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单词 interest
释义 Word family  noun interest ≠ disinterest adjective interested ≠ disinterested ≠ uninterested interesting ≠ uninteresting verb interest adverb interestingly disinterestedly  Related topics: Loans, Companies, Businessin·terest1 /ˈɪntrɪst/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  [singular, uncountable]INTERESTED if you have an interest in something or someone, you want to know or learn more about them 兴趣interest in My parents encouraged my interest in science. 父母激励了我在自然科学方面的兴趣。 I’d recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in jazz. 我向所有喜欢爵士乐的人推荐这本书。 Ben has shown an interest in learning French. 本表现出想学法语的兴趣。 My mother had never expressed any interest in the garden. 我母亲从未表示对园艺有兴趣。 Babies soon begin to take an interest in the world around them. 婴儿很快就开始对周围的事物产生兴趣。 John appeared to have no interest in girls. 约翰看起来对女孩没有兴趣。 I watched the first few episodes, but soon lost interest. 我看了前几集,但很快就失去了兴趣。 The last round of bidding aroused considerable interest. 最后一轮竞价引起人们相当大的兴趣。 Our survey reveals a disturbing lack of interest in teacher training. 我们的调查显示人们对教师培训失去了兴趣,这很令人不安。 I read your article with great interest. 我兴致勃勃地拜读了您的文章。2  [countable usually plural]INTERESTED an activity that you enjoy doing or a subject that you enjoy studying 兴趣,爱好 (的事物) His interests include walking and golf. 他的爱好包括散步和打高尔夫球。 As a biologist, my main interest has been human genetics. 作为一名生物学家,我主要的兴趣是人类遗传学。 Her outside interests (=interests that are not part of her work) were numerous. 她的业余爱好非常广泛。3  [uncountable]INTERESTED a quality or feature of something that attracts your attention or makes you want to know more about it 吸引力;趣味 A Persian rug will add colour and interest to your hallway. 波斯地毯将给你的门廊增添色彩和情趣。be of (no) interest (to somebody) (=be interesting or not interesting to someone) (对某人)有[没有]吸引力 It’s a book that will be of interest to a wide range of readers. 这是一本广大读者都会感兴趣的书。 What you do in your private life is of no interest to me. 我对你的私生活毫无兴趣。 art galleries, museums and other places of interest 美术馆、博物馆和其他有意思的地方 topics of general interest (=that everyone wants to know about) 人们普遍感兴趣的话题4  [uncountable] a) BFLthe extra money that you must pay back when you borrow money 〔借贷的〕利息interest on The interest on the loan is 16% per year. 贷款年利率为16%。 How much are the monthly interest payments? 每月所付的利息是多少? b) BFLmoney paid to you by a bank or financial institution when you keep money in an account there 存款利息 an account that pays higher interest 支付更高存款利息的账户 The more you save, the more interest you’ll earn. 存款越多,所得的利息就越多。 → compound interest, interest rate, simple interest5  [countable usually plural, uncountable]ADVANTAGEOWN the things that bring advantages to someone or something 利益,好处protect/look after/safeguard somebody’s interests The regulations were introduced in order to safeguard the interests of local fishing communities. 实施这些规章是为了保护当地渔民社区的利益。be in somebody’s (best) interest(s) (to do something) (=be the best thing for someone) (做某事)对某人最有利 The court decided that it was in the girl’s best interests to remain with her grandparents. 法庭作出判决,对小女孩最妥善的安置就是把她留在其祖父母身边。have somebody’s (best) interests at heart (=care about someone and want to do what is best for them) 关心某人的利益 He has your best interests at heart, you know. 要知道,他是在替你着想。 We’ve got to balance economic interests and environmental interests. 我们必须兼顾经济利益和环境利益。6  be in the national/public interest to be good or necessary for the safety or success of a country and its people 出于国家/公众利益 I believe it is in the public interest that these facts are made known. 我相信公布这些真相是符合公众利益的。7  in the interest(s) of justice/safety/efficiency etc PURPOSEin order to make a situation or system fair, safe etc 为了公正/安全/效率等 The race was postponed in the interests of safety. 为了安全起见,比赛延期了。8  (just) out of interest/as a matter of interest spokenINTERESTED used to say that you are asking a question only because you are interested and not because you need to know (只是)出于好奇〔提问时用〕 Just out of interest, how much did they offer you? 我只是好奇地问一下,他们打算给你多少钱?9  [countable]BBC if you have an interest in a particular company or industry, you own shares in it 权益,股份 The company is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests. 据信该公司急于出售其大量酿酒业股份。 His business interests are spread throughout Europe. 他的公司股份遍及欧洲。controlling interest (=enough shares to control what decisions are taken) 控股权 In 1986 GM acquired a controlling interest in the sports car maker Lotus. 1986年通用汽车获得了跑车生产商路特斯的控股权。10  [countable usually plural]BGROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people in the same business who share aims or ideas 利益集团;利益相关者 Farming interests now dominate many of the National Park committees. 农场经营利益集团现在控制着许多国家公园委员会。 The majority of Brazil’s huge commercial interests support the measure. 大多数巴西的大型商业利益集团都支持这项措施。 the need to reduce the influence of special interests (=groups who are concerned about particular subjects) 减少特殊利益集团影响力的需要11  have no interest in doing something INTERESTEDto not want to do something 不想做某事 I have no interest in continuing this conversation. 我不想再谈下去了。12. declare an interest (in something) CONNECTED WITHINTERESTEDto officially state that you are connected with something or someone, and so cannot be completely fair and independent when making a decision involving them 宣布(与某事物)有利害关系,声明(与某事物)有利益关系13  human interest/love interest INTERESTEDthe part of a story, film, or event which is interesting because it shows things about people’s lives or romantic relationships 〔小说、影片或事件中的〕人们的生活/风流韵事情节 As a trainee reporter, she spent most of her time on human interest stories. 作为实习记者,她把大部分时间都投入在有人情味的新闻报道上。 → self-interest, → conflict of interest at conflict1(6), → vested interest at vested(1)n COLLOCATIONSverbshave an interest in somethingSteve has a keen interest in interest in somethingHe had shown great interest in her an interest in something (=say that you are interested in something)A number of well-known film directors have expressed interest in the script.take an interest in something (=be interested in something)Jacky first took an interest in golf when he was about six years old.have no interest in somethingAndy had no interest in politics.lose interest in something (=stop being interested)Tilda had lost interest in what was being said.arouse/generate/attract interest (=make people interested)This extraordinary story has aroused interest in many quarters.feign interest (=pretend to be interested)Ted scanned the report, feigning interest.interest growsInterest in the project has steadily grown.interest wanes (=becomes less)When his initial interest waned, the teacher paid more attention to him.adjectivesgreat interestThe government has shown great interest in the idea.enormous/intense interest (=very great)This tournament has created enormous interest.considerable/strong/keen interestThe results of their work will be of considerable interest.special/particular interestNatural history was a special interest of his.a personal interest in somethingHe took a personal interest in the lives of his workers.renewed interest (=starting again after it had stopped)There has been a renewed interest in abstract painting in recent years.a consuming interest (=a very strong feeling of interest)Roland had a consuming interest in cricket.a long-term/abiding interest (=an interest you have had for a long time)She has had a long-term interest in antiques.phrasesa lot of interestThere has been a lot of interest in the story.a great deal of interest (=a lot of interest)The exhibition has generated a great deal of interest.a lack of interestThe show was cancelled due to a lack of interest on the part of the public.Examples from the Corpusinterest• Josie isn't really an archaeologist, it's just an interest of hers.• Although the government has made some shares in National Oil Products available, it intends to maintain its controlling interest.• Agricultural and environmental interests have both been influential in water policy.• The bank has interests in several companies, including a 15% share of Morgan's Brewery.• Her interests were the same as most young girls -- pop music, boys and clothes.• a high interest savings account• Golf is also one of his interests.• In retirement, Nelson added personal computing to his interests.• He is expected to concentrate on developing his hotel interests.• John had put his grandfather's money in the bank, and was getting $400 a month in interest.• She got about two hundred thousand and a life interest in another two hundred thou.• Credit companies charge huge amounts of interest.• The best rate of interest the banks can offer is around 14 per cent.• Altering banks' liquidity or the rate of interest are indirect methods of controlling spending.• They will be able to marry the two sets of interests to the benefit of the Province.• They took a cool professional interest which matched the matter of fact way they were dealing with the crisis of our disintegrating home.• The President should be doing more to advance U.S. interests abroad.• If you had half a million dollars you could easily live off the interest.• What's the interest on the loan?with ... interest• With interest, as I've already suggested.• He is a distinguished astrophysicist with a lifelong interest in space.• The certificates are, of course, quoted daily with accrued interest.• The research will involve analysis of legal documentation, synthesis of existing research and interviews with representatives of interest groups.• There have been many with consuming interest for golf who never developed an intrigue for putting.• The hospital has four consultant physicians, one with a special interest in gastroenterology.• He fed the crystal into a reader and watched with interest as the file scrolled up.outside interests• Others found that the sheer workload of the course left them unable to develop outside interests, such as reading or the theatre.• Now Martin is looking forward to spending his retirement enjoying outside interests which will include travelling, walking and watching cricket.• His outside interests were numerous and varied.• One sees again and again that such people grow in outside interests.• Making a mental note not to let outside interests interfere with her work, she began to inject the puppies.• Ms. Walters has many outside interests.• Some of his many outside interests include reading, theatre and debating.• He has got to ask how things are going at home or about my outside interests.• This would force campaigns to pay less attention to outside interests and more to the people at home.of general interest• Each one of perhaps a group of four should prepare a brief summary of an article of general interest.• Cuttings of general interest can be stored under different categories in box files.• As a foreigner and a teacher, I was the object of general interest and respect.• A few points of general interest might usefully be restated here.• Questions of general interest can be sent to him at the newspaper.• Two results of general interest emerge from this preliminary analysis.interest ... earn• As the dividends are paid they can be reinvested, and hence interest can be earned.• At the same time, the government lost millions in interest not earned while taxes, fees, and fines went uncollected.• All your accounts remain separate, but the amount of interest you earn is based on the family's total.• In between, you might receive a check twice annually for the interest earned on that bond.