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单词 talk show
释义  Related topics: Television & radioˈtalk show noun [countable]  AMTa television show in which famous people answer questions about themselves 〔电视上的〕名人访谈节目,脱口秀 SYN British English chat show a talk show host 脱口秀节目主持人Examples from the Corpustalk show• Carteris went off to be a talk show host.• Not that I don't admire roaring entertainers, but a talk show requires some give and take, some exchange.• I also discovered that being a guest on a talk show is pretty nerve-racking.• Some one who's brilliant on the cinema screen isn't necessarily a good talk show guest.• Later, it will expand to include a radio talk show where players can talk about computer games.• And she used her limited telephone privileges to air her opinions live on a local radio talk show.ˈtalk show nounChineseSyllable  which show famous in a television people Corpus answer




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