单词 | Subjective |
例句 | 1. Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective. 2. The criticisms are purely subjective. 3. As a critic, he is far too subjective. 4. We know that taste in art is a subjective matter. 5. Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as tiredness. 6. The way they interpreted their past was highly subjective. 7. This view is subjective and therefore open to disagreement. 8. This is a subjective judgement of her abilities. 9. Taste in art is essentially subjective. 10. Experience is subjective and very hard to measure. 11. Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective. 12. More specific and less subjective criteria should be used in selecting people for promotion within the company. 13. The ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person. 14. A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach. 15. This method is very crude and subjective. 16. It grossly exaggerates the amount of subjective culpability. 17. Evaluative core beliefs, however, are often highly subjective. 18. A person's perception of stress is often very subjective. 19. The test is a subjective one. 20. Finally, the study reveals how information specialists' subjective orientations further individualize the use of this ideology. 21. If action stems from subjective meanings, it follows that the sociologist must discover those meanings in order to understand action. 22. Nor are subjective meanings or rational choices independent of public social rules for doing the right or rational thing. 23. Both relatively objective and relatively subjective criteria present other problems. 24. A subjective view Choreographers can also take a more subjective view of their work. 25. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective. 26. Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective. 27. Given the standard revenue account above there are two further issues which this objective versus subjective classification introduces. 28. Review over findings of fact has also increased as the judiciary have increased their control over open-textured and subjective conditions of jurisdiction. 29. This makes driving an ideal context in which to understand the concept of subjective risk and explore its relationship with memory. 30. Our second tentative conclusion is that social services may have reduced people's subjective sense of inequality. 1. Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective. 2. The criticisms are purely subjective. 3. As a critic, he is far too subjective. 4. We know that taste in art is a subjective matter. 5. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective. 6. This is a subjective judgement of her abilities. 31. It is difficult to avoid the feeling that this, one of his first university essays, is purely subjective. 32. But however strong that impression is, it is a subjective one founded on the inevitably limited view of any individual. 33. This has generated considerable concern about the ethnographic experience itself, and specifically about the subjective nature of the process. 34. To employ Popper's terminology, it is to move from the world of subjective knowledge to the world of objective knowledge. 35. The strength of the Marxist approach was its acknowledgement of the subjective nature of historical reconstruction. 36. But there was a sombre shadow of familiarity to it and after subjective eons of frustration, intuition struck her. 37. Chapters 5 and 6 explore the more subjective, sometimes unpleasant, aspects of power. 38. The individual's employment involves a subjective judgement on the part of some one else. 39. Knowing is seen as a subjective experience in which the content of that which is known is subject to manifold possible interpretations. 40. It is the subjective nature of ethnicity which can make it tricky to handle as a speaker variable. 41. The subjective impressions experienced by the observers were influenced by their expectations. 42. Hedonic value is more subjective and personal than its utilitarian counterpart and results from fun and playfulness rather than from task completion. 43. This attitude was, of course, purely subjective, and their appreciation of primitive art was almost entirely emotional. 44. She ignores the usual boundaries drawn between these factors, and subjective experience. 45. Another major limiting factor in excavation is the subjective nature of the excavation process. 46. Price is easy to measure; service is far more subjective. 47. But the question is how this constitutes a subjective difference. 48. It uses all sorts of quantitative and qualitative data, and allows all types of subjective and objective assessments. 49. The experience is subjective and should be assessed as subjective yet vital in understanding the individual. 50. It is the subjective voice,() the primary experience of hunger. 51. If it is subjective, then it is based on the beliefs of the defendant. 52. The owners' subjective opinions are borne out by objective facts. 53. In addition, the selection of these 10 battles, clearly subjective, is still open to question. 54. As a practising scientist, I could not allow such subjective assessments of the human condition to influence my work. 55. However, the most striking result is the relationship between the ratings of subjective risk themselves and the subsequent probability of recall. 56. There are only subjective likes and dislikes, and one should not speak of value at all. 57. Some have their root causes in subjective factors, others in objective factors and others still are a mixture. 58. There may be subjective numbness and slightly impaired pain and light touch sensation over the outer aspect of the foot. 3. 59. That exercise, inevitably based on superficial and subjective assessments, allows too much scope for prejudice and irrationality. 