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单词 surprising
释义 Word family  noun surprise adjective surprised surprising ≠ unsurprising verb surprise adverb surprisingly ≠ unsurprisingly  sur·pris·ing /səˈpraɪzɪŋ $ sər-/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective  SURPRISEDunusual or unexpected 令人惊奇的,使人吃惊的,出人意料的 She told me a surprising thing. 她告诉我一件令人吃惊的事。 A surprising number of his paintings have survived. 他的存世画作多得出奇。it is surprising (that) It is not surprising that most parents experience occasional difficulties. 大多数父母偶尔都会遇到困难,这不足为奇。it is surprising how/what etc It’s surprising how quickly you get used to things. 你的适应速度令人称奇。 It is hardly surprising that new mothers often suffer from depression. 初为人母者常患上抑郁症是不足为奇的。 THESAURUSsurprising making you feel surprised 令人惊讶的,出人意料的It’s surprising how quickly you get used to it. 你这么快就适应了,真令人惊讶。We got some very surprising results. 我们得到一些非常出人意料的结果。astonishing/astounding very surprising. Astounding sounds a little more formal and a little stronger than astonishing 令人惊讶的〔astounding 比 astonishing 稍显正式,语气更强烈些〕The results of the tests were astounding. 测试结果令人震惊。Things are changing at an astonishing speed. 情况在以惊人的速度发生变化。extraordinary very unusual and surprising 异乎寻常的,令人惊讶的It is extraordinary that such a young boy should be so good at maths. 这么小的孩子数学这么好,真不寻常。amazing very surprising – used especially about good or impressive things 〔尤指好的或令人印象深刻的事物〕令人惊讶的an amazing achievement 令人惊叹的成就It’s amazing what you can do when you really try. 当你真正去尝试的时候,你的能力是令人惊讶的。staggering very surprising, especially by being so large 〔尤因巨大〕令人惊讶的The project cost a staggering $8 million. 这个项目花费了惊人的 800 万美元巨资。unbelievable (also incredible) so surprising that you can hardly believe it 令人难以置信的It is unbelievable that she is only the same age as me. 让人难以置信的是,她只和我同年。The incredible thing is that he thinks he is ugly. 真不敢相信,他竟然认为自己很丑。Examples from the Corpussurprising• Which, given the way Wally rambles on, is scarcely surprising.• Some of the conclusions in the report were quite surprising.• It is a particularly surprising conclusion for so reductionist a subject as physics.• And it was surprising how frequently they found it necessary to motor down to Edmonton or Calgary.• Liddy really didn't want to change school, but it was surprising how quickly she got used to the new one.• This is surprising in view of the fact that over a longer term measurements can vary by much more than this.• There are a surprising number of taxis for such a small city.• A surprising number of teenagers leave school without being able to read and write.• Whether it also explains the equally surprising surge in menswear demand is less clear.• It wasn't surprising that her path and Guido's hadn't crossed.• Wasn't it surprising that so few people came to the party?• Even more surprising there are no stars: a deficiency which today usually condemns a climb to total obscurity.• In such a small town it was surprising to find so many really good restaurants.hardly surprising• If such a three-pronged assault on the ailing Soviet economy has a familiar ring to it, that is hardly surprising.• It is hardly surprising that, after what he had witnessed, he should set about some slaughter of his own.• These distortions are the very essence of prejudice, and it is hardly surprising that conflict with Peter had arisen.• Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.• Given such an approach it is hardly surprising that relations between pacifist and Communist opponents of the war during 1939-40 proved difficult.• And it is hardly surprising that she did not think of tongue speaking as a possible exception.• Under these circumstances it was hardly surprising that the police adopted a laissez-faire policy.sur·pris·ing adjective →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable   Corpus unusual unexpected or




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