• The manager executes the deals for a small annual fee - usually 0.5 percent deducted from the interest earned.• They are a gamble and your stake is the interest you would earn on the cash.• It follows that the defendant will be entitled to the interest it has earned on deposit up to the point of acceptance.• This total is then divided by interest expense to obtain the times interest earned ratio.have somebody’s (best) interests at heart• With mutations around, the cells within a plant of splurge-weed will not have all the same genetic interests at heart.• They have your best interests at heart...controlling interest• Late in 1886, the Charles Harrahs, father and son, bought a controlling interest.• All of these are projects in which the government holds a controlling interest and in which it has a strong commercial partner.• Not a controlling interest, then, but a powerful one.• That will be harder to bear if there is little hope of a controlling interest in the near future.• Mr Morgado said that the group would seek a controlling interest in companies and that it would play an operating role.• Host Marriott Corp. said it will pay $ 112. 5 million to acquire controlling interest in five hotels.• The government sold its controlling interest in the national phone company.• This in turn will further aid the process of controlling interest rates.• Carl Zeiss has a 51 percent controlling interest in the new company.special interests• Schools must design their own local units to take account of local circumstances and special interests.• The influence of pressure groups and special interests will become pervasive.• They see Congress as controlled by special interests and having little concern for average people.• Other options are fraught with more complications because of the possibility of contributions from special interests.• But even if it is, the incident raises concerns about the influence of special interests.• A must for anyone concerned with advertising to businesses, government, associations and consumer groups with special interests.• Phillip Hodson is a psychotherapist with special interests in children's problems.interest2 ●●● W2 verb [transitive]  1  INTERESTEDto make someone want to pay attention to something and find out more about it 使感兴趣,使关注 Here’s an article which might interest you. 这里有一篇文章,也许你会感兴趣。 What interests me is all the history of these places. 使我感兴趣的是这些地方的历史。it interests somebody that/how/to do It may interest you to know that a number of scholarships are available. 你也许有兴趣知道将提供多项奖学金。2  interest yourself in something formal to give something a lot of attention because you want to find out more about it 对某事感兴趣 He had always interested himself in foreign affairs. 他一向对外交事务感兴趣。3  OFFERto try to persuade someone to buy, do, or eat something 劝说〔某人〕买[做,吃]interest somebody in something The salesman tried to interest me in the higher-priced model. 销售员劝我买价格较高的型号。Could I interest you in a drink/dessert etc? (=used as a polite way of offering someone a drink etc) 你要喝一杯/吃甜点等吗?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinterest• The infant tries to reproduce events that interest him or her.• What interests me most is where he got all that money in the first place.• The book doesn't really interest me that much.• It's always best to choose the subject that interests you, not the one your parents want you to do.• There was an article in yesterday's paper that might interest you.What interests ... is• What interests me is that you have no pity for men whose bodies have been mutilated.• What interests me is the psychology -- or pathology -- of women, what women will do in the name of love.• What interests me is the singularly local nature of some phenomena.• What interests me is what discussions such as these reveal about the relationship between television and the Press.From Longman Business Dictionaryinterestin‧terest /ˈɪntrɪst/ noun1[uncountable]FINANCE an amount paid by a borrower to a lender, for example to a bank by someone borrowing money for a loan or by a bank to a DEPOSITOR (=someone keeping money in an account there)Any spare cash is best put in a savings account where it will earn interest.US savings bonds will pay interest at 7.01% from May 1 through Oct. 31.interest ona period during which you only pay interest on the loan and make no capital repaymentsSome credit cards don’t charge interest on unpaid balances. → accrued interest → add-on interest → bank interest → bond interest → building society interest → compound interest → debenture interest → ex interest → gross interest → imputed interest → net interest → simple interest → true interest2[countable]FINANCE shares that you own in a company, or a part of a company that a person or organization ownsSYN HOLDING, STAKEinterest inHighlands Gold Ltd holds a 30% interest in the mine.He acquired interests in a number of publishing companies. → controlling interest → majority interest → minority interest → working interest3vested interest disapproving a group of people with strong reasons for wanting something to happen because they will gain an advantage from itHe is determined to preventpowerful vested interests from blocking the reform.4[countable]LAW the possession of rights, especially to land, property etcThe husband can release his interest in the legal estate to his wife. → beneficial interest → see also conflict of interest, open interest, short interestOrigin interest1 (1400-1500) Anglo-French interesse, from Latin interesse “to be between, make a difference, concern”, from esse “to be”in·terest1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1interest2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   if someone, an have you or in something interest Business you Corpus




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