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单词 Incur
1. If the council loses the appeal, it will incur all the legal costs.
2. Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full.
3. Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties.
4. All cancellations incur a charge.
5. Please bill me for any expenses you incur.
6. Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company.
7. She wondered what she'd done to incur his displeasure this time.
8. Who would dare incur our displeasure?
9. Courts not cancelled will incur a NO-SHOW additional charge.
10. This second loan will incur inflated interest charges.
11. Suggested approach An employer can incur tortious liability in respect of his employees in one of three ways.
12. Also payable are any expenses you incur with our written consent.
13. During the quarter, Verio began to incur costs associated with the previously announced expansion of its hosting operations.
14. The company expects to incur one-time expenses through mid-1999 associated with the integration of these businesses.
15. I recognise that practitioners will in some cases incur fruitless costs in the search for such a vital clue where none exists.
16. The company is expected to incur an unspecified restructuring charge during the next fiscal year, which will begin Feb. 1.
17. They must incur debt if they are to keep abreast.http://
18. You need to establish whether you would incur redemption penalties if you switched the mortgage elsewhere.
19. If you incur bank charges, some banks operate a slightly cheaper tariff for direct debits because they are more easily handled.
20. Nevertheless contracting does incur greater administrative costs in the form of new accounting and information systems and staff.
21. The force of that competition is indicated by the costs that firms incur and the fees that they charge clients.
22. To use live penguins, while adding an audible dimension, might incur the wrath of the animal rights lobby.
23. We have increased housing support grant so that all local authorities that incur a deficit in running a hostel will qualify for grant.
24. He will advise you on the inheritance tax your estate might incur and ways in which this may be reduced.
25. Note 6: We concluded in Note 4 that department Z will not incur further variable overhead costs.
26. You can not claim from your husband or wife any out of pocket expenses you may incur under the simplified procedure.
27. Scarcely any aspect of life in the countries where he passes his voluntary exile has failed to incur his pessimistic censure.
28. That person is then solely responsible for any debts the business may incur.
29. But if you own stocks, as opposed to funds, you yourself can decide when you want to incur those taxes.
30. The individual whose own income is going up has no real reason to incur the opprobrium of this discussion.
1. If the council loses the appeal, it will incur all the legal costs.
2. Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full.
31. Provided that it is reasonable to incur the particular expense, however, it is immaterial that the expense may be very large.
32. However, it must be remembered that to do this of itself would incur an exchange risk.
33. I had no interest I am sure to incur your displeasure.
34. To deny this magic is to incur the wrath of a great number of people.
35. Too fast would tire the horse unnecessarily while going too slow would incur time penalties.
36. The alternative, allowing individuals or individual committees to operate without supervision, would also incur costs.
37. They will therefore incur a late filing penalty as well as interest on the unpaid tax.
38. All cancellations incur a charge payable by you to compensate us for our offices.
39. The working budget is for expenses you incur in carrying out your programme for the client.
40. All fee quotations exclude Value Added Tax and any outlays that we may incur whilst carrying our assignments.
41. Phoenix expects to incur a one-time charge of $ 1 million to cover severance and relocation costs associated with the move.
42. Whatever the merits of such proposals, they would operate only at the margins of the costs that most families incur.
43. Using a bank overdraft, would incur an interest cost, with tax capital allowances being available as above.
44. Relatively few people incur a capital gains tax bill because of index linking and the offsetting effect of the personal tax allowance.
45. If you are in any doubt about your entitlement then you should consult your line manager before you incur any expense.
46. They formulate detailed plans for managing both the quantitative and the qualitative costs they are bound to incur.
47. If any of the beaters did incur his wrath, they were sent home.
48. Like the sole trader, the partners are personally responsible for paying off any debts the shop may incur.
49. Such measures inevitably incur substantial costs which in turn increases the cost of crop production.
50. The employer had, therefore, to incur heavy development costs before any net tangible benefits would accrue from the invention.
51. There are a number of other possibilities, if you are willing to incur the additional expense.
52. However, being inside the time does not incur either penalties or bonus points.
53. Abbey National investors were forced to incur costs selling their shares.
54. Lack of mobility may mean that older people with disabilities have to incur the cost of private transport in order to get about.
55. What on earth the referee had done to incur such mindless, moronic abuse, one can only hazard a guess.
56. What risks and rewards would an investor incur by writing calls on shares that he or she owns? 10.
57. After that date any name changes will incur an Amendment Fee - see page 11.
58. If the provisions of s213 can be satisfied, management would incur no income tax charge or capital gains tax charge.
59. Few people would dare to refuse them out of a morbid fear of them and the curse a refusal may incur.
60. Transfers made within 10 working days of the seminar will incur a 15% administrative charge.
61. To encourage employers to provide health benefits, the cost they incur could be credited toward the minimum-wage increase.
62. Loans would only incur future debt obligations, thereby hindering growth.
63. Obviously the girls were liable to incur unpleasant finger or hand injuries from badly aimed blows.
64. Therefore you may find that a bandage is not allowed if you didn't incur the injury in that day's competition.
65. If one was punctual and could pay in the long run, why incur the debt at all?
66. Because of this possibility, shareholders will have to incur monitoring costs or agency costs to ensure that managers behave properly.
67. Secondly, Woolwich feared that if it failed in its legal arguments it might incur penalties.
68. If any operating division wishes to incur capital expenditure, it submits an appraisal form to the Finance Director.
69. He had to incur liabilities.
70. A promoter may incur expense in establishing a company.
71. The amount of demurrage Incur be us $ 350.
72. The low-order linear interpolating will incur more aliase noise.
73. All companies incur accrued liabilities.
74. Everybody knew that Hancock may solve all, but because Hancock testiness has, contradictory, the caustic disposition, this let him incur many misunderstandings.
