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单词 tab
释义  Related topics: Drink, Technology, Daily life, Drug culture, Tobaccotab1 /tæb/ noun [countable]  1  in typing 打字 a) TCa tab key 制表键,跳格键n b) a set position in a line of writing that you get to by pressing the tab key2  money that you owe 所欠的钱PAY FOR an amount of money that you owe, or a record of an amount of money that you owe 账款;账目 The tab for the campaign was nearly $500 million. 活动的费用将近5亿美元。 I’ll put it on your tab and you can pay tomorrow. 我把它记在你账上,你可以明天付钱。 He ran up a $4,000 tab in long-distance calls. 他打了4,000美元的长途电话。► see thesaurus at bill3  pick up the tab PAY FORto pay for something, especially when it is not your responsibility to pay 〔尤指代他人〕付账,承担费用 Taxpayers will pick up the tab for the stadium. 纳税人将承担建造体育馆的费用。4  to open 打开 a) especially American EnglishDFDT a small piece of metal that you pull to open a can of drink 〔易拉罐的〕拉环 SYN British English ring pull b) a small piece of metal, plastic, or paper that you pull to open something 〔用于开启某物的金属、塑料或纸制的〕拉片,拉手5  small piece of paper/plastic etc 一小片纸/塑料等D a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic etc that sticks out from the edge of something, so that you can find it more easily 〔凸出于某物边缘、方便查找的〕标签,检索凸舌 an index tab labeled ‘Expenses’ 标着“支出”字样的检索标签6. (also license tab) a small piece of sticky plastic with a date on it that you put on your car’s license plate in the US to show that the car is legally allowed on the road 〔在美国允许车辆合法上路的〕车牌标贴7  keep (close) tabs on somebody/something informalWATCH to watch someone or something carefully to check what they are doing 密切注意某人/某事物,监视某人的一举一动 The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison. 自从罗杰斯出狱以来,警察一直在严密监视他。8  drug 毒品 informalMDD a form of the illegal drug LSD or ecstasy 〔迷幻药等毒品的〕丸,片 a tab of acid 一片迷幻药9. cigarette 香烟 British English informalDFT a cigarette 香烟n10  Internet one of a number of web pages you have open at the same time Do you want to close all tabs or the current tab?Examples from the Corpustab• In just two days, she'd run up a bar tab of $175.• He ordered dinner and asked for it to be put on his tab.• Our tab for the meal came to just $48.• Since insurers pick up about 55 percent of the tab, the premiums they charge drivers are steep, and getting steeper.• The bride's father paid the tab for the party.Related topics: Computerstab2 verb (tabbed, tabbing)  [intransitive] to press the tab key on a computer or typewriter 按制表键,按跳格键→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustab• Twenty-year-old Tavarez was tabbed to play the leading role.From Longman Business Dictionarytabtab /tæb/ noun [countable]1a small piece of paper or cloth that is fixed to the edge of something, usually giving information about it2a bill for something, especially one that has gradually increased over timeOne out of three credit card holders pays their credit card tab in full every month.the estimated government tab for resolving the S&L crisis3a system used in some bars and restaurants in which they keep a record of what you have bought and you pay for it laterCan you put these drinks on my tab?4pick up the tab to pay for something, especially when it is not your responsibility to payTaxpayers are picking up the tab for the government’s mistakes.5 (also tab stop)COMPUTING a button on a computer keyboard that you press to move forward to a particular place on a line of textOrigin tab1 1. (1900-2000) tabulator “tab key” ((19-21 centuries)), from tabulate2. (1800-1900) Partly from table3. (1600-1700) Origin unknown. 4. (1900-2000) tablettab1 nountab2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  tab key Business Corpus a




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