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单词 surprised
释义 Word family  noun surprise adjective surprised surprising ≠ unsurprising verb surprise adverb surprisingly ≠ unsurprisingly  sur·prised /səˈpraɪzd $ sər-/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  SURPRISEDhaving a feeling of surprise 吃惊的,惊奇的,惊讶的,诧异的 He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door. 他看到卡西站在前门旁,显得很吃惊。surprised at/by We were greatly surprised at the news. 我们听到这个消息后大感意外。surprised (that) She was surprised that no one was there to greet her. 她很惊讶竟然没有人在那儿迎接她。surprised to see/hear/learn etc I bet she’ll be really surprised to see me. 我打赌她看到我会感到很意外。 He had a surprised look on his face. 他一脸惊讶。 Don’t be surprised if the interviewer is rather direct. 如果采访的人说话比较直接,也不要吃惊。 I wouldn’t be surprised if she married that fellow. 要是她嫁给那家伙,我不会感到意外。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/really surprisedI would be very surprised if that was the case.quite surprisedI was quite surprised at his reaction.a little/somewhat/slightly surprisedHe was a little surprised by her request.mildly surprised (=slightly surprised)He looked mildly surprised by the question.pleasantly surprised (=when someone has a pleasant surprise)You will probably be pleasantly surprised at the amount of food you are allowed to eat on this diet.genuinely surprised‘Me?’ Theodora seemed genuinely surprised. THESAURUSsurprised having the feeling you get when something happens that you did not expect 惊奇的,诧异的I was surprised to see her again so soon. 这么快又见到她,我很惊讶。I’m really surprised that he remembered my birthday. 我真的很吃惊他竟记得我生日。Nobody was surprised when they split up. 他们分手了,没人感到意外。a surprised expression 惊讶的表情amazed [not before noun] extremely surprised, especially by something good or by something that seems hard to believe 〔尤因好的或难以相信的事物〕极为惊讶的I’m amazed that he survived. 我很惊讶他竟活下来了。You’ll be amazed when you see the difference. 等你看到变化就会大吃一惊。astonished extremely surprised 极为吃惊的He was astonished by how much she had changed. 她变化这么大真让他惊讶。an astonished look 惊异的表情astounded extremely surprised or shocked. Astounded sounds a little more formal and a little stronger than astonished 震惊的〔astounded比astonished稍显正式,语气更强烈些〕She was astounded by how much it cost. 这件东西价格不菲,令她大为震惊。staggered/flabbergasted/dumbfounded [not before noun] extremely surprised or shocked 震惊的,惊呆的‘What?’ I said, utterly staggered by his answer. “什么?”我说,他的回答让我大为惊讶。She just sat there looking flabbergasted. 她就坐在那里,目瞪口呆。stunned so surprised that you do not know what to do or say 吃惊的,不知所措的I was too stunned to protest. 我惊愕得都不知如何抗议了。Everyone seemed stunned by his outburst. 他暴跳如雷,似乎让每个人都大吃一惊。They listened in stunned silence. 他们听着,惊讶得默不作声。speechless so surprised that you cannot speak 〔因惊讶〕哑口无言的I was speechless when I heard that I’d won. 当我听说自己获胜了,惊讶得话都说不出来。taken aback [not before noun] surprised by what someone says or does, so that you are not sure how to react 惊讶的,不知所措的I was a little taken aback by her question. 她的问题让我有点猝不及防。nSharpe was somewhat taken aback by the girl 's directness.nonplussed /nɒnˈplʌst $ nɑːn-/ formal surprised and a little confused 惊讶的,不知所措的She was nonplussed by such an odd question. 这么奇怪的问题让她不知所措。ngobsmacked [not before noun] British English informal extremely surprised – a very informal useI was absolutely gobsmacked when they told me I had passed.Examples from the Corpussurprised• The two children were very surprised.• His exam results were great - we were all very pleasantly surprised.• Supermarkets may be as surprised as anyone to find themselves selling no more than 25 percent of national production by 1997.• I was surprised as I knew Len usually drove his own car to work.• When I saw him again, I was surprised at how much older he looked.• Julia seemed a little surprised by my question.• We couldn't help laughing at the children's surprised faces.• Carrie looked surprised. "I didn't expect to see you here!"• The player was surprised over his dismissal.• She was surprised that Colonel Scott Wilson wore a dinner jacket.• I'm really surprised that he remembered my birthday.• I am surprised that you should publish an article on the Tay floods with a meaningless figure.• Now that he came to think of it, Edward was surprised this point had never cropped up before.• Erika was surprised to find that she was beginning to like Bach.• We were surprised to see Drew's picture in the newspaper.• I was really surprised when I passed my driving test first time.• I was so surprised when I saw you walk in!I wouldn’t be surprised• "Do you think they'll get married?" "I wouldn't be surprised."• You know, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the top executives lose their jobs.• You know, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to get married.• I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she'd left that job by now.sur·prised adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus having feeling a of surprise




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