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- make captain
- make certain
- make common cause
- make common cause against
- make common cause against sb
- make common cause against somebody
- make common cause with
- make common cause with sb
- make common cause with somebody
- make compelling reading
- make day
- make do
- make encouraging noises
- make encouraging noises about
- make encouraging noises about something
- make encouraging noises about sth
- (make) encouraging/optimistic etc noises (about something)
- make ends meet
- make eyes at give sb the eye
- make eyes at give somebody the eye
- make eyes at give the eye
- make eyes at sb sb the eye
- make eyes at somebody/give somebody the eye
- make eyes at somebody somebody the eye
- make eyes at the eye
- Money-lender
- Phyllotaxis
- Designedly
- Flatness
- Hummus
- Comparative anatomy
- Isothermal
- Enteropathy
- Redirect
- 十室九空·赤地千里是什么意思
- 十履而一跣,则跣者耻;十跣而一履,则履者耻
- 十年
- 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄倖名
- 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名
- 十年之功,七步成诗
- 十年以后
- 十年寒窗,才能换来金榜题名
- 十年树木,百年树人的意思,十年树木,百年树人造句
- 十年树木,百年树人
- 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘
- 十年生聚,十年教训是什么意思
- 十年磨一剑,潜心做学问
- 十年秋,陈豨反代地[1],高帝自往击,至邯郸[2],征兵梁王.》鉴赏
- 十年窗下无人问,一举成名天下知
- Believe句子
- Point句子
- Mr句子
- Live句子
- Night句子
- Move句子
- Always句子
- Off句子
- Same句子
- Great句子
- Let句子
- Why句子
- Student句子
- Keep句子
- Mean句子