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单词 suitably
释义  suit·a·bly /ˈsuːtəbli, ˈsjuː- $ ˈsuː-/ ●○○ adverb  1  suitably dressed/prepared/equipped etc SUITABLEwearing the right clothes, having the right information, equipment etc for a particular situation 衣着得体/准备妥当/装备完善等 We were relieved that Gordon had arrived at the wedding suitably dressed. 看到戈登穿着得体的衣服来参加婚礼,我们都松了一口气。2  SUITABLE[+adj/adverb] having the amount of a feeling or quality you would hope for in a particular situation 合乎情理地;如常人所期望地 ‘He owns three hotels.’ The others looked suitably impressed. “他拥有三家酒店。”其他人都相应地露出了钦佩之情。Examples from the Corpussuitably• This symmetry is required basically for optimum structural strength and to suitably accommodate the mollusc it protects.• The soil was suitably acid, I suspected, judging by the proliferation of rhododendrons I had seen.• If it is a public demonstration suggest that they wear a suitably neat outfit such as a track suit.• An outfit called the Boston Coalition for Freedom of Expression was suitably outraged about the events.• He recruited members of the Six Nations band, suitably painted and dressed in ceremonial garments.• One good thing which happened immediately was that Universities offered shortened degree courses to suitably qualified ex-service men.• Having put its money behind the project, Kodak felt that the photographers involved should be suitably rewarded.suitably impressed• I try hard not to look awed and am relieved when I manage to appear nothing more than suitably impressed.• Manson was suitably impressed and strongly identified with Hari-George's sentiments of disgust.• Vic and Benny were suitably impressed by the fate of the sailor.• Voice over John Major was suitably impressed with the offering.suit·a·bly adverbChineseSyllable  right equipment having the Corpus wearing the right information, etc clothes,




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