75. A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government.
76. The typetag mechanism does incur a bit of overhead, but it is usually worth it when compared with the frustration of recoding list after list.
77. If requested to split order due to backorder, customer will incur additional freight charges.
78. Please state whether the proposed project will incur any recurrent cost, e . g.
79. Being caught a third time will incur a hefty fine of $ 180.
80. Article 32 The joint trustees shall bear several and joint liability if they incur debts to a third party when handling the trust affairs.
81. The functional leader was unwilling to incur hiring costs before revenues accrued; as a result, the few people on each job were overworked and stressed.
82. "If the United States sticks to its Cold War mentality and continues to engage with Asian nations in a self-assertive way, it is doomed to incur repulsion in the region," the Xinhua commentary said.
83. Through the summaries of economic literatures, it was also found that land fragmentation would incur scale diseconomy , decrease total income of rural household and waste rural labors.
84. The currency curriculum did the excursionist incur loss of time and cash.
85. So when compared to a nested loop join, the merge scan join may incur the cost for sorting the inputs.
86. The dual track of economic transition forces constitutional transition to incur very high long-run costs that surpass the short-run benefits obtained by buying the support of the vested interests.
87. There were some who accused him of lukewarmness in his adopted religion, and others who put it down to greed of wealth and reluctance to incur expense.
88. These circumstances are complained finally company of card remove furniture, make its incur injustice.
89. Expenses that you incur to organize a new Rotary club are reimbursable in an amount up to 50 percent of the admission fee paid by the new club to RI.
90. "We intend to repair our corporate image," Mr Lau said. "We will incur some additional expenses for user communication."
91. Parents in the past would readily enter a child's room, or read a child's letters, without asking, says Mr Lu, but today are likely to incur the wrath of their privacy- conscious children if they do.
92. I haven't as much to risk if I incur your displeasure.
93. The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money.
94. To save ourselves from imaginary, or at any rate problematical, evils, we often incur real suffering.
95. "Costly punishment, " the type of punitive behavior studied by Nowak and his colleagues, refers to situations where a punisher is willing to incur a cost in order to penalize someone else.
96. However, I am not willing to incur risk of substantial permanent capital loss in seeking to better long term performance.
97. Early or tardy its due window of the job is highly discouraged, and it will incur earliness or tardiness penalty.
98. The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur.
99. Without promptly treatments or with erroneous treatments, Gastric ulcer may incur many complication such as gastric perforation, hemorrhage, pyloric stenosis, etc.
100. An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business.
101. Any isolation strategy, when taken beyond its logical usefulness, will incur additional operational cost.
102. Please note that client shall incur the costs of fund and account transfer charges or other associated expenses.
103. Being equipoised in happiness and unhappiness, profit and loss, victory and defeat; thereafter prepare for battle and in this way you will not incur sinful reaction.
104. Why incur the expense of setting us a trading market in permits at all?
105. For years, they have been able to incur debts in a currency that was far stronger, and had much lower borrowing costs, than the old national ones the euro replaced.
106. Carriers must pay for the costs that they cause other carriers to incur when interconnecting.
107. While that option would incur fewer casualties,(http://) it would not be militarily effective.
108. Does the old lord incur any risk in transferring responsibility to Anne - Marie ?
109. We expect to incur a minimum of $250,000 in expenses in order to effectuate our plans regarding our money transfer business.
110. We undersigned will be liable for all responsibility & cost that may incur.
111. Needless to say, we shall refund any expenses you may incur.
112. Budget closure: Lapsing of authority to incur approved Budgetary expenses.
113. Such evidence, however, characterized by its virtuality, intangibility, etc. , does frequently incur doubt of its authenticity and reliability since it may be deleted or altered easily.
114. Refugee capital increases with each passing day, which is easy to incur hidden danger in the financial system.
115. In a case the insurers themselves shall incur equal the compensation liability.
116. This has the advantage of not slowing down any new development, but can incur the cost of more difficult integration later on, when changes to the beta site must be re-integrated with the main site.
117. As a result, you could incur significant losses by requesting a cancellation of a Single Callable ELI prior to the Settlement Date.
118. Rates of theft and carjacking in many countries are considerably higher than in the US, and companies that rent nice cars also incur more expense from the loss of these cars.
119. In stroke play, does the player incur an additional penalty of two strokes for a breach of Rule 20-3c or a total penalty of two strokes under Rule 18?
120. In its registration statement, AOL said that it expects to incur up to about $90 million of additional restructuring charges in the last nine months of 2009.
121. Cost of resource city transition can be divided for ordering cost and cost of incur loss through delay .
122. Striking contract on these unfavorable terms will assuredly incur losses on you.
123. Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.
124. A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.
125. Article 32 The co?trustees who incur debts to a third party in the course of handling mist business shall bear joint and several responsibilities for clearing the debts.
126. We will indemnify you for any expenses you may incur on our behalf.
127. But the only true obligations they incur are those concerned with honesty, beneficence (doing good), non-maleficence (avoiding harm),( ) and respect for autonomy.
128. Europe and Rest of World rates will incur additional postage costs.
129. The extra premium Incur be to be pay by the buyer.
130. M ; Well , unfortunately, you would incur a penalty, as any premature cancellation of a time deposit.
131. You should take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness.
132. Article 32 The co-trustees who incur debts to a third party in the course of handling trust business shall bear joint and several responsibilities for clearing the debts.
133. Client shall incur the costs of fund transfer charges or other expenses.




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