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单词 Catastrophic
1 His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.
2 The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.
3 Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.
4 The failure of the talks could have catastrophic consequences .
5 But in ecological terms, something catastrophic had occurred.
6 The humanitarian situation has reached catastrophic proportions.
7 That way, if you have a catastrophic problem, you can restore your system to its previous state.
8 Read in studio Conservation experts are warning of catastrophic longterm effects from the Shetland tanker disaster.
9 It has stoked catastrophic business failures and contributed to increased unemployment.
10 Similarly, other professionals working in the field of catastrophic illness should have other interests that they are heavily invested in emotionally.
11 During that time, it has suffered catastrophic labor problems and declining attendance.
12 She too embarks on a lazy plot of catastrophic collapse, winding up confined in a local booby hatch.
13 Most deaths are caused not by catastrophic accidents but by fouling from oil that is illegally but routinely discharged from ships.
14 Damage to farmland was catastrophic and main rail links were severed.
15 The minister gave a warning that if war broke out(), it would be catastrophic.
16 A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
17 The decision to cut back on film-making had a catastrophic effect on the nurturing of new talent.
18 The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
19 It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease.
20 An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.
21 If they are wrong, then we are without guidance and they may leave us, which would be catastrophic.
22 In general, however, there is little evidence to support the idea that many of the occasional desert rainfalls cause catastrophic floods.
23 Firstly, engine fires happen, though thankfully they are rare, and often not catastrophic.
24 At some later date, a slight glacial retreat would weaken the dam wall and its subsequent collapse would prove catastrophic.
25 The two countries have been criticised in recent months for insisting on maintaining sanctions in spite of the catastrophic impact on civilians.
26 Cancellation of the world-famous National Hunt meeting would be a catastrophic blow to racing.
27 Patients went through three overlapping, distinguishable stages as they learned to assimilate and adjust to the catastrophic effects of their illness.
28 And yet the country faces an AIDS epidemic every bit as catastrophic as the one that is ravaging its neighbours.
29 Development and international aid are frequently misguided in inception,[] disastrous in execution and catastrophic for the local people.
30 Perry said the program will be open to growers who have signed up for federal catastrophic crop insurance.
1 The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic.
2 His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.
3 A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
4 It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease.
31 For this reason and no other, Gates is spending huge amounts of money to defend itself from a potentially catastrophic judgment.
32 One need hardly dwell on the catastrophic possibility of uttering a bantering remark only to discover it wholly inappropriate.
33 Unfortunately from his viewpoint he lacked the skill to handle the matter and the result was a catastrophic decline in his reputation.
34 Demonstrate provocation test where clients deliberately over-breath - discuss catastrophic misinterpretation of symptoms - breathing exercises.
35 And the potential for catastrophic wildfires is very high because of so much dead wood on the forest floor.
36 Behaviors that are safe on a small scale can become catastrophic on larger ones.
37 These sensations are the first acute symptoms of anxiety, often leading to hyperventilation and to the initiation of catastrophic panic thoughts.
38 Some time ago I attended a lecture on psychotherapy for people who have a catastrophic illness.
39 So a catastrophic drop to 5 percent of its pre-deluge invertebrate quantities still provided them with three square meals a day.
40 Seismologists said the quake appeared to have been rooted about 30 miles underground, deep enough to prevent catastrophic destruction.
41 When farmers dare to diversify away from them, the results can be catastrophic.
42 If taken to extremes, such policies carried within them the potential to precipitate a catastrophic decline into hyperinflation.
43 We could reasonably expect a decent interval of peace in which we might think about these catastrophic events.
44 Is it possible to blame this, the most environmentally catastrophic event of all time, on Volkswagen?
45 For centuries people have scoured the solid ground in search of the causes of these catastrophic events.
46 Catastrophic fragmentation Catastrophic fragmentation is a likely means of producing an atmospheric explosion of a bolide.
47 If the practice of subsidising denominational schools is regrettable, in Northern Ireland it is catastrophic.
48 It is the catastrophic slippage in public respect which blows the minds of the apparatus.
49 The more nearly vertical an object's trajectory, the deeper it penetrates into the atmosphere before catastrophic disruption.
50 The new government immediately announced a rigorous cost-cutting programme, claiming that the financial position was catastrophic.
