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单词 Comparative
1. The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
2. Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.
3. Blessedness is of comparative degree,you will feel it with more ease when there is something under you.
4. To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.
5. Then he was living in comparative comfort .
6. The comparative form of 'slow' is 'slower'.
7. She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen.
8. 'Fatter' is the comparative of 'fat'.
9. After many hardships, he now lives in comparative ease.
10. The comparative of "pretty" is "prettier".
11. 'More difficult' is the comparative of 'difficult'.
12. 'Better' is the comparative of 'good'.
13. Publishers here enjoy comparative freedom to publish what they want.
14. The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market .
15. She didn't want to leave the comparative safety of the shelter.
16. She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible,() soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
17. They walk very slow. In the comparative both slower and more slowly are used:Can you speak slower/more slowly?
18. I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.
19. the very youngest children. However, with comparative adjectives much, very much, a lot, etc. are used:Your work is very much better.
20. She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.
21. Comparative figures for last year clearly show how sales have declined.
22. 'Good', 'better' and 'best' are the positive, comparative and superlative degrees of 'good'.
23. 'Better' is the comparative of 'good' and 'more difficult' is the comparative of 'difficult'.
24. After living here five years, we're still considered comparative newcomers.
25. Has his party analysed those comparative costs?
26. Thus detailed comparative analysis of different religions is possible.
27. All have considerable experience of international comparative research.
28. Comparative land values indicated the superiority of free labour.
29. In a poor country, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth.
30. a dreadful little man . Note that it is usually only used before a noun and that it is rarely used in the comparative and superlative.
1. The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
2. Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.
3. She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen.
4. After many hardships, he now lives in comparative ease.
31. This essay presents further reflections on comparative method.
32. Does my hon. Friend know the comparative costs involved?
33. I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers.
34. Comparative political systems in the contemporary world.
35. This outline is especially pertinent for comparative purposes.
36. An excellent review of comparative methods.
37. The comparative institutional analysis outlined above proceeds as follows.
38. The comparative static propositions listed above can be tested with respect to these particular optimal values.
39. Overall, the statistical results confirm the relationship between economic development and democracy established by the comparative studies in the earlier phase.
40. The same method can not be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques.
41. Space and resources preclude an exhaustive or even an extensive comparative study in this work.
42. Neither does Victorian Britain provide any comparative baseline of a tranquil, law-abiding society.
43. Given the existence of resource mobility in a single country,(http:///comparative.html) the exploitation of comparative advantage is possible.
44. Obviously they can not weigh up the comparative cost of some type of credit which is beyond their ken.
45. Clearly this definition can be generalized in order to compare a number of different systems and thus provide a useful comparative measure.
46. There has never been a time in economic history when comparative advantage was less static.
47. We've done lots of comparative work, case-control studies ... soc: Oh dear!
48. From the comparative opulence of 17-6 they then slipped into penury by conceding 18 unanswered points.
49. Comparative analysis can then increase our confidence regarding what we know about the political world.
50. Briefing box 1.1 Making classifications: Aristotle and Finer Description and classification are the building blocks of comparative politics.
51. Comparative analysis suggests that there has been a considerable amount of divergence of evolution in the cortices of different mammalian lines.
52. There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.
53. The recent shift towards indirect taxation would have lowered even further the position of this country in the comparative scene.
54. This essay outlines the uses of comparative history as well as Mill's methods of agreement and difference.
55. The second is to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
56. This makes any comparative analysis of data recorded at different times or using different aggregation units problematical.
57. This suggested that a more detailed investigation into growth patterns, particularly on a comparative basis, would be valuable.
58. If anything, they served to intensify the boredom by providing a comparative.
59. Comparative cultural studies have now demonstrated beyond question that similar mythic tales are to be found in every quarter of this earth.
60. There was a period of comparative stagnation in the nineties and a brief interruption following the financial panic in 1907.
61. During the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations.
62. Comparative mythology combined with psychiatry is a mixture of dangerous brews.
63. The basis for international trade between countries can be explained in terms of the economist David Ricardo's theory of comparative costs.
64. A brief overview of comparative industrial relations in Chapter 10 completes the book.
65. The comparative weight of the evidence is, however, peculiarly the function of the trial judge who has heard the witnesses.
66. In the early 1820s the comparative material gathered from the United States by Liverpool abolitionists was used for parliamentary purposes.
67. We will ensure that comparative information about the health standards achieved by health authorities is available to the public.
68. Its object was to show the comparative structure and functions of organs throughout the animal kingdom.
69. In comparative politics, the political scientist compares countries in an effort to verify the theories that have been formulated.
