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单词 Consortium
1 A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.
2 The aircraft will be built by a European consortium.
3 A consortium of construction companies will build the power-station.
4 The new aircraft was developed by a European consortium.
5 Our company forms part of a consortium of local businesses working for environmental change.
6 The consortium won a fierce takeover battle for the engineering group.
7 The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain.
8 Jackie Aitchison, chairman of the consortium, has spent much of the last few weeks in talks with potential partners.
9 For the first two years, the consortium will undertake a feasibility study into the best location for a geothermal demonstration project.
10 The consortium is accused of depositing more than $ 1.4m in Mr Sole's accounts over three years.
11 But it was sold to Tranwood Consortium late last year for just £1.6 million, just before going into receivership.
12 Inter-Company and Consortium programmes are run for organisations sponsoring smaller groups and provide a useful cross cultural experience.
13 Anyway, my father and his theatrical consortium have always been great fans of Trumpton.
14 A private consortium has financial backing for a scheme to build an entire underground toll-road system.
15 In 1993, the consortium published a report on its seven most improved high schools.
16 As consortium leader, Hellenic Shipyards will build the stainless-steel bodyshells, provide interior fittings, and assemble the cars.
17 The consortium is breaking out education, customer support, computer facilities, corporate communications and sales.
18 The consortium will then be licensed to operate the railways for 35 years.
19 Utell launched Summi International Hotels, a new consortium specialising in deluxe and five star hotels.
20 Leaders of the consortium are preparing for discussions with three potential partners in an effort to secure the colliery's financial position.
21 The two companies have joined forces to form a new consortium.
22 After the war, the hotel fell into the hands of an American consortium.
23 Airbus said the partners will hold shares in the new company equal to their stake in the existing consortium.
24 There was also a £12m provision against possible losses from its participation in the Channel tunnel construction consortium.
25 Giambologna's equestrian statue of Cosimo I has been cleaned under the auspices of the Pegasus consortium.
26 But opponents remain concerned about the involvement of Petronas in the consortium.
27 Oki was the last remaining corporate member of the Mass860 consortium formed to support the chip and garner a software following.
28 Currently, he leads an investment group that has reacquired Canary Wharf from a bank consortium.
29 San Francisco-based Bechtel is one of five companies in a consortium that is considered the prime candidate to build the 68-mile railroad.
30 In March 1991 -- almost four years after the consortium was formed -- they struck a gusher in the Cusiana field.
1 A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.
2 The new aircraft was developed by a European consortium.
31 Its location and the names of the major players in the consortium financing it will be announced shortly.
32 The bank also provided guarantees without which the consortium would not have committed itself to the project.
33 Name of Consortium - should we try to get professional help with this? 8.
34 Despite extensive plans by the consortium for landscaping, the conservationists claim the dump would turn into an eyesore.
35 It was hoped that sale of the stake would benefit the consortium.
36 The plant was begun by a consortium of private companies headed by the chemicals conglomerate, the Allied Corporation.
37 This consortium will concentrate on establishing an integrated urban and regional infrastructure data base for London and the South East.
38 Voter News Service, a consortium of the Associated Press and television networks, conducted the survey.
39 The low-emission consortium deals with technology that will cut petrol engine emissions to meet the tightening regulations.
40 It is expected to fetch about £100 million for a consortium of land owners.
41 The revelation comes as the Social Security Consortium prepares to issue a campaigning leaflet calling for reform of the fund.
42 Talks are taking place between leaders of the consortium and potential business partners.
43 Also, as owning firms have expanded they have diversified and have found themselves in competition with their consortium offspring.
44 The proposed global consortium will be established in close collaboration with local ministries of health and international agencies.
45 The company had held a 24 per cent stake in the consortium.
45 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
46 The Jana'ata, preoccupied with larger affairs, pressed no charges and released Sandoz to the custody of the Consortium.
47 Any profits from improved production efficiency are retained by the partners rather than benefiting the consortium.
48 Further investment is needed at the colliery, which reopened last year when 160 miners invested £10,000 each to form the consortium.
49 As problems emerged, building work was switched from one industrial consortium to another.
50 All the bills were picked up by a consortium of local banks and newspapers.
51 But he says it has some stiff competition from a consortium of Eastern universities and industry.
52 The consortium is being headed by the manager of the ice hockey team.
53 The bid was made by a consortium headed by Sir James Goldsmith through a specially created company called Hoylake.
54 The consortium paid US$50,000,000 for a 30 percent stake in Ikarus, with an option to increase the stake to 48 percent.
