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单词 shag
释义  shag1 /ʃæɡ/ (also shagpile /ˈʃæɡpaɪl/) adjective  shag carpet/rug DHa carpet or rug with a rough surface made from long threads of wool 长绒地毯Related topics: Birds, Tobaccoshag2 noun  1. [countable] British English informal not politeSEX/HAVE SEX WITH an act of having sex with someone 性交2. [countable]HBB a large black sea bird 长鼻鸬鹚3. [uncountable]DFT strong-tasting tobacco with thick leaves cut into small thin pieces 浓味烟丝Examples from the Corpusshag• I don't know where they are - they've probably gone upstairs for a shag.• Red-throated divers and shags feed a lot on young saithe and also on sand-eel.shag3 verb (shagged, shagging) [intransitive, transitive] British English informal not polite  SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto have sex with someone (与…)性交→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshag• All she ever thinks about is shagging.• To hear him talk, you'd think he's shagged every woman in town!Origin shag2 Old English sceacga shag3 (1900-2000) Origin unknownshag1 adjectiveshag2 nounshag3 verbChinese  rug with a a rough or Corpus carpet




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