dark eyebrows lifted a little; surely there ought to be a reception desk, and some one to attend to visitors?• She lifts her eyebrows and looks the place over.• He raised his eyebrows, waited.-Sir, he assaulted me.• Her appointment by Clinton to such an important job raised many eyebrows, but she has proved a popular and effective envoy.• For a time I could communicate only by raising my eyebrows when some one pointed to letters on a card.• The eyebrows and eyelashes were drawn in an then very pale washes were put on, the paint smooth and even.eye·brow nounChineseSyllable  of eye your the line above hair Corpus




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