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单词 terrorist
释义  Related topics: Bombs & terrorismter·ror·ist /ˈterərɪst/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  SCBsomeone who uses violence such as bombing, shooting etc to obtain political demands 恐怖分子 We refuse to talk to terrorists. 我们拒绝和恐怖分子对话。terrorist attack/activity/offence Twenty people were killed in the latest terrorist attack. 有20人死于最近这次恐怖袭击。terrorist group/organization 恐怖团体/组织 A terrorist bomb that left 168 people dead. 恐怖分子引爆造成168人死亡的炸弹 → guerrillan COLLOCATIONSadjectivesan international terroristThe kidnap was carried out by a group of international terrorists.a suspected terroristCoalition forces killed at least 20 suspected armed terroristThey were gunned down by armed terrorists outside their hotel.terrorist + NOUNa terrorist group/organizationNo terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.a terrorist attack/bombing/actMore than 50 people were injured in the terrorist attack.terrorist activityThe Foreign Office has issued a warning to tourists about terrorist activity in the country.terrorist violenceAl-Qaeda began waging a campaign of terrorist violence against the West.the terrorist threatHe admitted the increased terrorist threat was causing the security forces great concern.a terrorist cell (=a small secret group of terrorists)Detectives believe that one individual, rather than a terrorist cell, is responsible for the bombing.ter·ror·ist noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  




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