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单词 supine
释义  su·pine /ˈsuːpaɪn, ˈsjuː- $ suːˈpaɪn/ adjective formal  1  LIE DOWNlying on your back 仰卧的 OPP prone in a supine position 以仰卧的姿势2  DECIDE#allowing other people to make decisions instead of you, in a way that seems very weak 无所作为的;消极的;软弱的 a supine and cowardly press 懦弱无能的新闻界Examples from the Corpussupine• Wires, screens, machines and consoles surrounded the bed where the supine body lay.• As he squinted, he saw that the supine figure was glistening.• A phone box stood beside a deserted stretch of road - a red oblong rooted in the streaming supine grass.• a supine parliament• Needless to say, most sociologists are reluctant to relax into this supine position - and with good reason.• a supine position• The test was done in both erect and supine positions.• Its monstrous supine silhouette was clearly visible on the stairs.Origin supine (1400-1500) Latin supinussu·pine adjectiveChineseSyllable  back Corpus lying your on




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