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单词 tattoo
释义  Related topics: Performing, Textures, sounds, Military, Visualtat·too1 /təˈtuː, tæˈtuː/ noun (plural tattoos)  1  [countable]DC a picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin using a needle and ink 文身 He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm. 他的左臂上刺了一条蛇。 →4  See picture of 见图 tattoo2. [countable]AP an outdoor military show with music, usually at night 〔常在夜间举行的、有音乐伴奏的〕军操表演3. [singular]CSPMSOUND a fast continuous beating of a drum, or a sound like this 快速的击鼓;快速的敲击声Examples from the Corpustattoo• I had the feeling Ted might have gotten a tattoo or something, made some drastic alteration in himself.• a tattoo of a lion• But tattoos are only skin deep.• He emphatically is not advocating parents to go along with kids' desires for tattoos.• The couple had their his'n' hers tattoos done during their stormy three-year marriage.• He was probably smothered in tattoos, for heaven's sake!• As well as treatment of port wine stains, other lasers can be used to remove tattoos or in surgery.• He also taught them the arts of circumcision and sub-incision, used to produce the traditional tattoos sported by Aranda menfolk.Related topics: Visualtattoo2 verb [transitive]  DCto mark a permanent picture or writing on someone’s skin with a needle and ink 在〔皮肤〕上刺花纹,给…文身 She’s got a heart tattooed on her right shoulder. 她右肩上刺了一个心形图案。 —tattooed adjective heavily tattooed arms 刺满花纹的胳膊→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustattoo• There is a wild-eyed man whose face is completely tattooed.• He was a skinhead, and had a line of swastikas tattooed around his neck.• Clooney is the darkly handsome one with the motorcycle boots and the black flames tattooed on his neck.• And bullets would start flying, tattooing walls and bodies.• The man's cheeks were tattooed with little vermilion chalices brimming with gore.Origin tattoo1 1. (1700-1800) Tahitian tatau2. (1600-1700) Dutch taptoe, from tap toe! “taps shut!”tat·too1 nountattoo2 verbChineseSyllable   or writing on that a Corpus permanently marked picture is




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