51 This means a catastrophic engine failure could send a fragment into the wing and ignite the fuel vapour.
52 The question then arises: how far did the Black population compensate for this catastrophic deficit by increasing the birth-rate?
53 There is a danger of leakages and the deliberate dumping of radioactive material, with potentially catastrophic results for the environment.
54 Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
55 It could be catastrophic if he started giving himself airs, as tenors are wont to do.
56 It also helps the therapist identify antecedents, prominent physical symptoms, and catastrophic thoughts.
57 He remembers when schools were schools were closed for fear of catastrophic bombing raids in wartime Edinburgh and classes were spread among private houses.
58 The Tories regard it as an aberration that would be catastrophic for Britain's system of government.http://
59 And the Paris crash was a reminder that it can do so with the most catastrophic results.
60 Then came the Black Death and a brutal, catastrophic decline.
61 The implication of that for Nottinghamshire's deep mines is catastrophic.
62 The topic of catastrophic illness is currently receiving considerable media and political attention.
63 The damage to reading, literacy and education would be catastrophic, but the revenue collected an insignificant amount.
64 Opposition sentiment was galvanized by a catastrophic famine and cholera epidemic in 1891-92.
65 If they should start dying, the long-term consequences of the drought could be catastrophic.
66 Though not catastrophic, the drop in oxygen levels was bewildering.
67 The suggestion that catastrophic heating itself could be the prime mover gained in credibility.
68 When the police or the system fail to implement those laws, it can lead to catastrophic repercussions.
69 The culture will not work as planned, and unforeseen consequences may be catastrophic.
70 Officials said there was no immediate threat of tsunami, a seismic ocean wave, which could be catastrophic to the area.
71 The unleashing of the anger against the self causes a catastrophic fall in self-esteem.
72 The melting and sinking of iron to form a liquid core at the center was therefore an event of catastrophic proportions.
73 Catastrophic engine failure brought to an end supersonic airliner Concorde's enviable safety record on Tuesday.
74 The guilty president was suppressing the catastrophic news.
75 In itself this was not a catastrophic turn.
76 What about the...Cretan thalassocracy, whose catastrophic demise is...incontrovertible?
77 Fashioned into a bomb, it would be catastrophic.
78 Moreover, there is a risk of catastrophic failure.
79 Cathleen's plight seemed to her more startling than catastrophic.
80 There's unaddressed and catastrophic climate change.
81 Those decisions are so important that I think you should get a second opinion if you come to a point where you need the treatment required for cancer or transplantation or catastrophic indications.
82 Today's crisis is the result of a catastrophic failure, primarily in the financial system but also of our economic and political systems.
83 The experiment results show that macroscopic throats forming is a catastrophic process in main stream line.
84 This is because they are discrete state digital electronic devices that are prone to total and catastrophic failure.
85 Yet within just four years the international emporium had collapsed, with catastrophic losses.
86 The question boils down to the accumulating impacts of daily incremental pollution from burning coal or the small risk but catastrophic consequences of even one nuclear meltdown.
87 That would have perfirmed profound and calerstrafic catastrophic affects on our society reverberating around the world.
88 Tragically, the heavily traveled tourist route became the site of the worst natural disaster in Colorado's history during a catastrophic flash flood in July 1976.
88 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
89 Hypervelocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.
90 Based on the catastrophic theory, a cusp catastrophic model for the instability of pillarburst was established.
91 A shooting war between Taiwan and China would be catastrophic in human terms.
92 Health care costs also have outstripped inflation; the cost of a catastrophic illness can quickly knock a middle-class household into another, better-defined economic category: poverty.
93 It is also a critical time for warding off potentially catastrophic climate change.
94 The victims identi?ed in these studies as potentially savable were not those who died from catastrophic wounds such as massive injuries to the head or chest.
95 The author's tendentious history of the chemical company glosses over its role in one of the most catastrophic environmental accidents in history.
96 Some who are in good health bet on remaining that way and forgo health insurance or get policies with low premiums and high deductibles , choosing to insure themselves for mostly catastrophic illness.
97 Problems such as corrupt data on the disk, power failures, and system crashes can all cause catastrophic failure of the resizing process.
98 It's not just catastrophic illness that can send consumers deep into debt.
99 That is what makes metal so fascinating, because metallic bonding allows the atoms to glide over one another without resulting in catastrophic failure.