55 Project management is being provided by a consortium including Mott MacDonald and DeLeuw Cather.
56 The cost of making the programs was shared by a consortium of six public television stations.
57 The Fepaz consortium is expected to boost rail's market share from 1 % to 15 % following renovation of the line.
58 Further investment is needed to allow the consortium to open another coalface to speed up production.
59 A spokesman said the consortium was considering a judicial review.
60 Operating a consortium approach will require some form of management structure among general practitioners.
61 The consortium has fresh plans to pursue a sale.
62 the Anglo-French consortium that built the Channel Tunnel.
63 They have recently formed a consortium of textile manufacturers.
64 Allowing foreign banks to participate in RMB consortium loans.
65 They want to organize a consortium of labor parties.
66 A consortium of European institutions has made similar plans.
67 The contract was awarded to a consortium of construction and electrical generator companies.
68 Costain is on the shortlist against Laing O'Rourke, Balfour Beatty and the Kier consortium.
69 The bid-invitation procurement entity may not compel bidders to form a consortium for joint bidding, nor may it restrict the bidders from competing with each other.
70 Bank consortium loans will be recovered in succession over the next five years.
71 The consortium bid is not accepted in the tender. And no economic compensation shall be made to the unsuccessful bidder.
72 Three publicly owned agencies - the Post Office, OS and a consortium of local authorities - run lists of addresses.
73 In addition to its role as a conceptual description of XML data, the DOM is a series of Recommendations maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
74 That is where the most recent effort from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards organization comes in.
75 Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), it has the remarkable ambition of providing a practical and flexible graphics format in XML, despite the notorious verbosity of XML.
76 Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should refer to the principal brochure of the Bank Consortium MPF Plan for further details.
77 It's a member of the International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium ( INTELSAT ) , transmitting commercial traffic between six continents.
78 A tenderee shall not force tenderers to form a consortium for joint bidding or prevent tenderers from forming a consortium to participate in bidding.
79 The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was created in 1994 to develop common protocols that promote the Web's evolution and ensure its interoperability.
80 This problem was recently eliminated when the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) agreed that all URLs will be encoded in UTF-8 and nothing else.
81 The Internet Society (ISOC), which is a consortium of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices.
82 Experts, including those in the consortium are split into two warring camps.
83 The consortium beat competition from Balfour Beatty and a group that included Kier, Costain's arch-rival.
84 The cheque should be made payable to "Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited - Client A/C - Master Clearing".
85 Academic credibility is bestowed by a consortium of international universities.
86 The consortium building the barrier, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, insists that it will guarantee Venice's future, no matter how high sea levels rise.
87 Unicode Consortium : A non - profit organization working on a universal character set.
88 The monopoly position of regular ship consortium is broken, market structure produces change.
89 So promising is this line of inquiry that a global consortium with members from 17 countries is focusing its efforts entirely on the structural genomics of Mtb.
90 A consortium led by STX Group had also submitted a bid for Hyundai Corp but pulled out of the deal.
91 That answer comes from biological oceanographer Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
92 'A Consortium for Electronic Publication in the Humanities', with links to many projects of interest, e. g. Pompeian Households.
93 Get the full scoop on XSL standards from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
94 Pittsburgh - based Westinghouse, which was bought this year by a consortium led by Japan's Toshiba Corp.
95 The former Macau Electric Company was once housed in a building overlooking this 180-degree right-hander. The building still remains but is now occupied by the current electricity consortium, CEM.
96 XML is a new markup language specification developed by the W 3 C ( the World Wide Web Consortium ).
97 Hearst, another member of the consortium, has a start - up called Skiff.
98 He is Principal Investigator for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium.
99 The compiler automatically translates World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML schemas into Java classes, keeping you from having to write any complex parsing code.
100 XQuery is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard designed specifically for extracting information from XML documentation.
101 A consortium of Nigerian financial institutions and South African investors recently completed a $250 million underseas fiber cable along Africa's West coast.
102 The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the Lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
103 The consortium's operating principles assumed that the open source community would control the code and the commercial consortium would drive "marketing" and commercial relations.
104 The consortium is pleased and collude the avail , joint use shape.
105 For one thing, ERC/NSM, which he helped establish in 1986, has organized a consortium of 31 companies that is working on developments in tube hydroforming.
105 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106 Among his many business achievements, Mr. Chan is well-known as founding chairman of the Bank Consortium Trust, a venture of nine Hong Kong institutions that provide Mandatory Provident Fund services.