70. From a place of comparative safety she was able to observe as Joe pushed his way onward, unaware of her move.
71. Whitfield enjoys a comparative luxury tonight with a full squad available.
72. The repeated empirical verification of the relationship, however, leads to two conclusions in the comparative literature.
73. But taking a wider historical and comparative perspective,(http:///comparative.html) there is some truth in these statements.
74. If the budget is actually balanced because of Clinton, his comparative stature in the annals of history will grow only modestly.
75. Descriptive Neither historical nor comparative grammar is a likely foundation for a modern language method.
76. Judgements about the comparative quality of schools are a consequence of open enrolment and need good management.
77. These magazines regularly feature comparative photos of men in outfits that look virtually identical.
78. Her life, comparative ease from the cradle up; she had to thank her father.
79. He buried himself in books on comparative religion, and began publishing scholarly tracts and books about the goddess.
80. However, this solution prevents the group achieving any gains from assigning people to tasks according to their comparative advantage.
81. Therefore they shed light on the comparative institutional questions with which we are concerned.
82. The presentation of comparative figures has been adjusted to reflect the new standard.
83. Multinational corporate profits and stock-market valuations are up been a comparative salt mine.
84. My comparative lack of basic talent came home to me on the practice ground before the first round of the Amateur.
85. Despite the above advantages, the comparative approach may be said to have three main failings.
86. Interest-rate subsidies have attracted more notice, but the comparative cost of credits in different currencies has not been much explored.
87. Because of the comparative thinness of the jigsaw blade, it is quite easy to steer it round quite tight curves.
88. The comparative method discloses a number of key issues which any legislation guaranteeing equal employment rights for disabled workers must address.
89. Third, a large portion of published literature in comparative politics uses quantitative analysis.
90. Developing countries are attracting investment not by lowering their standards, but because they are making the best of their comparative advantage.
91. It is proposed to investigate these relationships in historical context applying comparative and quantitative methods.
92. But since all faiths are imperfect, the question of the comparative merit of different religions does not arise.
93. The following week, on a gorgeous sunny day, I worked both in the sun and in comparative darkness.
94. In sum, the different comparative methods should be seen as complements to one another.
95. Comparative politics focuses on similarities and differences in political processes and structures.
96. Nevertheless an independent review emerged with a comparative analysis of a complex field.
97. It may be possible to apply all of these to groups who contrast in some way, so facilitating a comparative analysis.
98. New ideas can be bounced around in the comparative safety of the governors' meeting and reactions gauged.
99. The next set of problems concerns the nature of the comparative statics exercise implicit in the redistributive studies.
100. A trend had already been set in textiles, where the comparative advantage of cheap labour was becoming important.
101. Some techniques were employed to a lesser extent but still provide invaluable comparative results.
102. All stand to gain from such legislation and comparative employment law can be used to empower disabled people.
103. Well, it was a comparative review: there's better clip-art and more capable font handling among PagePlus's competitors.
103. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
104. Inspection of the comparative figures is both instructive and startling.
105. The law of parallelism was a means of linking comparative embryology into the search for a unifying pattern in the organic world.
106. I enjoyed this comparative freedom and spent a lot of time pacing around the cell.
107. Just as they reached the top and comparative safety, Lilley yelled for everyone to bale out.
108. Should a leadership value ever be required for comparative purposes then use the value as 10.
109. Had she locked herself in a place of comparative safety?
110. In attempting to answer these questions, we will be examining some of the most important aspects of historical or comparative linguistics.
111. In comparative terms, Britain does not have particularly high levels of social spending.
112. In the nineteenth and for most of the twentieth century, the theory of comparative advantage explained what needed to be explained.
113. I do not want the comparative figures to be distorted.
114. Because of our comparative approach, we must regretfully bypass interesting problems within the individual countries.
115. All three countries represent a state of affairs that defies predominant theories in comparative politics.
116. The comparative figures one year later of 14% and 10.9% are still worrying.
117. A parochial orientation also implies the comparative absence of expectations of change initiated by the political system.
118. Pre-Darwinian comparative anatomists took the former view; since Darwin, the latter has prevailed.
119. But the early debates were conducted almost entirely in terms of comparative anatomy and paleontology.
120. This apparent two-minute discrepancy should not compromise his accuracy, since comparative measurements should not be made using different instruments.
121. Since it does not, its alleged efficiency is effectively shielded from comparative evaluation.
122. Rather few comparative data are available from which to assess recent status changes, but these appear to have been marked.