100 For some public risks, two common characteristics are a potential for catastrophic costs, and a low" subjective" probability( lacking a solid actuarial basis) of the catastrophic outcome.
101 Both, older than 50 years, had experienced catastrophic early hip redislocation associated with femoral head pathology after the original surgery.
102 All spacecrafts in low orbit are subject to hypervelocity impacts of meteoroids and space debris, which can in turn lead to its significant damage and catastrophic failure.
103 Mass appearance is usually accompanied by mass disappearance, which may be found near many interperiod boundaries or other boundaries of the Phanerozoic where catastrophic events happened.
104 Two airframe parachutes can be deployed in the event of the vehicle's catastrophic failure.
105 Develop emergency action plans to facilitate efficient patient care in catastrophic situations.
106 There from the eyewitness accounts, it appears there was a sudden and catastrophic failure.
107 Excavation and trace element analysis indicates: Jehol biota experienced mass mortality and rapid burial; toxic gases of the volcanic activities are the main factors of biological catastrophic event.
108 The cumulative consequence for societies of such individual actions is catastrophic.
109 Both are self-reporting, uncorroborated surveys that are subject to"catastrophic errors"(), according to analysis by a Microsoft research team.
110 One soldier's visor stopped a piece of shrapnel that hit dead centre, " he said. "If he had not had that suit on, the effects could have been catastrophic.
111 Earlier, Greece's minister for international economic relations, Constantine Papadopoulos, said leaving the euro would be "catastrophic" for Greece.
112 Even though the process of beta cell destruction may take three to five years on the average, the onset of the disease usually appears to be sudden and is often catastrophic.
113 Data automatically measured is used to build the evaluating models, including a deterministic model and a reliability model for seepage, and a cusp catastrophic model for slope failure.
114 In order to guard against the impact of catastrophic risk, selecting certain commercial insurance with liability limited becomes a main strategy of the self-insurance funds.
115 President Barack Obama is currently trying to galvanise Congress and the American public to take action to halt catastrophic climate change caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
116 A bank failure of the magnitude of HBOS would have been catastrophic.
117 For this nearly catastrophic rupture, Roosevelt was himself in large measure responsible.
118 Catastrophic damages to the ground structures can be caused by large ground deformation due to seismic liquefaction. Therefore liquefiable ground in earthquake must be improved.
119 Or look at the catastrophic effects of bundling unacceptable real estate risk into something that, to the less data-savvy, appeared to be financially sound mutual funds.
120 Don't submit an S-1 if you don't plan to price. Waiting on file for extended periods of time can be catastrophic.
121 When hard RT systems, such as heart monitors or defense systems, miss these deadlines, it's considered a catastrophic failure of the entire system.
122 On April 20, 2010, a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform started a catastrophic oil leak into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
123 Global warming per se is not really the problem; the catastrophic climate changes which might be caused by it are.
124 The first scenario is the catastrophic one in which the whole banking system based on a fractional reserve collapses.
125 Attempts to repair these leaks may result in catastrophic failure of the package.
126 If a catastrophic error occurs, Automatic Restart Management will take charge starting elements based on the active Automatic Restart Policy that is in effect at this time.
127 Related to HA is Disaster Recovery (DR), DR is different from HA in that it focuses on protecting data against data loss caused by a catastrophic failure.
128 Muscadet suffered catastrophic losses to spring frosts, which also wrought damage on a smaller scale elsewhere in the region.
129 The traditional mode of denying Socialized Socialism with the State socialism has caused catastrophic results.
130 This thesis analysis existing in domestic catastrophic accident report at present.
131 In our business, a swing of 15 percent is catastrophic.
132 When we have a stroke, our brain is starved of oxygen, causing the catastrophic death of those nerve cells and leaving us paralysed and unable to speak.
133 They cannot burrow in the soil and make nests. The result has been a catastrophic decline in puffin breeding.
134 Earth's midsection bulges in relation to the measurement from pole-to-pole, and the catastrophic land displacement caused a small reduction in the bulge, making the planet more round.
135 By adding extra layers of redundancy, the probability of such a catastrophic failure can -- in theory at least -- be made too small to worry about.
136 I say "catastrophic" because carbon dioxide is heavier than air , and a ground-hugging cloud would suffocate anyone it enveloped.