60. Data on the market value of autos and houses can be highly subjective. 61. Our subjective judgement of what seems like a good bet is irrelevant to what is actually a good bet. 62. This relates to both the farm worker's own expectations from life and his subjective interpretations of what he sees around him. 63. Others commented that the subjective experience of patients was outside the range of what could be recorded and judged objectively. 64. Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint. 65. All reality is seen to be subjective, all value to be derived from, and grounded within, the self. 66. Just like ourselves, the real creature's feeling for itself is subjective, within its own mind structure. 67. Studies of action are concerned with the subjective meaning attached to actions by human beings. 68. For the physician, it is a demand to identify the objective source of the tissue damage which provoked the subjective awareness. 69. But it would be hazardous to assume that prominence and deviance are simply subjective and objective aspects of the same phenomenon. 70. If sociologists produce their own statistics these too are the product of subjective opinions, in this case the opinions of sociologists. 71. In practice, the choice was made on subjective grounds, reflecting the institutional preferences of military planners. 72. Sensation is experienced in the present, but this is a subjective moment distinct from the dimensionless instant of the physical present. 73. Comparing these subjective judgements with actual costs might suggest that people are wrong about, for example check trading being cheap. 74. Therefore, no amount of personality can compensate for mediocre chili. o Judging chili is very personal and subjective. 75. The danger is most marked where the measurement of improvement is subjective. 76. In the first laboratory study subjective risk was only associated with improved recognition sensitivity for the most potentially dangerous situations. 77. Critics say the process was subjective and open to political manipulation. 78. We wanted both detailed accounts and subjective interpretations(), and we were given both. 79. By its very nature, political risk assessment must be subjective, i.e. not based on numerical data. 80. In general, young children may not distinguish between judgements about reality and judgements about appearance or subjective opinion. 81. My point is that the form that an animal's subjective experience takes will be a property of the internal computer model. 82. Perfection is relative and, for potato lice or anything else, depends on subjective judgement. 83. Essentially, we were exploring subjective experiences of work and pointing to the fact that these experiences become objective reality. 84. The emphasis is on objective analysis of evidence rather than on a subjective impression of any single witness. 85. Lastly, the Subjective Tests Group is defining a method of assessing the quality of the coded information. 86. Tragicomedy gives the disjunction of the subjective and objective visions of the human situation dramatic form. 87. As stated earlier, subjective responses to ageing are also shaped by social and material resources. 88. An infinite amount of information-processing allows an infinite amount of life and thought, and thus an infinite amount of subjective time. 89. Secondly, many of the symptoms produced are highly subjective - headache, confusion or nausea, for example. 90. Martin Scorsese is a very subjective artist, if not one with much sense of perspective. 91. Some have been used informally for many years, subjective assessments such as those made by parents, teachers, and librarians. 92. Art is judged against a background of an aesthetic theory: preferences are entirely subjective. 93. How were clinical trials, so convincing for antituberculous drugs, to be brought into the sensitive area of subjective experience? 94. Smith told me that his opinion was based upon his subjective interpretation of the statutes. 95. Reactions can therefore be highly subjective and we may find ourselves disagreeing strongly with what the artist is saying. 96. The requirement of dishonesty seems to confirm the need for subjective recklessness. 97. The Court of Appeal quashed the conviction, declaring that the subjective definition was necessary. 98. Clearly, this emphasis on subjective experience and meaning can help to further an understanding of ageing with a disability. 99. However, there is no data to show that first babies really do cry more - it is just a subjective impression. 100. Now answer the following questions: Question 1 List subjective comments given about John and any other family member. 101. Reasonableness, however is a subjective judgment, which in turn can lead to differences of opinion. 102. In fact, this definition would be highly restrictive because it depends upon the subjective views of both client and practitioner. 103. But it does little to show how the subjective and objective aspects of colour are related. 104. This humanistic attention to the subjective interpretation by prisoners of their situation marks a distinct departure from the orthodox account. 105. Colour, like all sensory perception, is, as I have pointed out, very much a subjective, mental experience. 106. Hiring new employees can be very much a subjective process. 107. Whereas pity has to overcome a reluctance to be drawn into subjective awareness of another's suffering, cruelty welcomes it. 108. Marking the tests calls for a dangerous amount of subjective judgment. 109. Many are flights of imagination and, because of the very nature of the area, subjective. 110. This suggests that it is sensible to explore aspects of subjective risk in the controlled environment of even this relatively crude simulator. 111. This is usually done by the subjective judgment of the officer concerned. 