123. The comparative politics literature is rich with examples of these different levels of analysis.
124. For comparative purposes, the team also took a similar set of readings on human walkers.
125. Purely descriptive studies serve as the raw data for those comparative studies that aspire to higher levels of explanation.
126. Price them and prepare a table to show comparative costs. 3.
127. Comparative data in Chapter 3 suggested that in most countries few adults are political gladiators.
128. Helminth communities of amphibians and reptiles: comparative approaches to understanding patters and processes - John M Aho.
129. These questions are especially germane in comparative research, where the analyst attempts to specify how the structure-function patterns vary between states.
130. Candy Apple Red are comparative new kids on the block.
131. The comparative method is not really a term referring to a fixed procedure that is to be followed rigidly.
132. Fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region.
133. Other recent examples of comparative studies are those of Lowe - independent study modules and lecture tours, in 1981.http:///comparative.html
134. Design - Ethnographic interviewing, a qualitative comparative method drawn from social anthropology.
135. A comparative approach will identify marketing factors which distinguish successful companies from less successful ones.
136. This study stands as one of the earliest and most comprehensive analyses of this research question using this particular comparative method.
137. In Figure 2.1 the case of reaping comparative advantage is examined.
138. Gooch was 57, Stewart 38, and the new-ball attack had been weathered with comparative ease.
139. Whichever option societies take, comparative figures for the new disclosures will be required.
140. Forster slithered to Delaney and got a grip, pulling him back to comparative safety.
141. For comparative purposes, Charles Barkley made $ 4. 1 million in salary and $ 3 million in endorsements last year.
142. The Bureau's comparative research programme comprises a continuing analysis of model properties and forecast performance.
143. Throughout the chapters, concrete examples from the comparative literature were used to demonstrate these points.
144. The alternative case where free entry restores standard comparative advantage is when factor endowments are sufficiently similar to permit factor price equalization.
145. At present the work focuses on developing comparative lists of qualifications and job descriptions for occupations at the skilled worker level.
146. All the topics covered would have to be placed in context but there would be no, say, comparative studies.
147. First, it is possible that a too narrow definition of comparative costs would be used.
148. As well as medical preparations, it contained a great deal of comparative anatomy, including fossils.
149. Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis?
150. Comparative figures Prior year comparative figures have been restated to conform to the current year's presentation where appropriate.
151. The discussion now turns to key examples from comparative politics that have examined these important questions.
152. Notes 1 A corollary branch of comparative research inverts the relationship to examine whether democracies achieve better levels of economic development.
153. Nevertheless, the court granted the plaintiff an interlocutory injunction even though the plaintiff had previously engaged in comparative advertising.
154. What then are the main conclusions about comparative politics that can be drawn from this cursory comparison to natural science?
155. To test these comparative static predictions, we carry out a similar exercise on the actual data.
156. Coming from a few rooms in Creek Lane, the Sisters may have wondered at the comparative spaciousness of their new surroundings.
157. The comparative study of institutions is not new in political science.
158. The fourth section summarizes these reasons, justifications, and terms for a science of comparative politics.
159. The comparative approach, like economic analysis, has both strengths and weaknesses.
160. The generality of conclusions from well controlled experiments can often be tested by comparative studies.
161. Where changes in presentation are made, appropriate adjustments are made to comparative figures.
162. It should be an easy task to produce a comparative table listing official language policies.
163. Yesterday had been the group's first taste of real sunshine and comparative warmth and it had fired their enthusiasm.
164. The most reliable of these comparative data measure voting in national elections.
165. The comparative figures for 1991 were 25 and 19 respectively.
166. The former agent did a comparative analysis of the manifesto and five pages of letters and essays authored by Theodore.
167. Owen was also put in charge of the College's museum, an important source of specimens for comparative anatomy.
168. The first is a comparative study of wool textile organisations, investigating the relationship between career development, innovation and company performance.
169. Check the comparative cost of living overseas as well as job prospects and wages.
170. The role of comparative biochemistry in parasites and its role in drug resistance - species differences in tubulin - E Lacey.
171. More economic patterns of resource allocation will result as underlying comparative advantages are allowed to exert their full potential.
172. A word of advice - don't sit for hours at the knitting machine, particularly if you are a comparative beginner.
173. It is useful, however, for its condensed advice on cooking methods, defrosting and especially comparative power settings.
