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单词 technician
释义 Word family  noun technicalities technicality technician technique adjective technical adverb technically  tech·ni·cian /tekˈnɪʃən/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  WORKERsomeone whose job is to check equipment or machines and make sure that they are working properly 技师,技术人员 a laboratory technician 实验室技术人员 a hospital technician 医院技术人员2  GOOD ATsomeone who is very good at the skills of a particular sport, music, art etc 〔运动、音乐、艺术等领域的〕精于技巧者;巧匠 Whether he was a great artist or not, Dali was a superb technician. 不管达利是不是一位伟大的艺术家,他肯定是一个卓越的技巧大师。Examples from the Corpustechnician• A complete floor in a central telephone complex in Belfast was taken over by army technicians.• His action was taped by a college technician for Faldo to replay.• a dental technician• Below her, technicians were preparing a long-range executive transporter for launch.• Kawasaki technicians bustling round the test bike confidently tell me it is the best bike yet.• Stewart has become a real technician as an offensive guard.• It's a long way from the sturdy frames the technicians normally handle.• I can't understand what is said, but one of the technicians is laughing.• I have a workshop with a supervisor and three technicians and my own secretary.• Thus, technicians of all kinds worked together in a close-knit, focused group.From Longman Business Dictionarytechniciantech‧ni‧cian /tekˈnɪʃən/ noun [countable]JOB a skilled scientific or industrial workerThese machines must be installed by trained technicians.a laboratory techniciantech·ni·cian nounChineseSyllable  or someone Corpus whose is to check equipment job Business




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