112. Once again there is no hint of an overall inverted-U relationship or indeed any overall relationship between subjective risk and recognition sensitivity. 113. To start the Christmas debate, the following are highly subjective and totally personal suggestions. 114. It is this subjective evaluation that determines whether retirement results in personal satisfaction or emotional stress. 115. In the final analysis a judgement on the political stability of most countries must be highly subjective. 116. The fourth section returns both to the closed form of the sonnet, and to the more subjective atmosphere of former days. 117. Libet concluded from this that the subjective experience was occurring before the neural events which bought it about. 117. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 118. The subjective nature of measuring program effectiveness may lead to irreconcilable differences between the review staff and program management. 119. However, this is a highly subjective area in which the rules themselves can only be guiding principles. 120. If we believe that humans have evolved, we are liable to assume that our subjective experiences are shared by other animals. 121. In fact our subjective judgement is probably wrong by an even greater margin. 122. The subjective experience of individual actors is brought together with the objective reality of public issues. 123. The subjective theory, for example, when put to work on causation by a proponent, renders causation subjective. 124. Age is the most obvious factor that will change the subjective interpretation of events. 125. But then, for each division of service, a subjective analysis is provided, e.g. salaries, premises, etc. 126. Upholders of the scientific faith shudder at the implications of having to mix it with such irredeemably subjective and impure elements. 127. Thus judgements are made on subjective grounds concerning the performance of the individual and this will be open to interpretation. 128. Comparisons can be made and standards judged on quantitive data rather than on subjective opinion. 129. The descriptions, far from gesturing to an external or subjective reality, merely affirm their own status as verbally constructed artefacts. 130. Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception. 131. Inevitably this leads to the question of injecting matters of a subjective nature into the account. 132. We just need to add something else, some new fundamental principles, to bridge the gap between neuroscience and subjective experience. 133. Because of the subjective nature of the experience, pain tends to be enhanced by anxiety and stressful situations. 134. We were particularly interested in the practices' subjective assessments of the impact of this change on practice management and patient care. 135. Our objective measures of light intensity would be discarded if they universally gave answers that contradicted our subjective experiences. 136. Inevitably, follow up appointments were given to some extent on a subjective basis according to the laser endoscopist's previous experience. 137. The findings of this questionnaire do not unfortunately enable us to assess such subjective impressions. 138. Each year, a decision is taken, often on a highly subjective basis, on our continuing worth. 139. Accruing depreciation, stock valuations, provisions for doubtful debts, etc., are subjective judgements which make historic cost profit subjective. 140. The fact that there were generally fluctuations in rated subjective risk might appear to contradict zero-risk theory. 141. Some ethologists favour a purely quantitative approach, while others prefer a more subjective treatment. 142. The truth is, he just grosses me out -- this is purely subjective. 143. The task of the social sciences is seen by Schutz to be the understanding of the subjective meaning of social action. 144. It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel, but this is purely subjective. 145. The central point in this context is, however, the role of subjective risk in the two theories. 146. The subjective judgement of an alien with a lifetime of a million centuries will be quite different. 147. Beyond this, however(http://), many of the claims were supported by anecdotal and subjective impressions only. 148. However, there are serious drawbacks to this approach which relies very much on the analyst's interpretational skills and subjective judgement. 149. These interpretations, however, are based on the assumption that there were no effects of subjective risk in Study 2. 150. The selection is both practical and literary, subjective and eclectic. 151. The subjective role of the intelligentsia describes their self-perception, their hopes, their dreams, their motives. 152. The explanation for this apparent paradox is provided by the distinction between the subjective and the objective role of historical figures. 153. One of the questions most central to this research was whether drivers can generally report fluctuating levels of subjective risk. 154. They were also starting to analyse subjective experiences of gender, and were finding traditional psychological accounts of them inadequate. 155. This chapter has reviewed a wide range of research which may bear on relationships between subjective risk and memory for driving situations. 156. Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. 157. Doubt and certitude are subjective reactions to the evidence. 158. And the subjective aggressivity is an important aspect. 159. Semantic differential (SD) method is a most commonly used method in subjective sound quality and sound perception assessment. 160. Solipsism is basically what you get when you try to interpret subjective reality through an objective lens . 161. Objective To study the relation between the visual evoked potential ( VEP ) and subjective vision. 