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单词 survive
释义 Word family  noun survival survivor adjective surviving verb survive  sur·vive /səˈvaɪv $ sər-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SURVIVE to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness 〔经历事故、战争或疾病后〕活下来;幸存 Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived. 140 名乘客中只有 12 人生还。 She survived the attack. 她在袭击中幸免于难。 people who survive cancer 癌症幸存者2  [intransitive, transitive]SURVIVE to continue to live normally in spite of many problems 从〔困难〕中挺过来,艰难渡过 I’m sure she will survive this crisis. 我相信她会渡过这个难关的。 I’ve had a tough few months, but I’ll survive. 我这几个月十分艰苦,但我会挺过去的。3  SURVIVE[intransitive] to manage to live a normal life even though you have very little money 〔靠很少的钱〕继续维持生活survive on I don’t know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy’s salary. 我真不知道你们只靠杰里米的薪水是怎样生活的。 the amount that a family needs each week just to survive 一个家庭每周维持基本生活所需要的花费4  [intransitive]SURVIVE to continue to exist after a long time 仍然存在;保存下来 A few pages of the original manuscript still survive. 有几页原始手稿依然存世。survive from Several buildings in the town have survived from medieval times. 镇上有几座建筑物是从中世纪时期留存下来的。survive into an old custom which has survived into the twenty-first century 留存到21世纪的一个古老习俗survive as The main building was demolished, but the library still survives as a museum. 主楼被毁,但图书馆仍留存至今,用作了博物馆。5  [intransitive, transitive] to continue to be successful 挺下来,挺过,熬过 The car industry cannot survive without government help. 没有政府的扶持,汽车行业是无法生存的。 A lot of smaller firms did not survive the recession. 很多较小的企业没从经济衰退中挺过来。6  [transitive]LIVING/ALIVE to live longer than someone else, usually someone closely related to you 比〔通常指亲人〕活得更长,比〔某人〕长寿 He is survived by his wife Sue. 他妻子休比他活得长久。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussurvive• Many of the small, independent businesses are struggling to survive.• Only 12 of the 140 passengers on the plane survived.• Only a few of Leonardo's earlier paintings still survive.• Because of the nature of oceanic impacts, close observers of large impacts can not survive.• Analysts expect the surviving airlines to be stronger than ever.• My grandmother wouldn't survive another operation.• I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher. It's just too stressful.• I'll show everyone I can survive as a single parent.• Noell was survived by five sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth who died two weeks after his own death.• Monroe is survived by his wife, Regina, and two sons, Stanley and John.• The English language contains many Saxon words that have survived for over 1000 years.• Charles survived his wife by three months.• Few sites that I visited had reached a point where they clearly would survive if these extra start-up funds disappeared.• As the surviving joint tenant, Mary Tene inherits the building.• It's really difficult to survive on £120 a week in London.• I don't know how they expect me to survive on my salary.• They had taken professional risks, had survived personal disasters.• The Cathedral survived repeated bombings during the Second World War.• Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction.• Our friendship has survived the bad times and has grown stronger.• None of our photos survived the fire.• As Mugezi struggles to survive the parental dictatorship, he finds his admiration for Amin swelling by the day.• Hannah prayed every night that her husband would survive the war.• Not many of the insects survive the winter.• Caesar will never know how fortunate he was to survive this episode.• Many Roman roads still survive today.• Doctors predicted that the baby would not survive with such severe disabilities.From Longman Business Dictionarysurvivesur‧vive /səˈvaɪvsər-/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1if a business survives, it manages to continue operating, even though it is in a very difficult situationTo survive, companies will have to focus on staff development.The retailing company is cutting the number of its stores in an effort tosurvive its severe recessionaryproblems.2if you survive, you continue to live. If you survive someone, you continue to live after they have diedProvided her husband survived her by 30 days, he would receive the income from her father’s estate. —surviving adjective [only before a noun]The merger will cost the surviving company $136 million from tax effects.He leaves nosurviving children.→ See Verb tableOrigin survive (1400-1500) Old French survivre “to live longer than”, from Latin supervivere, from vivere “to live”sur·vive verbChineseSyllable  an live or to continue Corpus Business illness to accident, war, after




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