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单词 template
释义  Related topics: Mechanical, Computerstem·plate /ˈtempleɪt, -plət/ noun [countable]  1. TEMTBa thin sheet of plastic or metal in a special shape or pattern, used to help cut other materials in a similar shape 〔切割材料时用的塑料或金属〕模板,型板,样板2. technicalTD a computer document containing some basic information that you use as a model for writing other documents, such as business letters, envelopes etc 模板,范本〔包含一些基本信息的计算机文件样板〕3  written something that is used as a model for another thing 样板,标准template for Her childhood became a template for how she brought up her own children. 她的童年生活成了她抚育自己孩子的样板。Examples from the Corpustemplate• The wall thus provides a template for the pattern of the migrating cells.• We used a template and inserted or copied text wherever variable information was needed.• Now we will create the form-letter template that we will later copy variable information into from another document.• In our hands, these precipitations result in progressively diminished yields of potential template cDNA for amplification.• And as an aid to drilling, make a simple template from a length of batten.• The template can be anything from a simple list of stories to a traditional newspaper layout with headlines of differing sizes.Origin template (1600-1700) French templet, from temple “instrument in a loom for keeping the cloth stretched”, probably from Latin templum; → TEMPLEtem·plate nounChineseSyllable  a of thin plastic or Corpus sheet metal




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