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单词 Sabre
1. He stripped a tree with his sabre.
2. Well, forget about his dagger, where was his sabre?
3. He flailed for balance with his sabre arm, then screamed because he saw the heavy sword coming at his throat.
4. Colberg drew his sabre slowly and held it sloped on his shoulder.
5. William; masked, clad in white, grasping his sabre and suddenly lunging forward, one leg darting ahead.
6. The Silver Sabre has restored my confidence and I consider it to be one of the best machines that I have used.
7. The ventralmost arm spine may be curved or sabre shaped.
8. The student first masters manipulation of the single sabre, then at a more advanced level, the twin swords.
9. At his hip hung a massively heavy sabre with an ivory hilt.
10. Then Nigel Carew drew his sabre and thrust it into the hand of his youthful son and pushed him forward.
11. Until men united wield a hallowed sabre.
12. The sabre is heavy and rigid.
13. The appearance that still preserving Japanese sabre?
14. His face was seamed with sabre cuts.
15. The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system.
16. History suggests sabre - rattling by Washington will do little to change these dynamics.
17. Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions.
18. Using Swiss sabre to describe this mobile phone is apter.
19. Sabre Cats are a race of bipedal, intelligent beings with many feline features.
20. Her speech is mere sabre - rattling , ie She will not carry out her threats.
21. A sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions.
22. As global economies sink into bankruptcy, sabre rattling may on occasion be used to distract the populace, but in the main current trends become more pronounced.
23. Aging Zorro Peter Westbrook, 44, qualified for his sixth Olympic team in the fencing discipline of sabre.Sentence dictionary
24. They had been married for only a few weeks before he had been hacked down by a sabre.
25. The ventral arm spines are more rugose than the dorsal ones and slightly curved or sabre shaped.
26. He rose to his full height, standing before her with both hands on his sabre.
27. In addition, LAN, headquartered in Santiago, Chile, and a member of oneworld, signed a multi-year "full-content" distribution agreement with the Sabre global distribution system.
28. The 90-metre-long craft's secret weapon is a hydrogen fuel-powered rocket engine called SABRE (Synergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine) and was designed by the company's managing director Alan Bond.
29. There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing - foil, sabre, and epee.
30. Mr Ivanov was more in tune with Mr Putin's anti - Western sabre - rattling.
31. As for where next, given Obama"s sabre rattling against Pakistan, that is one place to keep an eye on."
32. The world wants peace and love not war and sabre rattling.




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