162. Subjective and objective results after bilateral cochlear implantation in adults. 163. These problems mainly result from the interweaving of curriculum theories, the ambiguity of the curriculum contents, and the subjective misplay on the practitioners' part, etc. 164. The subjective map research should be introduced to the major content of the cartographical research. 165. A 41 year-old female suffered from right eye proptosis with spontaneous, subjective bruit noise after car accident. 166. Experimental results show that this proposed metric is perceptually meaningful because it corresponds well with subjective evaluation. 167. While chart patterns may appear to be the simplest form of technical analysis, the subjective, left-brained nature of these techniques makes it easy for traders to make a mistake. 168. In this paper, a general formula for information content of random vector field under certain subjective condition is derived. 169. In an objective sense, the movie is only so-so, but it's a lot more interesting when viewed through a subjective lens. 170. The image rebuild with this method accord with the subjective characteristic of the human eye, having dispelled a block effect completely, the code efficiency of the image is improved greatly too. 171. Loss can be measured either in financial terms or with a subjective measurement scale with respect to the asset. 172. It's of Heidegger's question how to move from the subjective world of consciousness, Language and so on to the noumenal world. 173. For some public risks, two common characteristics are a potential for catastrophic costs, and a low" subjective" probability( lacking a solid actuarial basis) of the catastrophic outcome. 174. Color fastness is a very important index to assess the quality of textiles. Currently the color fastness was received by specialist eyeballing. The results can be affected by some subjective factors. 175. Megestrol acetate can improve the behavior status and work capacity greatly, and assist the patients with advanced cancer to gain subjective and active cognition about their objective living status. 176. Therefore, the establishment of the convergent philosophical system of subjective materialism will bring about a revolution in the 21st-century philosophy. 177. To some extension, this kind of risk is subjective, and only can be produced by the policy-holder. The last chapter discusses subrogation,(http:///subjective.html) which is also special. 178. Our one-eighth inch spacer made a fairly dramatic difference in subjective friction, but we could not test it installed in a car to see how different it would feel on the road. 179. In fact the pressure comes from subjective feelings and the aftermath of the unmerited reaction. 180. It builds the base in human vision mode, can offer evaluation of as subjective as the mankind vision to agree, but reduplicative , objective picture quality measures an outcome. 181. About the novel, many people overemphasize its objective factors while neglecting the subjective consciousness. 182. In Expert system, usually probability is defined as subjective credit degree of experts to evidence and regulation, and Bayes theorem is key solution in probability reasoning. 183. It also points out that semantic belongs to the objective language world, and also come from the objective world and peoples subjective world. 184. In the subjective aspect, gender equality means women have the respect from men and have self-affirmation. 185. The subjective causes of misdiagnosis via analyzing several clinical cases include insufficient knowledge of diseases, narrow way of thinking and empiricism. 186. Traditional phenomenology has focused on subjective, practical, and social conditions of experience. 187. No-one who states, as he has done, that 'religious faith is necessarily subjective, being incommunicable by any kind of proof or evidence' is a devout Christian. 188. Implicated Offense has some characteristics in its subjective and objective aspects. As the essence of Implicated Offense, Implicative Relationship embodies in the characteristics. 189. From the origin and its development process, we can see the concept of unaccomplished crime grows between the antinomy of the subjective and external theories from the date of its birth. 190. We test the user-satisfaction with the subjective test, as well as domestic similar music suggestion system Sina and Sohu. The results suggest that our music suggestion system was predominant. 191. The greatest brainteaser in this field has been to explain how processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences. 192. Also definitions were illuminated in this article, which of association rule interestingness, including objective interestingness, subjective interestingness and compositive interestingness. 193. The fuzziness of the subjective judgment will influence appraisement on great degree. 194. It is argued that the severeness of mental health problem is related to the gap between individual internal drive and the subjective reality. 195. The subjective influence of a pelvic belt on the ASLR score could not be objectified. 196. Subjective symptoms, corneal healing, new vascularization and pterygial proliferation of the patients were observed. 197. This paper aims to analyze the outer language mechanism which restricts the transform of sense from the subjective pragmatic angle. 198. The result shows that each of these measures gives better correlation between objective and subjective measurement when they are used independently to those systems. 199. Unlike price, quality can be evaluated in isolation because it is more or less a subjective and personal judgment of the consumption experience. 200. The objective method and the subjective method act on each aspect of knowing and solving poverty problems. 