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单词 Lamenting
1. The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man.
2. She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
3. She sat alone weeping, lamenting her fate.
4. The man has been lamenting over his foolish mistakes.
5. He is still lamenting for friends who died in the war.
6. We sat miserably in the pub, lamenting the fact that our dry clothes were a 60-mile bus journey away.
7. All have prefaced the discussion by lamenting the barrels' disappearance.
8. Many seem to believe that lamenting the middle-class bias of their sample is a sufficient contribution towards equality.
9. Neville Chamberlain was still lamenting that Baldwin did not attack the Government instead of the press lords.
10. She was a fallen Magdalene and a lamenting dolorosa rolled into one.
11. Katydids were lamenting fall's approach.
12. John is lamenting over his girlfriend's misfortunes.
13. It's no good lamenting over your past mistakes.
14. The girl has been lamenting over her misfortunes.
15. But lamenting all day is useless.
16. Are they still lamenting for their homeland?
17. The new soldiers are still lamenting for their homeland.
18. It'sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.
19. The sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.
20. Should we be lamenting that so many New Yorkers went to college?
21. To lose the present in lamenting the past, was voluntarily to protract a melancholy vision.
22. Some were standing; some seated. Some were lamenting , and in restless motion; but, these were few.
23. Lamenting because the papers hadn't been destroyed and the money kept.
24. The tone of Tithonus' words seem to be of great regret and self lamenting.
25. The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius(), power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
26. She could feel her soul crying out in her, lamenting desolately.
27. The footsteps came nearer, grew quiet and turned to low whispers like ghosts lamenting.
28. Is your husband such a precious bargain that you should be grovelling there, lamenting and groaning for him?
29. A graphic representation of the subject of Poe's most celebrated and tragic narrative poem of the same name, supernaturally lamenting the death of a young lover.
30. "He is a part of the family, " she said, lamenting though that he had taken a path of what she called "aspiring porn" — a reference to his photo-shoot last week for Playgirl.
1. The poem opens by lamenting the death of a young man.
31. Mrs Smith is still lamenting for her daughter, two years after her death.
32. Considering Google's history, Digg fans should probably be celebrating rather than lamenting the company's nonacquisition.
33. More than the miserliness of the landlord, the mother is lamenting the capriciousness of her fate.
34. It'sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.




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