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单词 extravagant
释义  ex·trav·a·gant /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/ ●●○ adjective  1  SPEND MONEYspending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford 奢侈的;挥霍的 Would it be too extravagant to buy both? 把两个都买下会不会太奢侈了? an extravagant lifestyle 奢侈的生活方式2  WASTE somethingdoing or using something too much or more than is necessary 〔事情做得〕过度的;大手大脚的extravagant with Don’t be too extravagant with the wine. 不要酗酒。 an extravagant display of loyalty 过分表露忠诚3  EXTREMEif someone makes extravagant claims, promises etc, they make big claims or promises that are not true or real 〔主张、承诺等〕不切实际的 extravagant claims about the drug’s effectiveness 对该药疗效的夸张说法4  IMPRESSvery impressive because of being very expensive, beautiful etc 铺张的;豪华的 extravagant celebrations 铺张的庆祝活动 —extravagantly adverb —extravagance noun [countable, uncountable] the extravagance of the Royal Palace 皇宫的富丽堂皇 His only extravagance (=the only expensive thing he bought) was fine wine. 他唯一的奢侈品是美酒。Examples from the Corpusextravagant• Nature abhors the superfluous, yet is constrained to produce the seemingly extravagant.• The Conservatives, on the other hand, protect the counties and suspect the great urban authorities of being extravagant.• Van Jong's personal life was notably extravagant.• Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal remedies including the curing of baldness.• The extravagant claims made were more significant for what they anticipated than for what could then be accomplished.• An extravagant collection of activities centered on the family shrine, as the sweet scent of incense hovered placidly above us.• When the air became more thickly populated, such extravagant forms disappeared.• Yet, as I said, you are not extravagant, I am.• If anything, we were too extravagant in the late 1980s when money was rolling in - we took everything for granted.• $400 on a dress! That's a bit extravagant, isn't it?• extravagant marketing claims• Rich and extravagant parents are spending more and more money on their children's parties.• Hundreds, thousands, and not one of them with sufficient imagination to try a really extravagant swindle.• The gifts, though not extravagant, were nice.From Longman Business Dictionaryextravagantex‧trav‧a‧gant /ɪkˈstrævəgənt/ adjective1disapproving spending a lot of money when it is not necessaryIt’s a bit too extravagant to buy both.Even when in debt, he continued to enjoy anextravagant lifestyle.2very extreme and not based on real factsThe advertisements makeextravagant claims, guaranteeing that you will stop smoking within 10 days.Origin extravagant (1300-1400) Medieval Latin Latin vagans, present participle of vagari “to wander about”ex·trav·a·gant adjectiveChineseSyllable  a money, costing Corpus Business of spending lot or




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