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单词 swing
释义  swing1 /swɪŋ/ ●●● W3 verb (past tense and past participle swung /swʌŋ/)  1  move from a fixed point 从固定的点上移动 [intransitive, transitive]MOVE something OR somebodySIDE to make regular movements forwards and backwards or from one side to another while hanging from a particular point, or to make something do this (使)〔前后〕摆动,(使)摇 摆,(使)摇荡 Let your arms swing as you walk. 边走边摆动双臂。 a sign swinging in the wind 在风中摇摆的指示牌 He was swinging his bag back and forth. 他前后甩动着他的包。 She swung her legs from side to side. 她左右晃动着两条腿。swing something by something He marched around, swinging the gun by its handle. 他快步走来走去,手握枪把挥动着。2  move in a curve 成弧线移动 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]TURNMOVE something OR somebody to move quickly in a smooth curve in one direction, or to make something do this (使)旋转,(使)转动;(使)转弯 A black car swung into the drive. 一辆黑色汽车拐进了车道。 Kate swung her legs out of bed. 凯特一甩腿下了床。swing open/shut The heavy door swung shut. 那扇沉重的门关上了。 Swinging her bag over her shoulder, she hurried on. 她把包往肩上一甩,快步向前走去。3  hit 击中 [intransitive, transitive] to move your arm or something you are holding to try and hit something 〔挥动某物〕朝…打去swing something at somebody/something She swung her bag at him. 她挥着包朝他打去。swing at somebody/something (with something) Garson swung at the ball and missed. 加森挥拍击球,但没打中。 He started swinging at me with his fists. 他开始挥起拳头打我。4  change opinions/emotions 改变观点/情绪 [intransitive, transitive]CHANGE YOUR MIND if emotions or opinions swing, or if something swings them, they change quickly to the opposite of what they were (使)〔感情、意见等〕剧变,扭转swing from something to something His mood could swing from joy to despair. 他的情绪可以瞬间从高兴变成绝望。 Do campaign gifts swing votes? 竞选礼品能拉到选票吗? The war had begun to swing in Britain’s favor. 战争局势已开始朝着有利于英国的方向转变。swing to the Right/Left (=in politics) 转而支持右翼政党/左翼政党5  swing into action to suddenly begin work that needs doing, using a lot of energy and effort 立即行动起来;马上大干起来 Politicians have already swung into action. 政界人士已经开始行动了。6. play 玩耍 [intransitive] to sit on a swing and make it move backwards and forwards by moving your legs 荡秋千7  arrange STH 安排某事 [transitive] spokenPERSUADE to arrange for something to happen, although it takes a lot of effort to do this 设法做成,想法办妥〔需要花大力气做的事〕 We managed to swing it so that they will travel together. 我们想了办法安排他们一起旅行。8. swing both ways informalSY someone who swings both ways is bisexual 对男女两性都有性欲,是双性恋9. swing the lead British EnglishAVOID to avoid work by pretending to be ill 〔装病〕逃避工作[责任]10 swing around/round phrasal verb TURNto turn around quickly, or to make something do this (使)突然转向;(使)突然转身 She swung around to face him. 她突然转过身来面对着他。swing something/somebody ↔ around/round He swung the boat around and headed for the shore. 他掉转船头,朝岸边驶去。11 swing by (something) phrasal verb American English informal VISITto visit a place or person for a short time 短暂探访,顺便过访 I’ll swing by the grocery store on my way. 我会顺路去一下杂货店。 → there’s not enough room to swing a cat at room1(5)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusswing• Do you swing?• Bennett kicked a leg out, then swung a fist that didn't make contact.• I waited out at the end of the seaplane dock and swung aboard his sailboat as it drifted into the dock.• When the car started to swing around again, I made myself steer in the direction of the skid.• But as his hand grasped her arm, she recognised defeat, and, halting, she swung around.• A small jewelled cross swung from a gold chain around her neck.• A lantern swung from a hook in the roof.• His opinions would often swing from one extreme to the other.• The wooden bridge swung from side to side in a terrifying fashion.• The only sound was the creak of a sign swinging in the wind.• The car swung north towards the Arizona mountains.• Doors swung open and then shut as hospital porters pushed a patient down the corridor.• The door swung open slowly.• The door of a garden shed had swung open.• We began the workout by swinging our arms.• She swung the ax, hitting the log squarely in the middle.• The driver swung the Cadillac off the road with a squeal of tires.• As you swing the golf club back, try to keep your eye on the ball.• We used to have contests to see who could swing the highest.• Fortunately, the pendulum appears finally to be swinging the other way.• Instinctively he swung the wheel and the truck hit the car.• The speedometer needle swung wildly back and forth.• Daak was moving again now, swinging wildly from side to side in an attempt to avoid the lasers' targeting.swung ... from side to side• When you walked along it, it swung from side to side in a most terrifying fashion.• The harnesses that supported the two Chelonians swung from side to side, knocking them against the sides of the tank.• Now they're no longer swung from side to side.swing open/shut• The door of a garden shed had swung open.• The gates, their wood so heavy and toughened with age that it was like iron, swung shut.• There was a sensation of a hallucinogenic door being swung open.• It swung open and they staggered into the corridor, away from that scene of Hell in the office.• He did not bother to shut it, letting it swing open behind him.• It swung open easily into the vacuum, and he stepped out into the now silent centrifuge.• A small army of men toting machine guns stood at the gate, which slowly swung open in front of us.