201. Result: the sense of time efficiency plays a clear buffering effect in the influence of work-family conflict on the subjective happiness sense. 202. In chapter three[], the subjective and objective reasons of the European ultra-rightist parties' sudden rise are discussed. 203. Apple from realised this at the beginning, it knows a technology deeply to must admit blame reason of the mankind and emotionality and the risk that its bring and subjective sex. 204. To establish the accomplice of insurance fraud crime, specific requirements of subject, subjective aspect and objective aspect should be satisfied. 205. Talents occupational mobility always varies with the development of economy and society and subjective selection. 206. As soon as one is born one therefore enters the legal community as the bearer of subjective rights. 207. F. Alpha-adrenergic drugs such as pseudoephedrine improve stress incontinence by increase resting urethral tone. These drugs cause subjective improvement in 20 to 60 percent of patients. 208. Suggest a combined objective and subjective method to measure and evaluate the prickle grade of surface. 209. The subjective fetal movement count varied individually and false negative might be present, an objective test was needed then. 210. Every evaluation is subjective, teacher's self-evaluation is especially linked to the inner world of the valuator. 211. Judgment accuracy, Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF), and subjective evaluation were compared between these two groups after the tasks. 212. As a stable factor in the subjective cognitive structure, non -rational factor plays an important part in the subjective activities. 213. Then, we analyze these data intelligentuse fusion operator to implement aggregating the subjective data of experts. 214. In subjective elements, the offender of this crime always seek illegal possession of properties. 215. A new field of study referred to as neurotheology has been advancing the study of the neurophysiological correlation between prayer and subjective experience. 216. Legal status of justification rests on Christ alone, and has no relation to subjective change. 216. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 217. And it discusses subjective causes of vocational selection from three aspects and points out there are still biggish subjective obstacles and objective pressure in local talents occupational mobility. 218. The weight of each subobject is mainly decided by subjective valuation which, in turn, is restricted by objective reality. 219. Because of the "left" doctrinairism, it is not enough for the academic field to study the subjective and personification of the labour and capital. 220. The touch sense is a subjective creation type which is different from the vision sense. 221. Objective measurement of project results during every iteration removes the need to assess project progress through subjective quality assessments of intermediate products. 222. The counteraction of superstructure and subjective activity is an important reason emerging disequilibria and flexuosity in the process of society evolution. 223. In summary, the writer holds an all-favorable attitude towards subjective test, and the speaker argues both tests have different roles to play and thus, mutually complementary. 224. However, we take questionnaire, interview and experts grading to deal with the indexes difficult to quantize, which is subjective to some extent. 225. Limaprost was also significantly better than etodolac for leg numbness, NIC distance, and subjective improvement and satisfaction. 226. The crime appearance means that, in some conditions, the crime that behavior person implement, show anfractuous state because the subjective or external changes. 227. The factors influencing the annoyance degree of vacuum cleaner noise was analyzed from the angle of subjective perception. 228. This paper makes intensifier into objective intensifier and subjective intensifier bases on cognitive semantics, investigates intensifying degree of objective intensifier and subjective intensifier. 229. Readers often ask me, "Steve, how do you know if the whole subjective reality belief system you describe is accurate? 230. The partnership jurisprudence concerning the issues of civil subjective status, assets, liability assumption, form of partnership, sleeping partner and limited partner is more worth researching. 231. Based on the objective and subjective synthetic approach to determine weights, a model is proposed in order to obtain synthetic weights. Subsequently, a method for ranking alternatives is presented. 232. Combination of time and space of our subjective and objective world, we crawl in the mossy, from the historical reality and the dream of building corridor. 233. A designer's job is to make whatever is being produced work better and deliver greater satisfaction for the user and there is a degree of subjective value added at an appropriate level. 234. Automated assessment of the subjective test is a key technique of online test system. 235. It applies Minimax deviation method and coefficient of variation method to define weighting to avoid influences caused by human factors from subjective assignment. 236. In subjective from the unemployed people themselves, in impersonality from the police, weakness of workers and management of organization, in defect of fund and so on. 237. If you're looking at this charitably , you might say that everyone's fallible, and the subjective element cannot be eliminated entirely. 238. Mans sense of time not only is of objectivity, but also of subjective creation, value directiveness and historical development. 239. From this point of view, reported objectively the principle can only be "the principle", US newsman in the news narrates is always concealing implicit subjective and hiding tendentiousness . |
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