174. Thus, the comparative analysis of achievable stopping patterns by bus, light rail and suburban rail is well done.
175. Cases are those countries that feature in the comparative analysis.
176. The Theogonist's leadership value is not therefore used, but has been included for comparative purposes.
177. This is Gurr's full theoretical and comparative statement on the motivation for violent political conflict.
178. Finally, Chapter 8 examines the comparative work on democratic institutions and democratic performance.
179. They rode out from the stables in comparative silence, the groom a little way behind as befitted his position.
180. This analysis of the differentiation of legal systems is also borne out if we take a comparative perspective.
181. Works on comparative anatomy continued this tradition, though by the nineteenth century there was more caution about using mankind.
182. They were especially interested in Darwin's use of the comparative method.
183. We stripped a combination of primer and varnish from a plywood screen with comparative ease.
184. The comparative study of kinship terminologies is one of the longest established traditions in academic anthropology.
185. In the classical theory of comparative advantage, there is no role for government in determining the location of industry.
186. Students of comparative religion, on the other hand, have evidenced somewhat more interest in tongue speaking.
187. You study the history of religions, comparative religion, the scriptures of the world, maybe the psychology of religion.
188. But he talked a hell of a fight, and continued to be a comparative media darling.
189. This book provides a good discussion of establishing functional equivalence in comparative politics.
190. I had it copied from a microfilm of the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology for 1975.
191. We are particularly interested in the comparative statics, and for this purpose we write down the equations of change.
192. A textbook on political science written from a comparative perspective.
193. Therefore, we enrolled patients with spurting or oozing haemorrhage in this comparative trial.
194. The comparative approach allows two major tasks to be carried out.
195. The fishing and fish-processing industry in North Shields is a comparative newcomer.
196. This equals the comparative cost and again the lowest figure represents the best value.
197. I saluted him and then made my way back to the farmyard and the comparative safety of the farm buildings.
198. This earlier project provides a comparative data base which will be used in assessing the impact of new guidelines.
199. The classical theory of comparative advantage is often taught as if everyone benefits from trade.
200. Historians have approached these areas, as have social scientists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, and some students of comparative literature.
201. He is following a correspondence course in gardening for adults with comparative ease.
202. Significance levels for comparative data were determined by the Wilcoxon signed rank test.
203. The department is accordingly a highly suitable base for postgraduate students seeking to pursue research or advanced study in comparative law.
204. These problems were outlined not to paralyse comparative researchers, but to highlight possible sources of bias in drawing valid inferences.
205. She said a comparative study of about 15, 000 randomly selected Gulf War veterans is planned for the near future.
206. As demonstrated, a percentage perannum return can be calculated for comparative purposes with other types of financial investment.
207. He was ridden down before he could reach the comparative safety of his parsonage at Yateley.
208. The details of the comparative method are a little sketchy, but she claims that Melanesian practice is very similar.
209. Economic evaluation and the calculation of comparative costs per quality-adjusted life-year gained is one way of providing such an explanation.
210. In one comparative study, over 30 radiocarbon laboratories dated the same sample.
211. Thus for comparative purposes the Category B gas-coal scenario should be used.
212. A comparative analysis of course documents made the extent and systematic nature of the changes quite evident.
213. An excellent article on selection bias using real examples from the comparative literature.
214. The comparative freedom that the close presence of grandparents afforded wives contributed significantly to the high standard of farming seen.
215. It also examines the comparative merit of centralized and decentralized management.
216. Comparative politics, in particular, can not use experimentation for both practical and ethical reasons.
217. Such comparative differences prevail in most developed and developing countries and in both rural and urban areas.
218. Their comparative analysis tests the linear and non-linear forms of the relationship between income inequality and political violence.
219. Similarly, cereal production per acre of arable land is indicative of the comparative efficiency of agricultural practices.
220. She shivered, and was glad to gain the comparative safety of the open area in the centre.
221. But there are no major studies that meet scientific criteria about the comparative medicinal benefits of smoked marijuana.
222. Riches or deprivation are comparative.
223. I got my degree in comparative literature.
224. My dear ones,[Sentence dictionary] I will not make a comparative analysis.
225. From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights.
226. Besides, Mi Wu is regarded as one of the pioneers of comparative literature in China.
227. Her Patterns of Culture ( 1934 ) is a classic study in comparative anthropology.
228. The comparative affluence of modern society itself provides at least part of the answer.
229. The exclusively comparative method brought in a set of false notions.
230. The log - house was full of smoke, to which we owed our comparative safety.
231. It flies in the face of the principle of comparative advantage.
232. The island or castle stood in this belt of comparative light.
233. In this respect, the proceeding was functionally similar to a comparative licensing adjudication.
234. Comparative anatomical studies on the vessel elements of Chinese Magnolia and Michelia.
235. a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries.




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