137 The combined study on the evolution of deformation field pattern and force-displacement curve is a key way to capture the intrinsic mechanism of deformation evolution induced catastrophic rupture.
138 Self-thinning rule, catastrophic weather, insect irruption and human disturbances directly influenced the death dynamics of the plant individuals in the permanent plot.
139 Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.
140 Figure 10 - 8 : Ejector levers have catastrophic results.
141 Figure 10 - 8 : Ejector seat levers have catastrophic results.
142 A 7.0-magnitude catastrophic earthquake devastated Haiti on January 12, resulting in major damage to Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital, and the surrounding area.
143 With the likely withdrawal Saturday of the Palestinians from their ill-advised direct talks with Israel, it looks increasingly like Barack Obama's foreign policy is headed for catastrophic failure.
144 Be certain that you are not underinsured against catastrophic illness.
145 Ballistics are realistic, injuries are fierce and environmental damage, like Cliff Richard, is catastrophic and persistent.
146 By providing steady cash, "CCT" programs shield poor families from the worst effects of unemployment, catastrophic illness, and other shocks to household income.
147 Moreover, the system can also be used to improve the safe operation level of the transmission lines and to prevent the catastrophic fault due to excessively heavy loading.
148 All free nations have a stake in preventing sudden and catastrophic attacks.
149 Whoever did take it would surely manage in a way that minimised the risk of catastrophic failure.
150 Guanli Wang warns of catastrophic results as Himalayan glaciers continue to shrink.
151 During the catastrophism, the surface of the earth may be divided into the non-catastrophic region, marginal catastrophic region and central catastrophic region.
152 This banking crisis of the 1930s showed that unregulated, unsupervised financial markets can all too easily suffer catastrophic failure.
153 Metal Migration has been the cause of many catastrophic microcircuit failures.
154 The application results showed that data of FY-2C satellite and its products had played an important role in environment monitoring and catastrophic weather analysis(http://), forecasting and warning.
155 Those changes were put to the test almost immediately in the wake of another potentially catastrophic grounding the following year, of the Greek-flagged bulk carrier Doric Chariot.
156 The government concealed the truth the catastrophic disaster at the South Pole.
157 The in evitable end may not be as catastrophic as some people fear.
158 The first to appreciate the catastrophic effects of stress-reversals were railway engineers in the 1840s.
159 The lead shorting devices protect the MOSFETs from charge buildup and the subsequent catastrophic discharge current.
160 The in-depth analyses on fairness of health financial contribution focus on the influential factors of Catastrophic Health Expenditure (CHE).
161 High velocity impact on spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.
162 The bursting of bubbles causes credit contraction, the forced liquidation of assets, deflation and wealth destruction that may reach catastrophic proportions.
163 This simple turn-taking is what naiad dyads lack, and it leads to catastrophic failure.
164 A royal commission into the disaster was announced amid mounting concern that the longstanding strategy for bushfire emergencies may have had catastrophic consequences for some people.
165 There are also catastrophic scenarios, such as the "Black Sea deluge theory" put forward by William Ryan and Walter Pitman.
166 Famine represents a catastrophic failure of all the systems that people rely on to survive."That includes the deaths of livestock, displacement of people and conflict.
167 The cache must be nonvolatile to ensure that log data is protected in the event of a catastrophic failure, such as loss of power.
168 An overarching worry is that the complexity of today's global financial network makes occasional catastrophic failure inevitable.
169 As the millennia passed, ancient, buried faults that had been compressed and locked tight began inching closer to catastrophic failure.
170 In the short term, appointing Sculley looked like the defining, catastrophic error of Jobs's life.
171 Many archeologists think that this catastrophic event was in fact the Noah's Flood of the Bible.
172 That would have profound ecalastratic effects and catastrophic affects on our society reverberating around the world.
173 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned the United States could face a catastrophic default that would roil global markets if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by then.
174 "It was a catastrophic error. It caused a loss of confidence in the [US] authorities' ability to handle the financial crisis which really did change things and proved hugely costly, " he said.
175 The transaction manager should be available, even in the event of a catastrophic failure on one of the resource managers participating in the transaction.
176 The minister warned that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic for the whole world.
177 On this issue, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic.
178 High velocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.
179 Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown .




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