• It was precisely twelve midnight when the doors swung open to the emergency hall, and Hoppy carried his patient inside.swing at somebody/something (with something)• Both had ended in the humiliation of that brawl at a dance and me taking a swing at a hapless policeman.• Culley swung at him, coming up on his toes for the blow.• Danskin swung at him with the pistol, then shoved Converse aside in pursuit.• He slapped her on the side of the head and she took half a swing at him.• However, he has been swinging at pitches thrown by coaches.• Seemingly always perky, the young Jane would swing at the speed of light and win everything on offer.• The strike zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball.• Waterlilies swung at the edge of the river; willows rained down.swing to the Right/Left• It is possible, for instance, to see in California at this time the beginnings of a national swing to the right.• While pressure was maintained in front, other units swung to the right and left.swing it• Why, a bodyguard, of course, three if you can swing it.• But with a new-found strength she swung it as a feather, at the luckless Rubberneck.• He swung it at Spider but he ducked.• She unlatched the upper panel and swung it back to its hook on the wall.• As he swung it into Charing Cross Road he nearly collided with another car.• Hicks swung it open and they went carefully over an iron cattle grid and followed the trail downward.• I swung it over the fence.• I still have a lot to do, but if I can swing it this weekend, let's play tennis.• But as the barrel swung it would push a small piston that, in return, moved the hand lever.Related topics: Outdoor, Golf, Musicswing2 ●●○ noun  1  seat with ropes 有绳子的座位 [countable]DLO a seat hanging from ropes or chains, usually used by children to play on by moving it forwards and backwards using their legs 秋千 kids playing on the swings 荡秋千的孩子们 a porch swing 门廊上的秋千2  movement 动作 [countable]MOVE something OR somebody a curved movement made with your arm, leg etc 〔手臂、腿等的〕挥动,挥舞 He took a swing at (=tried to hit) my head and missed. 他挥拳向我头部打来,但没有打中。 the swing of her hips as she walked 她走路时臀部的摇摆3  change 变化 [countable]CHANGE YOUR MIND a noticeable change in opinions or emotions 〔意见或情绪的〕明显改变swing to/towards/between etc a big swing towards right-wing ideology 向右翼意识形态的大转变 She suffers from mood swings. 她常有情绪波动。4  sports 体育运动 [singular]DSG the movement you make when you hit the ball in golf, baseball, or some other sports 〔高尔夫球、棒球等的〕挥杆[棒]动作 I spent months correcting my swing. 我花了几个月时间纠正挥杆动作。5. music 音乐 [uncountable]APM a type of dance music played by a big band in the 1930s and 1940s that is similar to jazz 摇摆乐〔20 世纪 30 和 40 年代大型乐队演奏的舞曲,与爵士乐类似〕6  get into the swing of it/things TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto become fully involved in an activity 完全投入某事 Once we got into the swing of it, it took no time at all. 我们一旦全力投入,根本不用花多少时间。7  be in full swing HAPPENif an event or process is in full swing, it has reached its highest level of activity 〔活动或进程〕达到高潮,进入最高层次 By midnight, the end-of-course party was in full swing. 到了半夜,庆祝课程结束的聚会掀起高潮。8  go with a swing British English if a party or activity goes with a swing, it is enjoyable and successful 〔聚会或活动〕搞得精彩 everything you need to make your party go with a swing 要把晚会办好所需要的一切9. swings and roundabouts British EnglishADVANTAGE used to say that two choices have an equal number of gains and losses, so there is little difference between them 有得也有失,得失相抵〔因此如何在两个选择之间决断无关紧要〕Examples from the Corpusswing• With a heavy swing of the mallet, he drove the post into the ground.• There has been a huge swing in public opinion on the issue.• Ed said he could help me with my swing.took a swing at• Apparently a customer took a swing at the salesman.mood swings• Only a few years, and Roth will have to cope with Big Mac's adolescent mood swings.• It gives you enormous mood swings, which nobody told me about.• Already, they have contributed to great national mood swings.• The picture is often one of violent and rapid mood swings in response to stress.• Blake was becoming tired of the stranger's mood swings.• When we suffer premenstrual symptoms, such as severe mood swings, our desire for sweet and starchy carbohydrates may surge.• They caused me to have terrible mood swings and it put my relationship with Stuart under a lot of strain.• Depression During adolescence, emotions are strong and teenagers often experience violent mood swings, including bouts of depression.From Longman Business Dictionaryswingswing1 /swɪŋ/ verb (past tense and past participle swung /swʌŋ/) [intransitive, transitive] to change from one level, rate, or position to another so that a situation is the opposite of what it was beforeIf the economy swings from recession into recovery, the banks’ problems will ease significantly.Prices swung over a wide range, dropping in early trading to $1,383 before recovering.→ See Verb tableswingswing2 noun [countable] a sudden and noticeable change in the level, rate, or position of somethingChanges in revenue could produce largeearnings swings.Investor uncertainty is likely to translate intoprice swings.Origin swing1 Old English swingan “to beat, go quickly”swing1 verbswing2 nounChinese   Business movements to and Corpus make backwards forwards regular




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