107 Please send this note together with a cheque to Bank Consortium Trust Company.
108 Bank Consortium Business Hubei Branch Celebrates Olympics, double upgrade Tournament.
109 Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should refer to the principal brochure of the Bank Consortium Industry Plan for further details.
110 ABMACO's National Recycling Program is a collective action, a consortium type.
111 If you want to write HTML that is well-formed XML, follow the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (see Resources).
112 Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship from European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
113 Many recommended standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promote namespaces for modularity.
114 The DOM Home Page at the World Wide Web Consortium: Visit the starting place for all things DOM-related.
115 Best Practices for XML Internationalization: Check out these best practices notes from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
116 Lawsuits: Able to sue for wrongful death, the emotional distress caused by a partner's death or injury, and loss of consortium caused by death or injury.
117 Each member of the consortium will bear joint liabilities to the Organizer.
118 W3C XML page: The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML page is a good place to learn more about XML and its related standards.
119 Earlier this year, Google released KML as an open standard that was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
120 W3C site: Find more information about HTML, CSS, XML, and other, related standards at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site.
121 Led by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), researchers from the consortium hope to combat the spread of drug-resistant TB strains.
122 It is founded upon the open standards of W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) and IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) and it now has been accepted by public.
123 W3C: Dig into a multitude of technologies at the World Wide Web Consortium.
124 His daughter , Tenel Ka , became the new Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium.
125 SAX has no official standards body; it is not maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) or any other official body, but it is a de facto standard in the XML community.
126 As with the magazine consortium , media companies own equity stakes in Hulu.
127 The workers were seized near a small oil field in the state of South Kordofan, which borders Darfur, where they were working under contract for a Chinese-led oil consortium.
128 In 2002, the Australian greyhound racing industry was stunned when Brett Lee was sold to a consortium of New South Wales businessmen for around $800,000.
129 Building operations create about one-sixth of China's total carbon emissions, according to the China Greentech Report 2009, published by a business consortium.
130 Enter into any joint venture , partnership or consortium arrangement.
131 PRISM is being developed by a working group of IDEAlliance (formerly known as GCA), a consortium of publishers involved with electronic technological infrastructure.
132 A tenderer may not compel bidders to form a consortium to make joint bidding and may not restrict competition among bidders.
133 XSLT is the important part of XSL designed for XML by the World Wide Web Consortium ( W 3 C ).
134 Stagecoach had made a deal with the consortium to buy National Express's UK bus and rail operations if the offer succeeded.
135 Tokyo consortium of researchers Hiranuma light that, if produced outside of China dysprosium and other "heavy rare earth", you need to spend considerable cost and time.
135 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
136 The consortium began its Herculean task by looking at supply chain processes.
137 In the United States, the Louisiana Board of Regents has funded the Louisiana Gene Therapy Research Consortium, associated with the team that created Mr. Green Genes the glowing cat.
138 For more information about PICS standards and syntax, see the World Wide Web Consortium Web site.
139 Warnborough House in Canterbury, England as a hub for our administration, teaching, alumni and our consortium.
140 Tender will be accepted from any partnership , private company, or consortium.
141 Now, Qihui are linked with these companies as a very strongly united consortium being Gansu Qihui appointed as their qualified and closed - bound general export agent .
142 Standards groups such as the Internet Engineering Task Force and World Wide Web Consortium use Unicode, and so should you.
143 Last month arms manufacturer BAE Systems said it was adapting military-style UAVs for a consortium of government agencies led by Kent police.
144 The consortium has identified a genetic link associated with liver injury in some people who receive the antibiotic Flucloxacillin.
145 Where in relevant State regulations or bid invitation documents there are provisions governing qualifications of bidders(), all parties to the consortium shall meet such qualifications.
146 A consortium led by former racing driver Dave Richards, investment banker John Singers, Investment Dar and Adeem Investment acquired the sports car manufacturer made famous by the James Bond films.
147 The consortium published its results almost daily on the web.
148 If a consortium wins the bid, the parties thereto shall jointly enter into a contract with the tenderer and assume joint and several liability over the winning project to the tenderer.
149 The candidate should be able to work in a large multidisciplinary consortium.
150 American companies did not even come look at the technology, so NatCore reached a deal with a consortium of Chinese companies to finish developing its invention and mass-produce it in Changsha, China.
151 The consortium including STX and the Middle Eastern sovereign fund will be led by STX Corp.




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